I have been looking for a pair of shoes just like that. Shoes for day time and evening, not too high and with that gorgeous fringe….. I think this might be them. I’m off to explore….. Thank you!
J’adore ces chaussures ! Tous les détails sont magnifiques et le cuir verni noir avec le reflet de la lumière leurs donnent un air mystique. Définitivement, j’adore Michel Vivien !
Aaaah I LOVE these! They look comfortable, not too high, timeless, chic, quirky and go with everything… PErfect shoes! Thanks for sharing, its actually the perfect photo for a project im working on :-)
J’ai aussi craqué dessus l’autre jour, et les Vivien sont très confortables, genre chaussures réalistes avec lesquelles on peut marcher toute la journée.
So…. maybe you can do another american vs french post about clothing for those of us who are less worldly – because i don’t know what makes these very french and i’d like to be educated!
thanks i googled the location>>>>>thats the grey market….i haven’t been there in a while…very international……Africans Indians Koreans Pakistan..now French!
J’adore… J’ai quasiment le même modèle mais acheté chez Mellow Yellow il y a quelques années avec les petites franges (je ne sais pas comment ça s’appelle!) amovibles. Je les a d o r e, je trouve qu’elles ont un côté “golf british” plus que français mais bon ça n’enlève rien à leur superbe!
Cute shoes but what I really like about Kitsune are the music collaborations they produce! Especially the ones with Phoenix!!! My most favorite band!!!!
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Very nice shoes! I’m looking forward Maison Kitsuné to come at Pitti, I’m in love with that brand (ah, all those lovely indie boys…)
cheers from Milan, Garance X
tres chic! :)
Tout à fait le genre de chaussures que j’étais justement sortie m’acheter pendant ma pause déj…
Hélas pas trouvées !
J’adore ce style de chaussures!
I love them x
I have been looking for a pair of shoes just like that. Shoes for day time and evening, not too high and with that gorgeous fringe….. I think this might be them. I’m off to explore….. Thank you!
J’adore ces chaussures ! Tous les détails sont magnifiques et le cuir verni noir avec le reflet de la lumière leurs donnent un air mystique. Définitivement, j’adore Michel Vivien !
ooh! j’adore ses chaussures.
I want those really bad! They’re cute, they look comfy and they go well with almost anything :)
Aaaah I LOVE these! They look comfortable, not too high, timeless, chic, quirky and go with everything… PErfect shoes! Thanks for sharing, its actually the perfect photo for a project im working on :-)
J’ai aussi craqué dessus l’autre jour, et les Vivien sont très confortables, genre chaussures réalistes avec lesquelles on peut marcher toute la journée.
Ouuh, elles sont trop jolies!
Elles sont à toi? j’aime bien Vivien
A Paris il y a des modeles cool chez Merci
hmm,pas mal,ahahhhhaha,……sont su-per-be!!!!!!!!!!!
These shoes are so cool! A combination of modern and classic, perfect! xx
So…. maybe you can do another american vs french post about clothing for those of us who are less worldly – because i don’t know what makes these very french and i’d like to be educated!
I LOVE IT!!!! So french, so beautiful! I would love to wandering in St Germain des pres with it!!!
they’re like updated mary janes with badass fringe =O**** (droooling) i want to wear them with white socks! :D
Oh wow, these shoes are amazing! I felt in love from the first view. If you ever get to give away these, please contact me ;)
Lovely E.
thanks i googled the location>>>>>thats the grey market….i haven’t been there in a while…very international……Africans Indians Koreans Pakistan..now French!
Exceptional designer ! always the perfect balance between french style and international classics !
I love these shoes, a little bit retrò!
They are so cute!
Love Michel Viviens designs!
Absolutely <3 !!!
these are the cutest pumps ever, loving this retro vibe
J’ADORE tout simplement
Belles chaussures a porter avec tout.
So cute!
Kate xo petite-adventures.blogspot.ca
love love love these shoes – but oh la la – so expensive!
not for my working gal budget — but very cool!
thanks for helping us all dream, garance!
Magnifiques :)
Très jolie, très chic !
Le petit détail que j’aime, le fait que ce soit ajouré sur les côtés .
I love it!!!
Oui oui! Yes, yes!!
Totally shoes that my friends would expect me to wear..Love them.
J’adore… J’ai quasiment le même modèle mais acheté chez Mellow Yellow il y a quelques années avec les petites franges (je ne sais pas comment ça s’appelle!) amovibles. Je les a d o r e, je trouve qu’elles ont un côté “golf british” plus que français mais bon ça n’enlève rien à leur superbe!
Très chic. Talon pas trop haut.
Félicitation pour la qualité de vos articles.
Cute shoes but what I really like about Kitsune are the music collaborations they produce! Especially the ones with Phoenix!!! My most favorite band!!!!
I love those shoes.
love !!! xo
Yes yes yes yes elles sont a mes pieds ,I ‘m so happy ,trouvées à Nantes et oui …..