Selfie Stick
9 years ago by

I thought it was a passing fad.
Although it’s crept into my Instagram feed a few times in the past, I took it as irony — maybe a funny gift given to someone I know — but it feels as though the selfie stick is slowly edging its way to the fringes of normality. Well beyond the hands of solo tourists or honeymooning couples, I’ve seen some of my friends post photos and videos (albeit creative) assisted by the selfie stick.
I can only hope this is a joke gone too far because, if the selfie stick is here to stay, then what’s next?? Or are you in favor of the selfie stick? I don’t think I could do it, especially not in public…
Je trouve ça un peu effrayant…Déjà le selfie, si ce n’est pas de plusieurs personnes, c’est un peu ridicule, mais là assumer ça, ça veut dire que l’égo va plutot bien…Et si ça dure, on aura donc droit aux outfits complets des gens qui se selfise…Ça promet…
Neada – am I completely oblivious: what is a selfie stick? Is this the same as a plain-old-regular selfie?
I am also unsure of what a selfie stick is…
a selfie stick is a pole where you attach your phone at the end of it so that you can extend your arm’s reach when taking a selfie and cover a wider angle in the picture. if you google it you will see many illustrations of it.
as a solo traveller who always comes home with a million cool pictures but none of herself I can really see the benefit of this, but yeah like you say.. I don’t think I would dare use it in public. but than again when I say that I also kinda feel like I shouldn’t care so much what other people think.. have been in between those to points of view for a long time when it comes to selfies! result so far: very few selfies.
ben avant on trouvait toujours un passant pour nous prendre en photo, je ne comprends pas l’obsession du selfie ni de s’agglutiner dessus.
Agreed, it would be way to embarrassing to do for me in public. It’s sort of like taking pictures with iPads in public haha…
J’ai une perche pour ma gopro qui sert aussi bien a avoir son appareil bien en main que pour se filmer soi meme. Je trouve ça sympa quand on part en voyage seul ou pour le sport extreme, pour garder des souvenirs, mais meme dans ces cas là j’ose pas m’en servir.
I also thought selfie sticks were a bit ridiculous but then again I’m not a selfie kind of gal, but seeing “H” comments I can see how there’s a need for the sticks besides just self-indulgence or a fad gone to far. I guess with time, if a lot of people do it everything becomes normal. My personal experience with the iPad was like that, I was one of those who thought taking pictures with iPad was ridiculous (deep down I guess I still think so) and then I got one and became one of those people taking pictures with it, convenience overtook ridiculousness for me!
I’ve passed the stage of taking selfies… And if I ever do the selfie stick thing, it would have to be in a group setting so I won’t be the only one looking silly haha!!!
Selfie stick a.k.a the mini version of a monopod which you can easily carry in your bag , are widely popular here in Asia, not to mention among my fellow Indonesian. I think our narcissistic nature or you can say “shameless” nature are higher compared to most people from other parts of the country. Haha. Even there’s a new innovation called Octo-pod, where my friends carry whenever he travels alone. The Octo-pod looks like an octopus with many legs which you can adjust in term of height and position , so you can easily hang them anywhere and took many different angle to make your photo look much even cooler! I’m so amazed !
No. Just no.
the invention we all should have thought of!
giveaway on my blog
NON, non, non to the selfie stick. Can’t imagine stuffing something like that in my bag {it’s full anyways} .. When I’m carrying around my tripod, I even get nervous or an umbrella, ugh, another annoying object.
Je rentre d’Asie, où la majorité des touristes chinois, japonais et coréens étaient armés de ce fameux selfie stick. Entre ça et les GoPro, franchement, je ne suis pas plus choquée que ça… Mais je ne le ferai probablement pas.
