So Rude!
8 years ago by

PUT. The phone. DOWN!
But seriously. This age of narcissism is spiraling out of control. I’ve been reading a lot about social media and how it’s affecting us – this article from i-D really paints a picture. And perhaps I was pretending not to see it, until the other night at a workout class, when, in the midst of a highly motivating and exceptionally intense leg / thigh rep – I gazed to my left to the girl in the front row. Casually filming herself in the mirror, making faces, and then turning the camera on her two friends near by. Not to mention the interim chatting while the instructor is trying to bless us with her knowledge and creative force.
I was, astounded. WHAT? Wasn’t that quite rude. Here’s this class, filled with upwards of 60 people, sweating their asses off in tight pants that give everyone wearing them a camel-toe, just trying to better themselves. Why would you need to broadcast this moment to people? Can you imagine attending a class where the teacher – mid instruction, picked up her phone and just filmed herself. Wouldn’t you be horrified??
My point is, if we keep moving in this direction, where every moment of our lives becomes important enough to share, even the ones where your thigh-mastering – where do we go from here? When given these opportunities to embark in a workout with someone who is giving you their all, shouldn’t we give them the respect they deserve?
PS FROM GARANCE : and it means a lot cause Brie never gets mad!!!
Yes- I totally agree with you! The constant use of phones everywhere at anytime is out of control. So rude and so unnecessary. Phones are great when they don’t get in the way of being respectful and connecting to the people around you.
i love the picture: is it “cindy is 50 but still so hot” month and i didn’t get the memo? :)
Ridiculousness! That sums it up in one word. Why should anyone care that you are working out? Doyou have a to prove that you actually do work out? Are you bragging about how hard you are working out? Do you want all your friends and other voyeurs to watch you sweat and see how great you still look in your camel toe leggings at your work out? I am mad too…Concentrate on what you are doing and where you are and who you are WITH. In an age when we can communicate with anyone, anywhere, at any time; it seems as if our quantity is way up and our quality is way down, and that is where I see it going unless someone stands up and wakes people up. Thank You
TOTALLY agree with this. I live in San Francisco and Grace Cathedral does this really amazing yoga class on Tuesdays where there are hundreds of people sprawled out inside of this massive church doing yoga that is incredible meditative and spiritual. Really a cool thing. A few weeks ago, midway through the session, the girl next to me whips out her phone and starts emailing/checking instagram. Naturally, it kind of threw off my whole state of mind. If you can’t avoid technology while doing yoga in a church, where can you avoid it?
Is it possible to post pictures of people without their permission? I mean, of course, pictures with numerous people are one thing, but who would dare to post a picture from a workout class of the other participants? That seems to be beyond the pale. I have been tempted to post pictures of people in public whom I found to be particularly classy and well-dressed, but of course, the readers may disagree, and I don’t have the right to subject these people to that without their consent, even if I go into it with positive intentions.
One benefit of small workout classes: nobody would dare (or go unnoticed or unchallenged) take pictures of other participants. What you do with yourself is your own problem, but you have no right to drag others into it.
and then there was the yoga teacher that got fired from a Silicon Valley tech company for asking someone to stop texting during class. Really you are there to disconnect not annoy everyone around you.
I agree! ;)
I took it even one step further, I don’t have a i-phone/android, etc. Just an old phone for emergencies only.
Brie, dans mes bras!! je suis complètement d’accord! et pas seulement les selfies, mais aussi le fait de ne pas savoir lâcher son téléphone au quotidien, à des moments où franchement, on n’en a pas besoin. Au café avec des amis par exemple, tout le monde pose son téléphone sur la table et saute dessus à la moindre vibration, ça m’énerve!! j’essaie le plus souvent de le laisser dans mon sac, tant pis si je rate un appel!! je trouve que ça nous empêche d’être dans l’instant et de profiter du présent et des autres, et c’est vraiment triste en fait – et un peu malsain aussi… ça me fait un peu peur quand je vois à quel point ça affecte (et change) nos vies, et c’est très difficile à contrôler. Je t’envoie un lien vers une vidéo que tu dois connaître, qui m’a beaucoup touchée tant elle est vraie malheureusement:
surtout que ça empêche tellement de VIVRE l’instant à fond… de transformer tous nos instants en trucs virtuels pseudo passionnants…
Really? Stuff like this happens? I live in a small European country, and every time I read something on this site, about being attached to phones, I think it must be a fashion industry thing. Or a New York thing. Anyway, I only see phone obsession in young kids who play games all the time. Adults being phone obsessed is something that we have not caught up with, although we have smart phones, obviously. If this is our future, too, well… omg.
