From the Studio

Let’s Hang Out!!!

11 years ago by

I often receive a lot of questions, on a lot of subjects – nothing makes me happier than you thinking about me when you’re in doubt and I’d really love to answer everybody, but I just don’t have the time…

That’s why I thought I’d use technology (ahahah)(when it’s not really a NEW technology but it takes some time to go up to my brain) and that we could do a Google Hangout where I’d answer your questions.

For this first Hangout, I thought it’d be cool to talk about everything career, orientation and motivation, (not necessarily my career, but yours!) as I’ve received a ton of emails about that lately.

I think we’ll do that on Thursday, and it’ll last for about one hour. We’ll do it around 12pm New York time (6pm Paris time, 9am in LA)

Everybody will be able to see the Hangout live, but only 5 persons will be able to chat live with me at the same time (limits of technology) so once I’ve answered a question we’ll open the chat to a new person, etc. so I can try to meet as many of you as possible !

Wanna chat with me ?

Here’s how it works :

1/ Leave your questions in the comments and be careful to put your email in the box (it won’t be visible by the public, just by me, no worries)

2/ I’ll choose some of your questions, and we’ll send you an invite to chat with me (Emily will explain everything to you)

3/ We’ll meet on Thursday on Google + and wear something nice cause you’ll be filmed!!! ;-)))

If you can’t see the live, don’t worry, we’ll record the Hangout and publish it on our Youtube channel.
So, fingers crossed that everything will work perfectly and I CAN’T WAIT TO MEET YOU GUYS.

PS: Abbie, Erin and all those who sent me emails, I hope you’ll be there on Thursday !!!


Add yours
  • WOW…what a great idea…I would love to be part of this…don’t have a specific questions but can I just join, listen and be your friend!!!!!! xoxox

  • This is SO COOL!!! I litterally can’t wait :-)
    Paris-New York Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Fashion Blog : NEW POST!
    The Deep Blue Cory Facebook Page
    Xoxo Cory

  • i like the idea as well :)

  • Isabel June, 3 2013, 11:21 / Reply

    Hello Garance! I’m asking a question from Toronto, Canada. I love your blog so much, do you think you will ever compile all of your work into a book (illustration, fashion, travel)? I would love that! xx

  • Olivia June, 3 2013, 11:34 / Reply

    Love it! This is so cool! Too bad I’ll still be at work, but I can’t wait to watch the YouTube video! You’re such an inspirational person to me (yay I come from tiny South of France – big shout out to Aix-en-Provence). Last time I saw you … I was too scared to come and say hi haha! (and I don’t even talk about the book signing in Harrods in September, nearly died haha). Ok, now I sound creepy.

    Anyways, thanks for your blog and your dedication to your readers, a lot of bloggers tend to forget that a blog is not only pretty pictures and projects for money with brands!

  • Emilie June, 3 2013, 11:36 / Reply

    Hi Garance,

    I have been following your blog for a few weeks now and I love love love! You have inspired me to create my own website which is in its beginning stages. There, I will talk about my own experiences with severe depression, anxiety and eating disorders and how I managed to come out of it more me, more creative and more inspired than ever. I want people who are living through similar experiences to know that they are not alone, that others are/have gone through similar things and have come out of stronger than ever.

    I would like some advice regarding website design. I graduated from engineering last year and so I have some skills regarding technology, computers and programing although the HTML and Java stuff is a little daunting right now. I am still very focused on writing but I wanted to take this opportunity to ask you for any advice you would have about creating/designing a website and making it appealing to as many people as possible (it is very important for me that my content be accessible to everyone!). I love your simplistic and elegant design (la classe!).

    Thanks so much for doing what you do,


    p.s: I am actually half French Canadian from Montréal and have travelled to Paris many times to visit friends/boyfriend ?. Je préfère te lire et d’entendre parler français mais bon…je vais m’y faire !

  • @Emilie Moi aussi je viens de Montréal (represent) et j’aime bien l’entendre parler Francais! Heureusement je suis parfaitement bilingue mais ca ferait un peu de bien de temps en temps de l’entendre parler francais!!

