From the Studio

My First Pradas

11 years ago by

I’ve never been much of a heels girl. Yes, I am a measly 5’2″ which constitutes as pretty petite in an industry of tall, leggy models and fashion girls…

But I have always opted for comfort over height.

Now I’m not opposed to a heeled bootie, but we’re talking an inch or two (yeah 5’4″!! That makes me about average…) but when I saw these Prada pumps, all of my anti-heel thoughts were tossed aside for visions of myself as Emmanuelle Alt, our studio obsession. A Prada pump and a skinny jean and immediately I could picture it: running from show to show in the streets of Paris, being the perfecta fashion girl gliding through New York in 10cm heels.

For a flats girl, these were still a no brainer. I knew when I saw them that it was time to treat myself to something good, something that would become a staple in my wardrobe. (Note: they were still on sale, so not totally breaking the bank, kind of…)

So if Prada can get me into a pair of heels, who does it for you?


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  • ha, same here.. me 5’2 .. always looking for the perfect black & most important kinda comfortable ones, too! ;)

    Those PRADA heels are a dream.. xo



  • they look like the perfect escarpins :)

  • Ah! Enfin quelqu’un qui a la même taille que moi! Personnellement j’achète souvent des talons et je sais marcher avec, mais le confort du plat vient souvent me changer ma tene que j’avais en tête. Il fait souffrir pour être grande!

    Ces Pradas sont magnifiques! Surtout en 10cm!

  • Elles ont l’air canons !

  • J’adore Prada! Un bon paire de talons haut sont toujours bienvenus!

    Ton blog c’est une inspiration!

  • First I was completely shocked as I Garance appeared so tall.. Yay Emily! The perfect heels you got. major love…

  • Please show us the entire pump! They look fab!
    THE DEEP BLUE CORY Fashion blog
    THE DEEP BLUE CORY Facebook Page
    Xoxo Cory

  • That is a long list! I wear heels every chance I can get! But I have to say my favorite is Kate Spade – Karolina is the most comfortable stiletto I’ve ever worn. Congrats on the shoes, they are beautiful! Good choice!

  • moi, c’est YSL! et j’en ai pris 12 d’un coup, ce jour-là! (mais avec plateau):

  • Petite might be an understatement for my height. Yes, Prada might do the trick, but because of my preference for flats I still haven’t mastered the Art of the Alt (which in my world means gliding through New York in 10cm heels, as you perfectly stated above). These might be a very very good motivation the finally perfection my strut instead of my swagger.

  • Oh yes, those are beautiful classics! We petite girls must do as we can for height, but I hope you love your proportions regardless. Motto to myself: pint-size perfectista! it’s possible (I hope).

    Like every good working girl I love myself a good pair of Cole Haans, especially after they break in. Wish I had the venues for Prada but alas it just wouldn’t be practical for my lifestyle. They’d get worn a few times a year, but not enough to justify the wallet space.

    Charlotte Olympia cat flats, on the other hand–! For me it’s the opposite way, only Charlotte Olympia can get me (so happily) into a pair of flats.

  • Congrats and I would like to see more pics. They looks nice. Have a great day,

  • i’ve been coveting these! where’d you find them on sale?

  • omg I definitely thought you were a lot taller! I’m only 5’0!! Tous ce qui es petit et mignon!

    check out my new line!

  • Isabel marant. :)

  • I’m 5,10, so wearing 10 cm heels pretty much makes me taller then most of the boys, but it’s all cool! Love them so much!

  • Well I love them, but since I’m 5’9” I really don’t see myself kind of towering on top of everybody…. mmmm… I can’t help it but I feel very very weird…. Maybe is because I live in Spain and not in NY…..hahahah

  • J’ai pas arrêté de les chercher ces chaussures mais impossible de les trouver!!!! Quelle chance!

  • Heels? Really? Being 6’2″ I really have the opposite problem :-) But the shoes is lovely, that is for sure. No the perfect flats for me, please!

  • Mais Garance tu fais au moins 1,70 m ! ;) je t’ai vu la dernière fois en ” vrai ”

    Elles sont superbes…

  • C’est Emily qui écrit là, elle a signé au bas de la page ;)
    Je me posais la même question avant de finir l’article! Haha

  • Those are so great; yes, very Emmanuelle Alt! For me it was these heels:
    chunky heel, bit of a pattern… a little eccentric but still chic. And yes, I bought them!

    kassia x

  • Gianvitto Rossi did it for me – today, can you imagine? :) I’m totally a flats girl (Tods forever), but today i found some perfect 10 cm heel boots that were also on 50% sale… And I couldn’t resist wearing heels for the first time in my life, which happened to me at the age of 32 ;)

  • my first really gorgeous heels were from prada as well – patent, black, mary jane strap but some cream stitching around the toe box. i was a student in italy, and i bought them at the prada factory store. i think i ate street pizza and noodles for almost a month since they still broke my bank. but it’s 12 years later and i still have them…and i still love them.

  • Agree, nice shoes are totally worth the money – ultimately the cost to re-sole & re-heel when it becomes necessary is less than buying a cheap pair new every year. And, you have something you really adore!

