Paired Off
8 years ago by

In a world of dating apps and websites where people can connect with the click of a button and a list of their interests, Yorgos Lanthimos’ new film The Lobster looks at what happens when this culture is taken to an extreme.
Colin Farrell plays David, who lives in a dystopian world where if you don’t find a life partner, you turn into an animal. He checks into a hotel where all the single people running out of time have a last chance to meet someone. Bizarre I know!
But if you suspend your disbelief for a second you will become enthralled by this idea of society being centered around paired off couples and so called “loners.” David struggles with the desire to find someone who society says is right for him and taking the time to find someone he actually loves.
The movie, in all of its peculiarities, points out the social pressures to find the “one”, what it means to be alone, and the differences in every relationship.
So if you happen to wander into a movie theater this week and have a little extra time to be in deep thought afterwards, this might be the movie for you.
By Nicole, intern at the studio
I will definitely see this movie!
totally! :)
I watched this the other day, strange but very thought provoking!
Anoushka Probyn – A London Fashion Blog
I’ve seen it the other day, and although I’ve watched a fair amount of “strange” movies, this one was almost too strange. It may attract some people with awkward, robotic narration, repulsive scenes and overall anti-utopian atmispehere, but I wasn’t one of them. Left the theater with a feeling I need to brush my teeth, as it left almost physical sensation in my guts.
I saw this movie a week ago. It was darkly funny at times, and truly disturbing at others. Definitely thought provoking. It is something to really ruminate about.
I have to check it out!
Mademoiselle Coconath
Trop de spoilers !!!
(mais le film est genial)
I just hope it’s not too depressing… Is it?
I’ll see it!
Ahhh, I wanted to like this movie, but man, it’s pretty depressing and weird . . .and I love weird movies that make you think! It was definitely thought-provoking.
I also saw this movie this past weekend. A very interesting mental exercise to wrap your head around this alternate universe, but it also provides some commentary on the way our society functions. It was an odd bird of a movie but very humorous, entertaining, and thoughtful – not to mention beautifully-made and well-written.
Also you have to check out “Dogtooth” one of Lanthimos previous movies. It is briliant in so many levels.
Loved the film. Felt like a poetry from Charles Baudelaire transformed in pictures. With the focus on opposites – futuristic scenario placed in retro ambiance – where one has only the choice between relationship or no emotional connection at all – the spectator becomes irritated by missing the possibilities in-between … and that’s where all thoughts and ideas are coming up.
On my list of favorites !! Loved it !!