Je suis à Miami et je viens promis!!! WAAAHHH je suis tellement excitée!! Je vous suis depuis 2006 et je vais vous rencontrer les 2?? WWAAAHHHH Comment je m’habille? J’ai besoin d’un murmureur de vêtements
Can’t believe I missed Scott here in Vancouver. I have friends that went and bought the book. This is what happens when you miss reading posts for several days! I’m sure he’ll have a great turnout in Miami – best wishes!
That reminds me about how me and my 2 friends went to his Paris book signing in September after geting up at 3 am, a 4 hour train ride and a whole day of sightseeing. I felt so horribly underdressed! It was like fat day and bad hair day at the same time. lol
He was incredibly nice to us anyway and even signed our silly Paris journals with roses and stuff.
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
J’y étais il y a 15 jours, je suis dégoûtée… Excellente séance de dédicaces à Scott !
Je suis à Miami et je viens promis!!! WAAAHHH je suis tellement excitée!! Je vous suis depuis 2006 et je vais vous rencontrer les 2?? WWAAAHHHH Comment je m’habille? J’ai besoin d’un murmureur de vêtements
I like his page and that book would be great. I didnt see it, but pics on his page a amazing. Have a nice friday.
Can’t believe I missed Scott here in Vancouver. I have friends that went and bought the book. This is what happens when you miss reading posts for several days! I’m sure he’ll have a great turnout in Miami – best wishes!
today: ab FAB hand painted bangles from Australia
J’ai vraiment envie de le trouver le livre de Scott!
Théa Unknown
I’m stuck in the suburbs with no car! Waaa! I need to find a way to get there. Somehow I will. See you there!
Wish I could be there :(
Ahh Garance! je te suis depuis le tout debut ( enfin presque!), bien sur que je serais la demain ! bisous Anne-Julie
Yes! How exciting, hopefully this experience in Miami has been better than last time! See you tomorrow :)
That reminds me about how me and my 2 friends went to his Paris book signing in September after geting up at 3 am, a 4 hour train ride and a whole day of sightseeing. I felt so horribly underdressed! It was like fat day and bad hair day at the same time. lol
He was incredibly nice to us anyway and even signed our silly Paris journals with roses and stuff.
I will be there! Excited to meet The Sartorialist in person!
Getting excited for the signing in DC in a couple weeks!! Garance, will you be there as well? (read: will this be the best day ever?)
Si seulement j’étais là !!