Parfum Pour Cheveux
9 years ago by

Long hair, don’t care.
Ok, so that might be true for some things, but one thing that’s worth caring about is the smell of your hair. Hair actually traps smell, so any kind of scent tends to cling to the hair more than the skin and most types of fabric.
If an unwanted odor clings to your hair, it’s difficult to get rid of it in between washes. So the sudden trend towards hair perfume isn’t really a surprise – it’s about time!
In the past, I’ve used baby powder or a scented dry shampoo (also helps rid hair of grease, so the double whammy!) but I recently started using this new hair perfume from Byredo. My great grandmother’s name is Blanche, so maybe that’s why I was initially drawn to it – but it really works. When I spray it on, it smells like I just stepped out of the shower.
Would you wear perfume for your hair? Or do you think it’s just one more fad?
I love the idea of hair perfume!
Mmmh je suis septique ! J’adore l’idée mais est-ce pas juste un truc en plus à ajouter dans la salle de bain. Même si je reconnais que maintenant que j’ai les cheveux longs, je me rends compte de cette histoire d’odeur de cheveux oui…
A tester !
I love when my hair smells nice. When I spray on perfumes I always like to have some on my hair but since I know it isn’t good for the hair I’d love to try it out. Although I thought I would simplify my life, huh!
Why does there need to be perfume specific for hair? When I get ready in the morning I spritz my regular perfume on the top of my hair too. Two in one: body & hair. Then my whole self smells the same :)
I agree….I love Byredo (especially that oh-so PHINE, super-uber GOREGOUS Ben Gorham) but this is a waste of money. Just spritz or roll-on if using an oil based fragrance, on both wrists and apply to the back of your head to the nape of your neck so it won’t overpower. Been doing it for years….
My grandma’s name is Blanche ! ;) Do you have any French origins ?
Bisous from Paris
Et pour ne pas se ruiner, il y a aussi le pshittt d’eau mélangé aux huiles essentielles de lavande et qui plus est fait du bien aux cheveux !
Probably geared/marketed toward cigarette smokers. If you ever walk past/mingle with a group of cigarette smokers…prepare to meet thy doom of stinky hair.
Haha true !
J’aime beaucoup les produits Byredo, en revanche je rechigne à ajouter quelque chose dans ma salle de bain. Ce serait d’ailleurs plutôt le contraire pour moi !
Ah non, moi j’en mets tous les jours et clairement, je ne peux pas m’en passer ! Rien de pire que les cheveux qui sentent ‘la ville’ ou ‘le gras’. Moi je suis 1000 fois pour les parfums pour cheveux !
Its a must for anyone who cooks. If you cant wash out your hair after a session of cooking, its always a good idea to get some help from a product like this. Especially Indian cooking.
I like the idea of hair perfume, but if it’s some outrageous price… no thank you.
Apparently blonde hair traps smells even more so than darker hair, so I (a blonde) can definitely see the benefits of wearing a perfume. I actually always spray a bit of my Chanel on my hair after a shower, but I suppose it’s not really great for hair. I wonder if the special perfume for hair comes with any care benefits? Otherwise we might be creating a new issue (dry, damaged hair) while solving another (smelly hair) ;-)
I burn a strip of Papier D’Armenie and let the smoke waft through my hair. It smells divine, and the scent has a lot of staying power.
Ahh cela m’intresse beaucoup, j’ai envie mes cheveux de sentir jolie. Je vais l’essayer!
Jessica Anna | A So Called Beauty Blog
I really like the Hair parfume of Byredo toooo. It is great and last long. Great thing , nice smell. Love it .xxxx nat