Small Packages
8 years ago by

Good things do come in small packages.
Like these fragrances, which all have beautiful scents inspired by different seasons. The smaller size of the bottles makes it a perfect size to carry with you everywhere – and you only need a light dab on each wrist (it’s a roll on) to smell really, really good…
We love the Tilly scent right now, which was inspired by summer (Yes, it’s definitely on our minds!), and reminds us of the sun and surf. Do you wear different scents for different seasons? And if so, when is the time to make the change?
Fragrance oil, Rosie Jane.
Je ne change pas vraiment en fonction des saisons, mais en fonction de mon humeur. La preuve, même si on est au printemps, j’ai acheté il y a quelques jours un parfum très épicé, qui évoque une pièce dans laquelle on brûle plein d’encens sans arrêt… (Karma de Lush pour tout vous dire !). Mais j’ai aussi décidé d’essayer un parfum solide à la rose. Et quand au petit format, déjà c’est moins cher et donc idéal pour essayer de nouvelles fragrances (même si on préfère nos classiques en grand format !).
S | French Girl In DC
I have a dresser-full of perfumes. I rarely get through an entire bottle, so lately I’ve been buying the roller versions when I buy new scents to limit myself. I don’t change based on the seasons or anything else that makes sense, I basically decide right before I leave what I feel like wearing! Lately I’ve loved Tory Burch’s three new scents.
Travel-size scents are always a welcome addition! Quick question: I’ve read about roll-on bottles occasionally experiencing leaks. Have you seen this at all with these?
I love small packages!
I always change my scents. I don’t even know what it depends on… I am not picky about perfume – I love almost anything! So I also change them often.
At the moment I’m using D&G new scent and Givenchy. And Chanel no 5.
Love them :)
very nice things to do with these tiny packages
Lovely bottles!