Puppy Love
8 years ago by

Since I moved a few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I have been really strongly considering getting a dog. We have a bigger place, we got a car, we’ve gone full-blown domestic, so a dog feels like a natural next step!
We both grew up with dogs, but it’s a long time since we’ve had a puppy in our lives, so instead of just going ahead and getting a dog, we decided to foster a puppy. That’s how this cute pup, Tammy, came into our lives! I picked her up on Sunday—she was rescued in Nicaragua—and we’re taking care of her until someone adopts her! She’s only about 12 weeks old so it’s a lot of work, we’re house training her and teaching her to go on walks, but she is a bundle of love and couldn’t be sweeter. I think it’s so cool that in cities like New York there are so many opportunities to foster before adopting. It’s such a great experience, and such a nice way to care for the dogs rather than leaving them in a shelter.
It’s definitely teaching us a lot about city life with a puppy…and I think we’ll still want a dog when all is said and done!
If you’re interested in adopting or fostering a dog, you can find more information here: Social Tees!
Have been dreaming about a dog for years! <3
i have a cat! a pet makes you happier, everybody knows it! :)
the uncle used to ask the time
Quel beau geste… Et c’est vrai que le chiot est mieux dans une famille qu’au refuge. Nous, nous sommes plutôt « chats », mais tous recueillis aussi.
Belle soirée
C’est marrant, je viens de lancer les démarches pour faire la même chose à Paris avec l’asso respectons !
Trop hâte d’avoir un petit protégé…
I need you to get a dog just so that I can go “aaaaaw” 10 times a day! x
Trop mimi! C’est une super idée pour voir si on est vraiment prêt à accueillir un animal. C’est une responsabilité à long terme et trop d’animaux sont abandonnés parce que les gens ne s’en rendent pas compte. Nous avons une chienne cocker Java et c’est un amour. Elle me suit partout et comme je travaille à la maison, je profite vraiment d’elle. Bien sûr les vacances sont toujours un casse-tête car nous devons trouver des endroits dog-friendly mais elle nous donne tellement d’amour. Bonne chance avec Tammy. C’est une merveilleuse initiative!
I wish more people were as responsible! Loving this post! Well done!
the best of luck with tammy, emily! training a pup can be exhausting sometimes, but it creates a strong bond. it also makes you aware of the many things dogs take an interest in – almost a parallel universe. and who knows, after all is said and done, you might decide to keep her yourselves…
can you take her with you to the studio?
Such a good idea! I bet you’ll be happy and feel good!
Tammy is so gorgeous! My husband and I have wanted a dog for years, have plenty of space on the city fringe but are never home so feel it wouldn’t be fair. I’ve never had a dog and would be nervous to train a puppy, but love the idea of having an older rescue dog :)
I love animals. In Poland there is a lot of organizations that help animals like dogs, cats, horses, foxes and other poor animals that need help. I have cat and dog but I still think of adopting some dog. What you did it is really brave because I can’t imagine take dog or cat just for a second. I would fall in love for it to quick and I couldn’t give it back.
Hi. Don’t you mean “full-blown” domestic? Not “full-blow” . . .
Hi Suzanne,
Thank you for your comment! I’ve updated the error. x Natalie
ahaha!! you had someone in mind all along!!
Next to having children, getting a dog was one of the best things I’ve ever done!
Bien bien