    Still Garance, we love you!!

  • You have grown so much over the years and have become one of the most influential bloggers on the blogger sphere. Now that you have accomplished all of this, what do you feel is the next chapter for you?

  • you are so good to all us readers. it’s what keeps us coming back here every day for more!


  • Bonjour Garance,

    Très très bonne idée ! Vraiment !

    J’ai 25 ans et suis sur le point de terminer mes études de Sciences Po à Bologne, en relations internationales. Avant cela j’ai obtenu une licence en langue et culture italiennes (ouais la licence zarbi je sais !).
    J’ai ouvert mon blog Incognito il y a de cela maintenant presque deux ans car j’avais une envie folle d’écrire. Au fur et à mesure de son avancée je me suis découvert une passion pour la mode. Une passion qui au terme de mes études en relations internationales m’a poussée à postuler pour un stage dans une communauté mode naissante (je serais dans la branche content & community management). J’ai été prise en grande partie grâce à mon blog, j’en suis très heureuse et suis impatiente d’y être mais en même temps je suis rongée par le doute, j’ai peur de ne pas avoir les qualités, capacités d’y arriver. Et déjà je me pose la question du “après” mon stage. J’aimerais pouvoir trouver un travail le plus vite possible, mais en même temps étant toute nouvelle dans ce monde, je ne sais pas trop comment faire pour avancer.

    Donc voici ma (ou mes) question(s) : Quels conseils donnerais-tu à quelqu’un dans ma situation ? Après ce stage me conseillerais-tu d’en trouver un autre pour m’améliorer ou penses-tu qu’il vaut mieux que je commence à chercher du travail ?

    Merci beaucoup d’être toujours aussi disponibles pour nous, vraiment ! Même si ma qustion n’est pas prise je serais quand même heureuse de regarder le live car je suis sûre que je ne suis pas la seule dans cette situation, je pense que j’apprendrais quelque chose dans tous les cas !

    A bientôt

    Shug Avery d’Incognito

  • Pas de questions mais waoouhh ! C’es fou comme tu ressembles à Liz Taylor.
    Je sais que l’on t’a déjà fait la remarque et que forcément, ça fait méga plaisir ! héhé
    Mais vraiment ! Sur cette photo, c’est dingue. Enfin, surtout depuis ton changement capillaire.
    Bises !

  • karolina June, 3 2013, 11:55 / Reply

    Garance, you are the best! xoxo

  • Catherine June, 3 2013, 11:56 / Reply

    Hi Garance,

    Thank you for taking the time to do something so cool for us! I would love to talk to you about how to make careers that do not DIRECTLY intersect with fashion… intersect with fashion. As an illustrator, your talents did not necessarily have to take you where they did. However, because you had a passion for fashion (haha!) you were able to combine the two. For me, I am headed to law school in the fall and have been immersed in “Corporate America” for a while now. However, my passion for fashion (ughh…not so funny the second time) is undeniable and cannot be repressed forever. Are there ways to break into the industry for those with nontraditional fashion jobs?

    Thank you!!


  • Such a great idea! I’ll be rushing home from work to watch ;)

  • Salut,

    Je pense que cela serait bien d’avoir un garçon pour le hangout sur Google+ non ?

    LOVE xx

  • Natalie June, 3 2013, 12:07 / Reply

    I’m curious to hear what you think about paid versus unpaid internships, after you’ve already started on a particular path. In my case, I have a well-respected a-little-higher-than-entry-level position with a larger company that is somewhat creative. Personally, however, it leaves something to be desired and I worry that I am missing out on great opportunities in the city that are far more creative. What advice would you give to a young woman like myself? Trade the regular position for an unpaid, more interesting, creative position if it meant a difficult financial period? Comfort or creativity?
    thank you!

  • Dear Garance, this is such a cool idea! How fun! Unfortunately I can’t be part of the fun (and my career is pretty much settled up anyway), but I will definitely watch later on youtube! xxx

  • Super cool idea Garance! Love that you get how to embrace the available technology so fully and use it to help solidify this community. Smarty pants.

