
Love Lena

10 years ago by

But look at this Vogue cover !!!

Not only is Lena a genius that I love with my heart, but this might be one of my favorite Vogue covers. I love her _______ expression so much. (No idea how to describe that expression, what would you say?)

We never talked about it, do you watch Girls?


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  • Je n’ai jamais vu Girls mais tout le monde parle de cette Lena!! Hulu n’a pas ce show et je crois que Netflix non plus. Comment le regardes tu?
    Sinon, je dirai qu’elle a l’air ahuri.

    Bonne journee!

  • i saw the last 2 episodes last night. lena is a better model for girls than most of the celebrities out there! :)


  • Ben c’est tout elle !
    L’air totalement dépassé…

    J’adore GIRLS ! J’ai hâte de voir la nouvelle saison.

  • her sad puppy expression?!
    Just loved S03E01 monday, the scenes with Jessa in rehab were just to great

  • Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais j’ai envie de dire une expression à la Woody Allen, non ?

  • Je crois que j’ai fait une mauvais manip’ mon commentaire n’est pas passé (?!). Je trouve qu’elle a un air de Woody Allen comma ça, non ?

  • This cover is fantastic.


  • I really like Girls! But am finding it less and less relatable than season 1. Still enjoying it though!

  • Vanessa la belge January, 16 2014, 11:05 / Reply

    J’adoooooooore Lena !!! Et je suis totalement accro à sa série ainsi qu’à son instagram et suis folle de joie de pouvoir enfin voir la saison 3 !

    Girls <3

  • Sincèrement j’adore Girls et en particulier Lena Dunham, mais j’ai l’impression que cette photo est ultra photoshopée et je trouve ça dommage parce que Lena tente dans la série de combattre le stéréotype de la femme parfaite, donc je trouve ça un peu paradoxale.

  • Justement, j’ai trouvé que ce n’était pas un massacre, comme en voit tellement. Bien sûr le grain de peau est lissé et l’ovale un peu gommé, mais ils lui ont laissé son nez, sa micro-ride à droite et sa fossette, bref, puisque je crois qu’il est illusoire aujourd’hui d’avoir une couverture non-photoshopée, je trouve le résultat plutôt honnête.
    Quant à son expression, elle est très Hannah ! Cet air de débarquer, ces grands yeux apeurés, j’adore :-)
    J’ai essayé de regarder Girls l’an dernier sans accrocher du tout, mais j’ai retenté il y a quelques semaines et je suis tombée dedans !

  • Sunny Side January, 16 2014, 11:19 / Reply

    Jamais vu Girls ! Vu la robe jaune canari !!! Elle a une bouille adorable, un petit air en plus jolie de Giuletta Massina jeune (femme de Fellini) en moins triste aussi !

  • Ouiiiii Garance je regarde c’est tellement addictif !!
    J’attends avec impatience la nouvelle saison…
    Cette couverture de Vogue est fun et Lena a une expression étonnée/inquiète…comme si elle était inquiète de savoir ce qu’on allait penser en la voyant en couv’ !

  • Tout à fait d’accord avec Eli.

  • Well… I’m not sure about my feelings about Lena…
    I find it cool that she is on cover of VOGUE even if her expression seems to indicate a “WTF am I doing here” feeling.
    I also agree it is Ultra-photoshoped…
    I really enjoyed the 1st season of Girls…didn’t wtch the 2nd.
    But to be honest sometimes it strikes me as if she is really using her “I’m a bit overweighted and not the prettiest one”.
    And the Golden Globes yelow dress? Blerghhhhh
    That being said, I think she really is a smart young woman and her achievemnts are unbelievable!

  • no i don’t….she is loved…i like the cover.. the spread… i saw a interview cover which was very 60″s i can’t get into her real time looks sorry

  • I love this cover but I really didn’t like the photos inside the magazine – they seemed very photoshopped (was that the idea) and I felt like I had seen them all before – just with Lena as the subject.

    I think the look is ‘Oh my God, they’ve asked me to be on the cover of Vogue’!

  • I was so delighted to see Lena Dunham on the cover of Vogue! What a great photo! I watch Girls, and while I don’t always relate to their experiences, I’m glad the show exists.

  • I think this may just be my favourite cover too! Something about her expression that I adore mixed with her pixie hair, eyes, polka-dot shirt and background colour all work so well together!

    Love GIRLS! Curious how season 3 will pan out… My only tiff with the show is that there are not enough episodes in a season and there doesnt seem to be any actual “seasons” in a the show (fall, winter, spring, summer… well just spring/ summer). Last season I felt like they could have elaborated or taken more time with certain topics etc… and spread out the show to say at least 13 episodes…

    am I alone in this? What do you think?


