Pocket PMF

Pocket PMF: New Year’s Resolutions

7 years ago by

Pocket PMF: New Year’s Resolutions

In today’s episode of Pocket PMF, Garance is at the Studio talking about New Year’s resolutions with Natalie, Brittany and Emily. They chat about resolutions of past, present and future, helpful ways to stick to them and more!

[podcast_episode episode=”245534″ ]

Photo sur Pia Moore.


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  • Damares Castelar January, 5 2017, 7:59 / Reply

    i simply loved this podcast. i am a person who notes everything i plan to do or achieve, but i write impossible goals sometimes and as you said, its not black and white. i was thinking about exercising everyday but i know i won’t do it, for exemple. so, thanks for this podcast and happy new year!

  • My resolution is to listen more intently to people I am talking to. Respond to what they say before just adding my bit.
    This may not make sense, but it is a bad habit. Caught myself doing it today, little steps!!

  • I resolved to love myself this year, befriend with it more than anything, with the whole wave of resolutions and the fresh start, this is something I wrote about because I don’t believe in resolutions that much! we eager to the fresh start but we never think of it as it should be… http://www.fashionparadoxes.com/2017/01/05/counting-down-thoughts/

  • Mon épisode préféré, pour le moment!
    Bonne année à toute l’équipe! Félicitations aux fiancés!
    Je suis tellement heureuse que le blog s’oriente de plus en plus vers le bien-être et la préservation de l’environnement.
    Le débat oiseau de nuit/lève-tôt m’a fait penser à Gretchen Rubin et à sa façon de définir le caractère des gens, et à sa méthode pour répartir les personnes en rebelles, remetteurs en question, etc, très pratique pour savoir de quelle manière instaurer de nouvelles habitudes en fonction de sa personnalité.
    Pour ma part, j’ai choisi un thème pour l’année 2017: ROUTINE. J’en parle un peu ici: http://consciousbychloe.com/2016/12/27/my-one-word-theme-for-the-new-year/
    Après des années en freelance et des déménagements successifs, je ressens le besoin de me créer des habitudes, une routine. Mon projet ira du grand ménage de début d’année aux règles que j’ai instaurées pour faciliter la vie à deux en passant par mes progrès vers le zéro déchet ainsi que des recettes, du bricolage, etc.
    J’ai aussi découvert la manifestation il y a quelques semaines. J’imagine que Garance entendra pas mal parler de ça à LA. Pour ma part, j’ai manifesté cette idée de routine et commence ce lundi un job de copywriter à temps partiel!
    Je me réjouis de voir comment le blog va évoluer avec une équipe répartie sur les deux côtes.
    Si jamais vous avez pour projet de visiter le Pacific North West, je vous ouvre volontiers mes portes à Portland!
    Encore une fois, bonne année à tous!


    – Chloe

  • So many resolutions : getting up early to go running before work, meaning going to bed earlier, paying more attention to other people, identify what i need to change in my life to enjoy it better and actually doing something toward it, adding even more criteria in my food choice (green packaging as well as healthy without sugar food…) while trying not to starve in the process …

    About cutting sugar.. Good luck if tha’ts still one of you resolutions. I succeeded…After so many attempts :
    If I eat one sweet (or chocolate) I cannot stop myself, until there is nothing left. The only solution i’ve found is to completely cut sugar out off my diet. I compare sugar to drugs : if don’t cut it completely, I cannot control my consumption. By cutting it off, I get the same effets as quitting any other drug (I guess) : I can’t stop thinking about it for the first few days. Then I no more carve for these afternoon sweets I used to depend on, and after just a few weeks, seeing a chocolate cake will have no effect on me. The only difficulty is now be to find food without any sugar in it.
    The thing that lost me once was curiosity : I cannot visit a country without trying every new food I encounter. That means desserts. That was the beginning of the end, the return of my addiction. I now allow myself to cheat once a week, but I mostly use it on social events not to hurt someone who spend so long to bake.
    Do not try to cut it if that’s not a real problem for you, if you can stop after “just one”, then where’s the harm ?

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