  • that’s such a cute love story =)

  • Il y a des fois où nos convictions volent en éclat et où l’on souhaite vite prendre de la hauteur ! :)
    Elles sont magnifiques, je l’avoue bien volontiers. Je suis sûre que tu les portes très bien.

  • Je viens de faire pareil ! (bon, ok, avec des zara)
    J’adore leur ligne mais pour l’instant je tiens à peu près 12 minutes

    Tes Prada sont sublimes :)

  • Moi je mesure1m64 mais pour atteindre le mètre 70 voir plus, c’est Free Lance.
    Leurs chaussures sont hyper confortables, même le talon aiguille

  • I am 5’3″, so, I can relate. The Calvin Klein Collection Kelsey d’Orsay was a major discovery for me because they are so classic and comfortable.

  • “Visions of myself as Emmanuel alt” !!
    I gotta confess as well to wishing myself a member of
    the Emmanuel Alt skinny jean/ pump gang.

  • I’m about the same height and I’m a total wedge and plateau addict, so comfortable you can wear them all day. There are these wedges from Carven, two tone with some plexi detail I want to add to my closet. The Prada heels are a classic, love them too, but my feet, well they wanna wear those new Carvens… xxx

  • Et c’est un excellent investissement, les chaussures Prada; elles durent elles durent :)

  • If I have to wear heels (sounds pretty dramatic, but I’m Bambi on ice with bad ankles when it comes to heels) I choose Wang or Marant. Love almost all of their shoes! And wedges are the perfect solution for me ;) xx


  • ahhh Garance ! ça me fait plaisir de lire que tu culmines à … 1m58 ?! :-)
    Du coup je me sens moins seule, moi qui culmine à seulement 1m54…
    Comme toi, je ne porte pas des hauts talons tous les jours mais j’avoue que 10 cm de gagnés c’est déjà pas mal ;)

    Tes Prada sont sublimes ! Hâte de les voir en action ! (si tu nous les montre portées un jour)

    Bises xx


  • allooo la terre ici la lune, ça n’est pas Garance qui écrit, mais EMILY…. :-)

  • I’m short, too, unfortunately… I love high heels, sometimes they’re comfortable, too… I like sneakers, not a fan of ballets shoes, and I love brogues. But heels… they’re another world. These shoes by Prada are beautiful. Franca Sozzani, editor in chief of Vogue Italia, said that heels worn with jeans are unacceptable… but I like them so much!

  • I am also 5’2″ (on a good day)! And after developing feet problems, I have stuck mostly with flats or wedges. I, too, am obsessed with all things French Voguette, so I’ve pulled out the pumps. I am so glad that they are replacing platforms…much chicer. The Prada pumps will be in your closet for a lifetime. Smart choice.

    P.S. I would never have thought you were so petite…your legs go on for miles…

  • i think we all need to be a bit obsessed with emmanuelle alt!! alt-itude hehe. (how did you resist that pun?? ;)) i love this story of your first pradas!!

  • Tu as bien fait, ces chaussures sont superbes!

  • Elles sont magnifiques ! Mais en vrai, tu arrives vraiment à marcher avec cette hauteur de talon sur plusieurs centaines de mètres ou km et sans souffrir ni avoir une démarche godiche ?

  • ah voila.. je me disais.. garance est bien plus grande quand meme!!


  • I am so glad you posted this. I just bought my first pair of Prada and wasn’t sure if I should have splurged like I did. I go through shoes like crazy due to my job and needed something chic and comfortable. Mine have a little platform in the front and really help. I have a pair of Manolo too that I have destroyed, in a year no less, but they were worth every penny! I still get compliments.

  • A few years ago my dad got me a pair of black velvet Armani 10 cm heels and they seem to be made for a woman whom may be uncomfortable in heels as the moment you sleep into them they make you be balanced and feel like nothing can’t stop you in them.

  • yeah, 5’3 – 5’5 is just very nice and average height. at least not a giant size.
    its is nice in asian market :-)


  • Ernesto Esposito, Des très belles chaussures italiennes, peut être mieux que Prada aussi!

  • et bien ,je pense que je vais aller les essayer car ,moi aussi je suis adepte du plat…mais là le look de ces petits escarpins me tente plus que mon confort….

  • I’m just 5.0. I’ve been called Willow…. yes, I’m tiny. But I’m all for flats. Just a super nice girly Lanvin pair of heels made me change my mind. I never wear them though… :/

  • Coucou Emily !

    Moi je n’ai pas encore investi mais j’y pense sérieusement … c’est comme tu le dis, un basique de la garde-robe donc bon. Moi ce sera plutôt Louboutin !
    Les tiennes ont l’air très belles !! Profites-en bien !!

    Bisous Bisous !


  • You make me want to get pointed black pumps!

  • Ohhh!!! I want them for me too!!

  • Mais au moins j’espère que tu as pris les 8 cm ???

  • Superbes talons! Bon achat ;) Moi c’etait une paire de talons Gucci en solde, dans le meme genre, noire, bimatiere, classiques, indemodables, je les ai mis et remis. A 1m53, il faut parfois se faire violence!

