Pocket PMF
Pocket PMF: Family Dynamics
8 years ago by The Atelier

In today’s episode of Pocket PMF, Garance talks with Natalie, Alison and Elle about family dynamics: learning from siblings’ mistakes, the pressures and pleasures of being an only or first child, and building your own tribe.
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Photo by Keith Morrison
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I love these! It’s so fun to get this side of your group.
Siblings can be so great. My brothers are my BFFs.
This podcast made ME cry! Garance, that message from your mother about making friends with your sister is what did it. I am the mother of two sons in their 30s and while they have never been close, lately things have gotten worse. I may have to sit them down ala “Mama Dore” and straighten them out.
Also, I was sad to hear that so many of you have divorced parents. Husband and I have been together almost 35 years — we were joking that maybe we didn’t give our sons enough dysfunction to bond over!
As an only child myself, I completely agree with the comment about “being comfortable at a table with adults”. I enjoyed my parents friends, and vice versa, always going to dinners and parties with them. I was also as happy on playdates as I was in my solitude. It’s all about how you socialize your kid!
OMG! I know Natalie too, through her sister! Love this episode!
il manque le résumé en français, il m’aide beaucoup d’habitude