Reverberation Radio
7 years ago by

Dear Reverberation Radio,
I remember painstakingly curating tapes for friends and boyfriends, making sure each song flowed perfectly into the next to create the ultimate mix. I’ll go ahead and date myself now and say how especially amazing it was when I was able to catch that one song on the radio (yes radio, because this was before I owned CDs) and include it on the tape.
That was before I met you, though. Before my friend from France introduced us, I can’t believe we had never met! You have that amazing ability to find music that seems appropriate in several wildly different settings, like a dinner party, cleaning my bathroom, and taking a good road trip.
What I love most about about you, though, is that you give me music I’ve never heard before – way to keep me on my toes, Reverb. Is it ok that I call you that?
Unlike a regular playlist, with you, I can’t easily skip to the next song and the excitement about what’s next carries me through and usually before I know it, the episode is over and I’m left thinking about your return for another week.
So, thank you. And until next week…
Photo via
Jolie travail, magnifique concept.
Lecjoa pourrait certainement donner un plus.
THANK YOU Carie, this is exactly what I needed.