  • I think that expression means: I don’t know what I’m doing here… buf! I feel the pressure! ( hence the hand gestures)

    I watch Girls, of course! But I get super nervous with all the charachters! I guess it is because they are always transmiting those doubts, they make so many mistakes… I don’t know, maybe I’m brainwashed by all the picture perfect stories on TV that I just can’t stand something a little bit less perfect!


  • I love Lena and I love Vogue, but not sure if I want a ‘Vanity Fair’ like cover to represent them both on this publication. I’m a little disappointed on the delivery, but I guess it’s time to try something new?!?

    I’ll revist this again when Kim and Kanye are on the cover…come on, you know it’s gonna happen. Like it or not. Ho hum.


  • Lena is fabulous. She’s authentic, she’s witty, and — most noteworthy — she has opened up so many things for discussion, regarding society. The attitude of Millennials, the perception of body-image (and even “sex”, for that matter), personal relationships…all topics that have been impacted by the success of “Girls”. Not to mention, how Lena has demonstrated to aspiring writers, filmmakers, and artists that it really IS possible to get your message out there, even if you’re not the most well-connected person in the world. In short, she’s controversial; but, the woman rocks!

    She admitted in the “Vogue” interview that she doesn’t feel at home in Hollywood. The expression on her face, to me, is a clear representation of her sense of self in the midst of so much media-attention.


  • eastvillagesiren January, 16 2014, 1:12 / Reply

    I think Lena’s a talented writer and director, but I’ve never been that into the show. I think she looks cute on the cover of Vogue, which makes it look more like a Teen Vogue cover. I look (rightly or wrongly) to Vogue as a leader, and with this generic cover, I feel they’re following the “trend” of Lena Dunham, which has probably already peaked. I cringed at the awkward styling and Photoshopping in the editorial on her. The writer also did Dunhman a terrible disservice by comparing her to Bob Dylan in terms of her influence. I think that’s grossly incorrect and grossly unfair to her. Honestly, I also don’t think she’s a style inspiration, her red carpet clothes seems to be ill-fitting, and she doesn’t seem to know how to dress for her body type. I long for the days when Vogue actually featured models on the cover (like Daria on February U.S. Bazaar).

  • jenny white January, 16 2014, 6:40

    I agree with you…

  • Well I m not hooked on this show. Hannah is the worst#annoying. But we ll try again. Anyway I love the cover and pics inside????

  • I’ve watched Girls but I though the BUT in the question below the cover had to do with the fact that they seemed to have shrunk her head and slimed her face so much, that it doesn’t even look like her, but yeah yeah, great cover sure. (one of the polka dots in the shirt neck has even lost its circularity)

  • __________ incongrue?

  • I adore her and this spectacular cover. A strong, cool woman – pure class.

  • Cette couverture est géniale et j’adore la série Girls, elle est très dans l’air du temps, traite aussi bien du futile comme du très grave et avec un naturel et une authenticité renversante!
    Je conseille à toutes! ;)

  • She resembles a young Carrie Fisher. Pretty eyes. Cover is so-so and why is she not smiling? Don’t watch the series btw.

  • I am the outlier here. I never liked the concept of Lena Dunham as presented by media. I still don’t. I don’t relate to Girls. I find it absurd and somewhat hypocritical that she’s on the cover of Vogue when pretty much her entire red-carpet career has been a middle finger to fashion. Or did you see what Zac Posen supposedly made to fit her? And they’re friends?

    With friends like that, I can only conclude that la Dunham needs a reality check before anyone else tries to laud her as this amazing voice whose work transcends our petty divisions. She’s just another writer/director/actress, now who made something popular. Who’s the real Lena? Who’s the Lena the press hasn’t curated for us? And what, I wonder, does she think of all this?

  • eastvillagesiren January, 16 2014, 7:39

    Well said, thank you!

  • This is a great cover. I really like it. However, I am not a fan of “Girls”. That may be because I am no longer a “girl”, in fact far from it! That being said, I am not a prude either. I have watched quite a few of the episodes and find them terribly offensive. If Lena Dunham is considered the voice of her generation, and the new queen of comedy, then I simply find that sad for her generation. I think her character, Hannah, seems like a weak, lost, and confused young “girl” with no self esteem. She does not appear strong or cool to me a all!

  • Raphaëlle January, 16 2014, 5:15 / Reply

    J’aimais beaucoup Girls, mais Lena Dunham a tendance à m’énerver. Sous prétexte qu’elle ne rentre pas dans les diktats de beauté actuels, les magazines nous disent qu’elle ressemble aux “vraies” filles, et qu’on peut s’identifier à elle. C’est faux. Pourquoi devrait-on s’identifier à la première femme qui ne fait pas du 34 et qui n’est pas irréprochable ? Je ne pense pas que toutes les femmes aient envie de s’identifier à Lena Dunham ! Le fait que les médias prennent son corps comme prétexte de normalité me sort par les yeux. Quand je regarde Girls, je préfère m’identifier à Shoshanna, voire Jessa quelques fois !

