My Vintage YSLs
8 years ago by

Remember my resolution this year, to not buy any new clothes? So, we’re almost a month deep into my personal shopping experiment. Since I really want to use this year as a time to transform into a more considerate shopper, I have passed on a number of possible second hand scores…
But I couldn’t go past these near-perfect vintage YSL sling backs.
First, it’s a mini miracle anytime I come across vintage shoes in a size 41! Let alone in great condition, a great shape and affordable ($48 from the East Village!)! Also almost exactly what I’ve been looking for: a closed-to shoe that’s comfortable but not too sensible (a little sexy and a little fun, please!).
Being vintage actually makes these extra special, it felt like these shoes almost found me!
What’s been your best vintage find of late? Or have you been on the lookout for something in particular?
I’m so glad you asked! I found a camel hair belted wrap coat with a Saks Fifth Avenue label — not unlike Garance’s favorite coat from Zara pictured in her book. It had huge shoulder pads, which I removed. It was at our local used clothing store — I may not have a lot of $$ but other people in my town do, so there are some fancy discards. Not only was it a deal at the original price of $85, I happened to buy it on the day the price was reduced to $62. I’ll wear it forever!
Bravo for knowing when to break your rule–those are perfection–vintage (so recycling, really!), timeless, and I am sure will never cause a single moment of buyer’s remorse.
I love this resolution! I haven’t cut out new clothes completely, but I’ve definitely been making the effort to shop thrift and vintage as much as possible. A couple of weeks ago, I scored a vintage fox fur coat for $35 (50% off of its original price – which was still a good deal – of $70). I love shopping vintage because you’ll find more unique items that way, and I feel like if I buy an item that’s still in good condition after years and years, it’s likely to last several years more. These shoes are beautiful!
Agree with comments above. These are worth it. The key is to ask yourself all the questions and make sure they are worth it to you. Then you need to make sure you actually WEAR them!! And enjoy them!
I haven’t had any finds that are nearly as exciting. I just had to buy a new pair of gloves to replace a pair I lost,…and I did manage to nab a lovely vintage cashmere hooded top that is exactly the right weight of cashmere — comfortable indoors and warm and cozy as a layer under my winter coat. The cashmere sweater was a tiny fraction of the original cost, which is significant as it is a high-quality cashmere.
My struggle continues in finding good basics, getting rid of what I don’t love and doesn’t work for me and shopping smarter.
We don’t have a lot of local vintage options but I’m keeping an open mind and will look harder. I adore the idea of finding a special piece like the shoes you just found.
I’m size 41 and it’s so hard to find shoes!
These are beautiful!
I found a Cerrutti1881 suit for 4 £ in a small town outside London (can’t remember the name of the town…). It’s navy blue wool pant suit and really a classic. It doesn’t look like vintage even. That’s what timeless fashion is about.
Phew, I just sent off my vintage YSL pumps to theRealReal as a part of my declutter mode. What an irony.
LOVE THEM! I also have big feet (40) and never find shoes vintage… But I scored a pair of 501 the other weekend in Amsterdam. The first pair I tried on, and they fit like a glove… And I’m an experienced denim shop worker, I know THAT happens once in a blue moon! No place to shop denim like Ams :)
Yes, true that vintage shoes are smaller–I wear size 6 and often find shoes to die for but they are size 5 or 4.
I got vintage YSL heels for $2 at a yard sale about two years ago. They are these same ones:
Also got several Oscar de la Renta scarves at 3/$5 at the same yardsale. I think someone’s aunt or grandma died and they were just trying to clear out the house.
A true find! I did what you are doing year 2014 and I have been on a constant yet casual lookout for vintage clothes, shoes and accessories more or less my whole adulthood. So many finds. I often find walking out the door that at least 50% of what I’m wearing or carrying is second hand. I just love the feeling. So the finds… my favourite handbag, wool coat, leather pants, party dress, summer sandals, party heels, leather jacket (okay…two), silk scarf, silk shirt, … Oh, and my carefully curated collection of vintage leather skirts. And it is just as fun finding vintage for my man. No complaints there. :) Some have had expensive labels and logos on them, some haven’t. All the exceptional items seem to appear on your way when lest looked for or expected. So have fun, Neada!
I found an app for secondhand shopping and I got some amazing vintage Gucci boots for $30… I’m obsessed with them!! :)
I love he tie ups-can you take a picture of them on?
These are a-maz-ing, whoa.
I would take a romp through Goodwill over even my most adored boutique ANY DAY. The strange treasures you find are just so much more special!! And, because they have likely been passed over by countless people before you fell in love, the fact that you found, loved, and brought the piece home with you usually means the item is way more “you” than anything being sold in a high street shop or boutique. KISMET.
They are gorgeous. Would love to see what they look like on you.
Gorgeous, and a great price.
Let’s see a pic of them on!