  • Those Prada are great! I understand you couldn’t resist and that you pictured yourself as an it girl running from show to show,,, because I would too! :D
    The only pair of stilettos I can afford right now are form Zara hahaha

  • J’adore les escarpins mais je n’en ai jamais trouvé qui étaient confortables…et pourtant j’en ai essayé des tonnes…! Help me !

  • I’m 5’2 as well so I try to go for 3-4 inch heels or none at all.

    Gianvito Rossi makes me want to wear heels. His designs are incredibly gorgeous. And actually quite comfy too :)

    Congrats on your new Pradas!

    Castle Fashion

  • I couldn’t resist a pair of snake skin Jimmy Choos a year ago. They make me taller and they go with everything! But, my dream shoe is the Christian Louboutin pointed toe heels with the black spikes. I die! Just can’t spend that much on a pair of shoes. Maybe someday I’ll break the bank on them.

  • how do you walk in them? i am 5’4” and UK shoes size 36 (ideally, 35.5). I can’t walk in high heels. So unfair as unlike tall girls, I need them but it can’t be healthy to have the length of the heel (almost) longer than my foot! I only wear heels when I know I won’t be walking much.

  • Moi c’est Louboutin… super beaux et super confortables mais du coup je fais 1.78, aie!!
    Tes Prada sont sublimes!!

  • Is there already a post about alex, emily, etc.
    J’ai hâte de connaitre les nouvelles blogueuses…

  • I’m proud of you work boo…mostly because I prefer heels to flats…or actually I prefer anything to just regular “work” flats…sneakers, heels, boots, etc…so go you!

  • Je les trouve très italiennes.

  • I like heels, but rarely wear them. (Well except if ankle booties counts as heels). Even though a pair of classic pair of black heels are super beautiful, I probably would never wear heels during daytime. Flats are just way more convenient. And heels just seems out of place. How can out of place be chic? In the student milieu in Copenhagen, it’s waaay more normal to opt for sneakers when you are going to a party, than wearing heels during daytime. (And i believe that students in Copenhagen are very chic, not despise this, but maybe also because of this). But those Pradas, might need a pair like them one day. Just to have some perfect, classic heels. Might come in handy one day.

  • Le seul souci des chaussures à bout pointu est qu’il faut faire très attention quand on monte des escaliers de ne pas érafler la pointe.

  • thesse are gorgeous! my ysl heels always make me feel like a million bucks…. but my secret dream is a pair of louboutins…. that red sole….sigh….

  • Here are the pefect flats with the perfect product mix – make ALL girls feet look totally awesome.

    Fantastic Parisian slippers:

  • Wore mostly flats with the occasional 2 inch heel if i really had to dress up. Then the 4 inch Floral Pradas scored on eBay for $40 did it for me at age 40. Wore them to a gala event with my husband and he had to practically carry me to the ladies room :). 2 years of practice later, I can wear them around the block if I have to and 3 inch heels are pretty regular now.

  • Vraiment de très belles chaussures ! Elles sont sublimes !
    Ton post fait plaisir, je me sens moins seule dans le genre moins d’1m60 (1,56 exactement). Mais alors du coup j’adore les talons dès que je peux en mettre même si le plat s’impose souvent (quand on adore marcher)…

  • Black pumps seem to be it at the moment. I’ve seen so many great photos, and I too have skinny jeans dreams of effortless chicness. I’m heading out to buy a pair of perfect black Ferragamos today. Oh the magic of Italian shoes…

  • Yes! Those are the best of all the black pumps. I like to think that they are “for life” so even if you break the bank, it’s justified.
    Please, inform us what is your hour limit endurance in these, standing or walking : ) Thank you, much appreciated! Enjoy them!

  • ita darling February, 26 2013, 3:12 / Reply

    I love the classic Bally heels. So classic and mostly forgotten about label! They always have several classic toe profiles, and several heel heights.SO perfect!

  • Mireille March, 3 2013, 2:38 / Reply

    Hello Emily, je mesure 162cm…un peu plus grande que toi mais je suis dans la catégorie “petite”. so what? de nombreuses femmes et actrices sont belles et stylées sans avoir à mesurer 6 feet tall:-).
    Pour moi aussi, ma première paire de 10 cm a été des Prada noires, il y a 12 ans et je les porte toujours. Quand je regarde la facture que j’ai gardée dans la boîte, j’ai la nostalgie de ce moment où j’ai pensé, tu deviens une grande !. Tu verras, tu ne les regretteras pas tes belles Prada!!!:-)
    Tu as fait une excellent choix, tu nous montres une photo de toi les portant.???.
    Hier, j’ai acheté des slingbacks de 11cm du défilé Miu Miu, bicolores gris foncé et blanc, à bout pointu et talons aiguilles. A tomber. Une fois des patchs anti pression placées correctement, et je les porterai facilement…bon pas tous les jours. mais régulièrement c’est sûr!
    Enjoy your shoes,!!! and wear them proudly! xoxo. Mireille

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