7 years ago by

Today’s Pocket PMF is all about PMS, aka Premenstrual Syndrome, a hot and widely discussed topic in our studio, which is 100% women. Garance sits down with Natalie, Alison and Tori to talk about how they manage their monthly cycles, the mood swings, and their favorite indulgences to help them cope. They discuss how their feelings about being a woman with a period have shifted as they’ve gotten older and what they’ve learned to accept and most of all, the beauty of being able to be so open about it in the workplace!
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solution to PMS? getting an IUD!
-Kirsten //
Hey! What happened to Erik?
The same came to my mind… Where is Erik?
thank you for discussing the topic, finally I feel ‘normal’ experiencing PMS, obviously every woman feels this way, but for the first time I hear them sharing it…and like Garance I’m torn between admitting that we as women are having such hormonal triggered times and pretending I’m not affected at all. It’s part of the feminity, still compatible with being a feminist.
thank you!
Thanks for this discussion! PMS has been increasingly affecting me this year, to the point that it feels like I have some form of depression each month, for 10-15 days. And then I am me again. I just feel so fragile, vulnerable … I try and find a silver lining to it. It forces me to face insecurities, that would probably linger for ever otherwise. To take care of myself. Trying birth control method to help, as I don’t think I could sustain such a thing long term.
But truth is, it is really hard emotionally, and socially, at work etc.
So thanks for making me feel I am not the only one struggling out there. Big love.
Thank you for talking about this! I forget each month why am I feeling down? Why am I feeling like no one likes me and then cry? Then I remember….I definitely just eat comfort food, and watch my favorite tv shows and try to not be too hard on myself. Accepting my feminine body has been a long process (catholic upbringing) and strangely it’s only now, after being treated for endometriosis 10 years ago, that I am thankful for the wonderful machine that is our body! And after I realized that, for the first time I got regular cycles, little pain and less pms. Btw acupuncture works wonders!
I came across this about hormones and the reason why we have PMS, an in balance in hormones aka too much estrogen. Check out this video by HBFit for the depth on it!