I agree with you. Somehow we’ve lost respect for others, it’s generally accepted that you can record or take pictures of almost anyone in every situation… and if you complain you can eb accused of being insecure or paranoid or just boring. It freaks me out!
I actually can’t believe that but kinda can at the same time because the way the world is now. I am yet to see someone do that in my workout class but would be very annoyed if they did! x
I think it is the lack of importance of moments that make them broadcastable, a moment worth living and enjoying does not give you the time you need to take the picture ! Bisous Muac!
So rude, a workout class (along with SO many other places) is a time to forget about everything and just concentrate on yourself.
Couldn’t agree more. Sometimes it just gets ridiculous – few weeks ago, just as I was waiting for my turn for an x-ray, a young woman sitting near me took her i-Phone and… started shooting selfies. In a hospital corridor. Making pouty lips, checking the light, etc. It was like watching National Geographic programme on a very exotic tribe doing this or that. Only live and about 3 m away. Not to mention people talking to their go-pro cameras while skiing downhill or running in a crowded street run.
Yes, very rude indeed. My yoga studio does not permit any cellphones in the class ( you need to leave them in the lockers). Furthermore, once you sign into the studio, you need to put your phone on mute, as a respect to all. It works.
I agree!
(I have no children but i wonder how difficult it must be to grow up when the adults behave like children all the time …)
Wow, I wouldn’t even think of taking my phone with me to a gym class. I go there to focus just on myself and to disconnect. Social media can be addictive and I certainly get distracted by it a lot, too, that’s why I don’t take my phone with me everywhere to resist the temptetion to check out Instagram all the time. I noticed I sometimes get anxious without it because I feel like I’m missing something; but the truth is that the only thing that we’re missing is the real life. You’re absolutely right that it all went too far and that some people are just acting rude. I can’t even count how many people I’ve seen playing with their phones during classes at university; often lecturers see it and I kind of feel stupid, too – as I’m a part of the generation who does it.
People who do that, want credit for having a healthy lifestyle, they aren’t actively improving themselves. So annoying. I don’t take my phone to the gym or yoga, it’s my time to be inward, to dream, think and feel the strength of my will and body. Design Yourself, doesn’t happen while distracted, it takes mindful practice to create the best version of yourself.
Yes, it’s exhausting… phones phones pictures cameras ringing dinging… this concern needs a voice :) I was brought up where talking on the phone in front of other people was rude, for sure, much less taking pictures in the middle of a class. It’s gotten to the point where if you are talking to someone in person, someone on their phone looks at you as if you’re the one who’s rude! Ughhhhhhh :) At my nephew’s highschool they have a rule where if you’re caught texting in class you get detention, which is great, thank gosh, they’re learning somewhere, at a young age, it’s not okay.
I completely agree! No one knows how to live in the present moment anymore. We are victims of reality TV and celebrities posting every mundane detail of their lives. The mystery of life is slowly evaporating, as is the common courtesy of giving your attention to an instructor/speaker/live performance/movie…etc. People cannot just be. It all has to be manufactured into a little picture for everyone to see and like. It’s sad :(
I find the constant handling of phones to be so exhausting. I’ve sat in meetings with highly educated people who constantly check their phones. I just want to scream, Pay attention!
PREACH sister!!! I’m the no-makeup at the gym type and the if I’m not drenched in sweat I did not get a good workout kind of gal. #cutitout #getyours #respectotherpeople
Je comprends totalement! Et le pire de tout: quand tu es avec qqun, à DEUX, dans un bar ou au resto, et que cette personne passe son temps sur son téléphone. Hé oh, je suis là moi aussi !
C’est pour ca que jamais je n’irai sur snapchat… La dérive à bel et bien commencé :( On est foutus !!!
(Je me sens vieille en écrivant cela – et je n’ai pas encore 30 ans, mais merde, c’est vrai quoi!)
How I love all the comments above. But perhaps even worse than the privacy invading photo-taking is the strange person who secretly records conversations.
I am a 100% with you on that!!
Wow… And how old was this privacy invading/rude little gym-bunny-selfie-devotee? It’s such infantile behaviour -“look at meeee”.
I thought all gyms/yoga sessions have strict “no mobiles” policies- I know in Perth, it’s considered crass to be overtly made-up/primped in an exercise session, let alone be taking selfies- but that could relate to the general disposition of Australians to take down those who are vain.
Thank you! This is the absolute worst! If you can’t dedicate 50 minutes to being fully engaged with yourself and only yourself, you have a problem. Never mind the fact that you’ve probably paid good money to take to that class, and took away a spot from someone else who is really trying to better themselves. Motto – If you look good enough for a selfie, you’re not working hard enough.