  • I watched two episodes but found it very superficial and frivolous. I agree with most of the comments here that The Vogue Cover looks so photo shopped that she looks like Rose Byrne. I do not think she is a role model she is a voice and I admire her sense of business and the fact that she is very empowered. I do not think the show Girls can be that good as an example for young women though. But in the end, that would be putting too much responsibility in her shoulders. I think the show is always trying to show the audience, but that does not make it good or cool in anyway.

  • ______ Flabbergasted ?!

  • Tsk tsk. Lena is brilliant,and has obviously found her niche (for now). I adore her normalcy,her humor that causes me to snort! Ha! Can’t wait to see where she lands next!

  • I go watch girls.
    The expression. It’s like a look at me please in these clothes? a mixture between what am I doing to can you stare into my soul?

  • Since this is Vogue cover and not portrait art I don’t mind the amount of photoshopping at all, as I don’t really want to stare at Lena’s pores and every single skin crease. Celebrities should have their privacy when they are looking back at us from covers and commercials and are allowed a bit of “ironing “ to protect it. In reality I am European avantgarde artist, but I was celebrity, I’d beg for retouching in order to keep my worries and blackhead count to myself.

  • I don’t watch Girls, I was researching about it before (that’s what I do, before I actually attempt at something, like watch a movie, buy a book, etc.), and to me it just doesn’t seem appealing. But then again, I never really liked Sex and the City either, yet a lot of women liked it… I’m more of a Downton Abbey, CSI, 30 Rock, Suits type of TV person.

  • love, love, love, love, love GIRLS!
    i think the combo of the expression and the polka dots is pretty great.

  • I love that you love the cover not just because its Lena Dunham but because its a great cover – J’en ai marre de people constantly commenting on her being pretty on only a certain spectrum… she is beautiful, I mean…. her EYES!!!

  • elle est géniale cette série! et la photo WOUAHHHH!

  • AMAZING cover”girls AMAZING

  • Katherine January, 17 2014, 10:51 / Reply

    Huffington Post published a great article on Girls yesterday titled “If you hate HBO’s ‘Girls’ you’re missing the point”: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/angelina-chapin/girls-lena-dunham_b_4604733.html

    From the article: “When it comes to exposing ugly truths about privileged white people, no show does it better than Girls. When Dunham was condemned for the lack of diversity on her show, she served up a big fat reality check: you don’t erase racial divisions by graduating from liberal arts college.”

  • Quelle anti-heroine parfaite! Girls est LA nouvelle série a suivre ! Une sorte de sex and the city en beaucoup plus réaliste et avec une touch de l’humour juif de Woody Allen! Go lena!

  • Je perçois de la tristesse dans ses yeux mais en regardant rapidement j’aurais dit la surprise.. Un mélange des deux c’est possible ?

    Et oui je regarde Girls, c’est tellement bien :)

  • I completely adore this cover. I’m always amazed at how pretty she is when she cleans up a bit. Her makeup is so stunning and the shirt and her expression.

    I watch the show, but more so I can bitch about it with my friends. :)

    Shani x
    She Dreams in Perfect French

  • J’adore également Lena Dunham (en plus du fait que ça fait une personnalité qui porte mon nom ! ) et ai remarqué cette expression particulière ! C’est un peu ” life’s hard, but let’s lough about it ! ” Une expression qui exprime une certaine ironie; un visage comme attristé mais un regard plein d’humour ! Finalement cette expression me fait un peu penser à Shrek. Ca sonne vraiment pas élogieux, mais ce personnage je l’adore et il à ce cote délicieusement imparfait, qui en fait un être génial et chargé d’humour, un peu comme Lena Dunham !

  • Maryanne January, 17 2014, 4:54 / Reply

    Great cover…great show…. All clever people!!!!!

  • Super couverture et d’ailleurs j’adore le show!! J’adore le styles différents des personnages et j’aime beaucoup comment ils ne sont pas patiné! Mais sinon vous ne trouvez pas que dans la série il y a trop de sex sans précautions? C’est la seule chose qui me met un peu mal à l’aise..

  • Elle me fait énormément au Désespéré de Courbet ! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/30/Gustave_Courbet_-_Le_Désespéré.JPG
    Son expression, à la fois mélancolique et surprise, et ses mains, ses yeux, sa blouse…

  • Girls c’est juste ma révélation en séries !!! Ca m’a donné 40 nouvelle idées pour plus tard :
    – Aller vivre à NY
    – et y manger des muffins dans un café trop cool
    – et rigoler, toujours plus

    Elle est trop top cette Lena

  • I looove girls! I think it’s really honest in how it portrays your 20s and all the mess you make during those years. The characters can be a bit sad and douchebag-y, but I think that’s pretty close to how I were, even though I probably thought I was a lot cooler and well-rounded at the time! I’ve just turned 30, but I can still relate to or remember how it felt to go through that stuff.