Je ne fais pas nécessairement le même challenge que toi. Je désire simplement freiner mes achats. Je suis contente de dire que je réfléchis 3x avant d’acheter et je finis par rien acheter. Je suis très contente. Une amie à moi, avec qui je suis (j’étais) complice du magasinage, trouve ça étrange que je dépenses très peu ces dernires temps. Cependant, je me cerchais une paire de Nike noire et blanche, je ne voulais pas payer plus de 100$. Après une belle journée de spa, mon ami et moi ont est passé à l’entrepôt Nike. Hourra! J’ai trouvé mes Nike noire et blanches parfaites et bas prix. Je suis si fière de mon achat. C’est ce type d’émôtion que je dois avoir après chaque achat: sûre de moi, fière et tête reposée. Si je réponds à tout ça après un achat, alors j’ai fait un bon choix. :)
They’re such a gem! You’re a lucky one.
My best find was an original flapper dress from around 1930. I was browsing through vintage shops and concept stores in a hip area in Oslo looking for something with a 20s vibe. I started talking to the owner of one of the vintage shops (he was Australian by he way!) and he said he has that original piece back in the magazine. It needed some readjustment but I found a great dressmaker and everything was settled.
Je ne suis pas adepte des boutiques vintage et je pense que c’est dommage !
Du coup, je n’y fais jamais de trouvailles, évidemment ;)
En revanche, je fouillais souvent dans le grenier de mes grands-parents avec ma mamie et j’y trouvais des choses incroyables (aussi bien de la déco que de la mode). C’était un peu ma friperie à moi !
Mes plus belles trouvailles : un buffet type scandinave des années 50-60, un cadre avec de vieux papillons sous verre, un sac à main (pochette) en croco marron et un bac à glaçon doré en forme d’ananas.
De très belles choses que j’ai encore chez moi aujourd’hui.
Techniquement, si c’est vintage, ce n’est pas nouveau :) Et quand bien même, pfiou elles sont magnifiques!
What a great find!! I’ve found my perfect pairs of Vintage Levis 501 last summer – and have worn them day and night!
x. Mirjam
Beautiful shoes. I prefer to visit local consignment shops, feels more like treasure hunting than shopping. Best consignment find — ever — a chiffon skirt from Prada. Complete with Saks tags. $48, orig. $920.
I wear a size 41/10 as well and am never that lucky.
Which vintage store did you go to? Or do you want to keep it a secret (which would be understandable..) ?
Je prévois un voyage à NY en juin. Où faire de pareilles trouvailles? Où trouver du griffé vintage (Chanel, YSL)? Et où trouver des Levis vintage? Merci!!! Une irréductible fan
Ever since I read your original post, I’ve been thinking about making the same resolution. I’ve always loved secondhand and vintage, and I have way more clothes than I know what do do with, so buying anything from a fast fashion shop just seems silly. The last thing I need is yet another H&M blazer! I think I’m going to follow a (hopefully lifelong) rule of buying mostly vintage, and new things only if they are high quality and classics (at least classics for me: black sweaters and jeans, ankle boots, etc.). Thanks for the inspiration!
and oh, I forgot to mention my latest vintage score! Yesterday I nabbed a long silk plaid blazer from Lord and Taylor for four dollars. Is it a little crazy? Totally, not to mention more than a little 80’s. But a kooky 80’s jacket is just the thing to spice up my normally monochrome black wardrobe. I am having trouble attaching an image, but rest assured– it is fabulous!
Great purchase! I am a size 41/42 as well and I definitely understand the struggle is real when it comes to vintage shoe shopping!! Anytime you find a gorgeous pair like these in a big size you must pounce immediately xx
Yes, the resolution had to be broken for these gorgeous shoes! Lucky you.
Years ago at Christmas I needed a pair of brown heels to go with a suit I had bought. I went to the sales not expecting much (I have average size feet), but lo and behold, there were a pair of St Laurent brown suede pumps of the classic kind going for a song. That Christmas was a particularly difficult one for me personally, but as I gazed down at my beautiful shoes, I had to admit : in life there are compensations.
Come on! What store did you get it at? So lucky you found them first;)
Hi Neada,
At what vintage shop in the East Village did you find the shoes? I live in the neighborhood, and it sounds like the kind of store I’d like ; )
It wasn’t all that recently any more, but last summer I was browsing through a vintage store in Shoreditch. I always make a beeline for the coat section in the (far fetched, tiny glimmer) hope that I might possibly find a Burberry trench. Anyway, this time I spot it; almost waving out to me. I took it down, looked it up & down and it was still, unbelievably, a perfectly clean & pressed light beige. When I saw it was a size 10 I put it on there & then & paid whilst still wearing it!
Old is Gold, i really like this Vintage Shoes..
Theses shoes are beautiful, making some attractive legs
Vintage sheos are really amazing , they seems interesting for me to buy some of them .
I like those shoes! Shoes are my life, I do specialized in a niche though, very special but nice ones, that come strait from Morocco. You can find out more on
Vintage is great! not to be abused of :)
i like this amazing vintage shoes.
Perfect vintage YSL.