More on the Open Studio!
10 years ago by

And here is the program for our Open Studio, a pop up that will be open to everyone on Friday and Saturday!!!!
As I already told you, the idea is that Anna (who is the art director of Rifle) and her team and my (wonderful) team and I will be there to make the space really feel alive.
You’ll be able to come to have coffee, take a look at the collection, meet us but also come to our talks (Friday with Anna who is a wonderful illustrator about our creative process, and Saturday with Lola Rykiel who is the PR director of Sonia Rykiel and knows everything about etiquette and the art of a thank you note).
The amazing Nicolas Ouchenir will be here for a few hours on Saturday to do calligraphy and this is such a honor – I’m soooo looking forward to this moment !!!
Tomorrow, we’ll also do temporary tattoos (with my illustrations) and a letter writing station.
And there will be coffee from my favorite, Jack’s Coffee, all day long.
I don’t think I need to tell you more. Being able to open the doors to our world like this, is such a dream. I really, REALLY hope to meet you.
168 Bowery, Bowery & Kenmare
Friday 12-8pm
Saturday 10am-8pm
PS : The only event that’s not open to the public is tomorrow’s breakfast – it’s already fully booked because we announced it in our newsletter (which as I said, will be the place to have access to special events and meet ups!) but the pop up will give us many other chances to meet !
PPS : For those of you who won’t be here, the talks will be broadcasted on Google + and of course, we’ll take a ton of pictures !
PPPS : This time, we didn’t forget the hashtag and it is #garancedorepaper
Will you be having any events the week of April 13th?
Hi Mandy! Unfortunately, the event will only be taking place this weekend! You can sign up for our newsletter to find out about future events! Thanks! Team G :)
I’ll be in NYC on April 6-7. Totally going to miss the open studio : ‘ (
I’m so excited for you! Will the Tattly tattoos be available to purchase online?
good question! :)
Trop sympa! I am coming!!!
see you then.
I love it! Thank you for all your hard work. Trust me, it does not go under-appreciated!
Im totally skipping classes to watch the livestream. Best of wishes, have tons of fun eberybody!!
Have fun and a great day!
Nice program! Have fun!
You guys are really making me want to move to NYC ASAP!
Good luck this weekend. Wish I were in New York.
By the way, I wanted to let Garance know that I just posted about the “Fashion Illustrator” on my blog and used one of her illustrations. The link is below. Cheers!
Any chance of ever coming to Vancouver?
Oh, this sounds so fantastic! Unfortunately I’m stuck up in Toronto… is there any chance the temporary tattoos will end up on your shop? (Please please please say yes!)
Hi Garance, May I get a copy of the first newsletter sent to my email? I only signed up earlier this week and missed the first newsletter : ( thanks darling!
p.s. i wish i lived in NYC or America to be able to attend these events! ! !
And, yea! Will those tattly tattoos be available in your online shop?
Si seulement j’habitais à New York… Pas de passage prévu à Vancouver par hasard?:) Break a leg!
If anyone would be able to forward me a copy of the already out newsletter, that’d be great too!!!
Thanks in advance!!!
Bonjour Garance, je vous souhaite à toi et au studio de belles rencontres et plein de bons moments à partager ! Quelle belle idée :-))) ! Je vous envoie un peu de soleil Parisien !!! XO ……
Des photos!! Des photos!! Des photos!!
Pour ceux et celles (comme moi) qui sommes très très loin de New York et qui ne pourront pas faire le déplacement :-(
Wish I’m in NYC now.
Is Garance Dore paper collection available in London?
Ah Je voudrais etre avec vous! a New York, c’est a dream! Mais J’admire tout ce que tu fair, Garance adorée. Bisou from Bari, Italy!
Ohhh, me encantaría estar en Ny para poder ir ,te adoro Garance!
suerte y xxx