  • stephanie January, 19 2014, 1:39 / Reply

    She’s greatly styled on this cover. Very inspiring!

  • DOMINIQUE January, 19 2014, 2:02 / Reply

    Un article sur Lena Dunham dans le Guardian de ce dimanche, relate qu’elle est furieuse d’avoir été photoshopée sur la couverture de Vogue… et qu’elle ne se reconnaît pas.

  • J’aime beaucoup cette série, j’aime bien cette fille, mais cette expression… On appelle ça le “sparrow face”. Certes moins moche que le “duckface”, mais tout aussi… Euh, oui : ridicule. Lena, fais-nous donc un joli sourire…
    (et Dominique, pour e que j’en ai lu sur internet, elle n’est pas du tout fâchée par le photoshopage de Vogue ; elle l’a accepté et s’en justifie mollement – après avoir été attaquée violemment sur le sujet).

  • I think Lena Dunham is great, particularly after how she has handled all the crap that Jezebel stirred up about her Vogue photos: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/inae-oh/jezebel-unretouched-lena-dunham-photos-vogue_b_4612161.html

    I do watch Girls, and I find it painful and awkward, and the characters can be absolutely maddening in their self absorption, but I think that’s the whole point. I think it is a shame that some people assume that Lena and Hannah are the same; I think Hannah’s complete lack of self awareness reflects the opposite in her creator.

  • Mon amie, by the number of comments – lots of girls love LENA. Isn’t she great. I have just started watched over the last couple of weeks here in Australia and I have no idea if its season 1/2. What a great series and some fine writing indeed. Good on AW for getting Lena to do a cover; and how wonderful to see a girl who is not a sample size gracing that cover beautifully. B

  • Oh que oui, cette série est vraiment géniale!

  • Alllllez vite un post sur GIRLS, évidemment qu’on regarde, c’est très générationnel (j’ai la vingtaine) et en même temps, très très trèèès new-yorkais, il y a un tas de choses dont on parle avec mes copines parisiennes en se disant “ça ne serait JAMAIS arrivé à Paris”. Bref c’est frais, c’est VRAI (mon dieu ça fait du bien) et Lena et ses girls sont géniales, elles dépoussièrent les héroïnes. Ah un post sur leur style vestimentaire, on en parle des soirées entières de leurs fringues…
    Bref on aime Lena !

  • I think real women are offended by the absurd photoshop work on this cover. Come on so silly.

  • I started watching it because you guys were talking about it on the blog. I’m really getting into it and I love that Lena writes, directs, and stars in it.

  • vincent Blag April, 14 2014, 3:43 / Reply

    L’expression de Lena ressemble un peu a celle d’Eliott lorsqu’il
    rencontre ET dans l’abri de jardin, on dirait un mélange d’incompréhension
    et de frayeur . C’est assez singulier . Un joli contraste .

    “Girls” ? Jamais vu !

  • J’adhère au concept de Girls, à cette envie de réaliser quelque chose d’à la fois authentique et satirique, prenant pour modèle ces récents films indépendants aux images couleurs pastels calqués sur la réalité et traitant des histoires vraies de personnes vraies – mais la série échoue à tous les niveaux.
    Le problème ne réside pas dans le fait d’apprécier ou de s’identifier ou non à ces jeunes filles là – de qui j’ai d’ailleurs retenu une Lena à qui l’on a manqué d’apprendre les règles de bienséance et de décence – non, mais dans le fond même de la série, dans sa réalisation, dans le fait que la plupart personnages sont extrêmement mal travaillés, qu’ils n’évoluent pas, que le scénario est pauvre, les dialogues simplistes, les histoires sans fondement.
    Bien sur, le jeu de certains acteurs de la série me semble irréprochable – Adam Driver, Jemima Kirke et Ebon Moss-Bachrach sont littéralement géniaux et si je me suis bouffée les trois saisons, c’est parce que j’avais foi en ces acteurs là et que j’étais convaincue que la série allait finir par prendre une bonne tournure. Mais non.
    Don’t get me wrong, je suis quelqu’un de très ouvert d’esprit, je peux à la fois savoir admirer les grands chef d’oeuvres du cinéma et m’affaler devant une série sans grande cohérence, mais avec Girls, ça ne colle juste pas.

  • Lena is multi-talented and her show is indeed cringe-worthy at times. Such is the life of a 20-something. I just wrote a post about this very topic and why even older women love GIRLS (the tv show).

  • Johne279 June, 1 2014, 8:55 / Reply

    A big thank you for your article.Thanks Again. Great. ebebkeefddde

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