I can see the appeal and have thought about buying one because I don’t have a lot of photos of myself when I travel. Since my camera is also my phone it’s a little scarier asking a stranger to take a photo for me. I think the last time I did the stranger was also drunk which added another level of scariness. And even if you are with other people, if you want them all in the photo without needing a tripod…
I’m also thinking it would be useful to get shots above my arm reach. Above crowds of other things in the way…
C’est vraiment quelque chose qui me dépasse aussi! J’avoue que je me moque pas mal des passants qui se prennent en photo avec leur stick :)
I don’t get it either: why ont ask someone passing to take a picture of you/your group? Like in the old times? this thing launched in South Korea where girls are apparently obsessed with their own pictures, and last time I was in London it was scary to see all those people (tourists) with this stick, taking a picture of themselves in front of nothing remarkable, and even this girl taking pictures of herself while walking on Oxford Street, arm extended… egomania, not nice.
This has gone too far, this trend of validating an experience, a moment, with not only a picture (which I completely get), but with a selfie or selfie-stick selfie. Peeps, you don’t have to be on the picture to proove anything (that you’re cute, that you’re trendy, that egoistical fact that your life is more enjoyable than the one of your friends/neighbours/social media friends) It’s not ‘I think therefore I am’ anymore, but ‘I selfie myself therefore I am’.
I hope this egotiscal fad goes away soon.
We gave up asking strangers directions (now, we have GPS and all…) and now, we should yet lower the level of interactions with local populations by taking our photos of us ourselves? (plus, I don’t get the point of self-portraits, anyway…)
So, no to selfie sticks (should the question even be asked?), they are ugly and take up a lot of place, which kind be a real problem in crowded cities and sites.
As a solo traveler, maybe, a very big maybe, but otherwise NO. It seems like everyone (but me, thank god) found one of these under the Christmas tree. I found it super annoying and it looks silly especially when you see the stick in the photo.
No thanks. :)
I like to make as little fuss about taking photos as possible. When travelling, I use an analogue camera, otherwise I would go crazy trying to get a perfect picture and not focusing on the experience. I don’t take selfies, except when a cute animal is sitting on me (I have an ashaming amount of pictures of me and my cats), so the stick would be completely useless for me, not to say uncomfortable and awkward.
I thought the selfie stick was a stick with which to smack people who won’t stop taking selfies.
What Roland Barthes may have said about the selfie ;)
Figure-toi que des psychiatres et scientifiques américains ont déclaré que la prise de selfie était de l’ordre de la maladie mentale! Ils ont même fait une classification, borderline selfitis (les gens qui se prennent en photo 3 fois au moins par jour sans les publier), puis ça va crescendo avec ceux qui prennent plusieurs photos et qui en publient quelques unes, puis ceux qui les publient toutes! Dingue, enfin on pensait tous ça mais maintenant c’est la science qui le dit!
déjà la folie des selfies je trouvais ça légèrement ridicule (le selfie des cheveux, des pieds… du cul ??!! ) mais avec cet accessoire ça dépasse des sommets! je reviens de Prague, tout le monde en a, à Rome c’est pareil … je suis à Lille ça n’est pas encore arrivé ici, ouf!!!
I’m on the cusp. I’d really like one, because let’s face it, it’s hard to selfie with a large group of friends and I suddenly feel like I have T-Rex arms. It’s also really difficult to climb the Arc De Triomphe and selfie with the Eiffel Tower in the background (trust me, I tried, and I look really bug eyed). So… yea, sometimes the occasion calls for it. But I’m not about to go to the mall or work with it in hand either. I’ll just save it for the odd occasion, and tourist moments. =P
As a mom and the chief “photographer in the family” I bought one of these Selfie Sticks for our family and for my sisters families and sister-in-law. I believe it important and special that we moms actually be in some, even if only a few, photographs with our children for posterity sake. I’ve found though that I haven’t had the nerve to take it out and use it though – it just looks too silly and pretentious. Maybe around the home or private yard but in public I’d feel like a fool. There is a new product called HISY that allows user to hold it in their hand and snap a photo from their iPhone which has been placed away from them. I would feel more comfortable using that but haven’t bought it yet. Both items (Selfie Stick and HISY) are sold for around the same price online – I’ve found both priced at under $30.00. :)
I can’t. I just can’t. Don’t most bloggers state no selfie ever comes out well have someone else take your photos. It just seems odd.
Call me old-fashion, but I never took a selfie and never intend too…