  • Dear Garance,
    this is such a great idea and it is very nice of you to do something like that for your reader. Not only that I would be very interested how it goes, just because I love your blog and I am curious but also because I think it might be helpful for me. Studied law, never practiced it, did PR and marketing but now moved to a new country and due to language barrier cannot do that either. Would like to work in design and fashion, but I am not very lucky so far :( Started a three generation blog in the meantime so have something to keep me busy :) Oh sorry, poor you if you read all the comments (and you always have many of them) and I make it so long…Hope you will enjoy this session and you will repeat it soon and I will be able to join the next time :) Good luck and have fun! :) Nika

  • What, in your opinion, constitutes a woman’s beauty? (As in physically, mannerisms, personality perhaps, poise… and so on)
    Lovely blog, I’ve been a dedicated reader for a handful of years now. I think this ‘Hangout’ idea is really neat, I’m sure all of your readers really appreciate it.

  • Dear Garance,

    This sounds like a great idea!

    One of my favorite posts you did was about the limits of fashion – in regards to speaking to to women who are more on the voluptuous. I was wondering about your thoughts about other limits or idiosyncrasies of fashion. Specifically the tension between the emphasis on being physically healthy and yet expecting women to wear heels or other attire that are actually detrimental to women’s health. How does one address that issue or resolve that tension? Is it even possible to? How can women be fashionable while also taking care of their bodies? I ask this because I myself suffered a lot of lower back pain as a teenager due to heels and the doctor told me not do so anymore. And yet, heels are considered a quintessential part of being feminine in fashion.

    I realize that that’s more than one question, but I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic.


  • hello :) i work with a non profit online and have done a lot of work with G+. i see that you guys are planning on rotating the chatters on Hangout, not sure if you know that you can invite people very easily by just giving the URL at the top of the page vs trying to invite them via G+ (which can be annoying and confusing if you don’t know how to navigate your circles etc). this way when they click on the link it will just open automatically in a browser without them even having to be logged into their Gmail/G+ account. anyway, if you have any questions about that–please feel free to contact me :) looking forward to watching the Hangout :)

  • Camille June, 3 2013, 1:20 / Reply

    Coucou Garance !

    Super idée !

    Ma question est la suivante : quand on gère un blog mode, peut-être pas aussi influent que le tiens (mais tu as monté les échelons comme tout le monde), comment on s’y prend pour gérer son temps ? Est-ce que tu t’es dit “ok, j’y consacre x heures par semaine !” ou est-ce que tu t’es dit “oh, ça marche, vite, il faut que j’y consacre plus de temps” ? J’ai toujours de la peine à imaginer comment cette question est abordée. Je suis sûre que la qualité joue beaucoup pour q’uun blog ait du succès, mais pour la qualité, il faut y consacrer du temps… Et après, ma question tourne en rond dans ma tête !

    Merci d’avance !

  • Quelle belle idée !
    Mais vive Youtube car à 6h du matin, parler anglais et se faire jolie, ça fait 2 contraintes de trop pour moi ;-) !
    Et je suis sûre que je trouverai la réponse à mes questions dans le lot, quand je visionnerai ça tranquillement, à l’heure de l’apéro, toute préparée devant mon écran ! :-)
    Mais si un jour, il y en a un de prévu pour les petites françaises, je suis preneuse !

  • En fait c’est 18h, je vais modifier pour que ce soit plus clair :)

  • Haaa ! Mais ça change beaucoup de choses là ! Héhé ! ;-) Merci pour l’info !

  • Do you have a personal mission and vision statement that you hold yourself to? If so, what are they?

  • I would love to know how you became so good at fashion illustration – your techniques and materials used etc.

    Katie x

  • Wohoo this is so great! I would loved to join you, I’ll definitely take some of your advices!

  • Hi Garance,

    This is a brilliant idea! My question is have you at any point in your life wanted to stop pursuing/thinking about doing what you love/dream of — given up walking down the path that you took to lead you where you are now?

  • Wow, really great idea and perfect that you do something for your reders. Have a great day.

  • Garance c’est une super idée! Je n’ai pas de questions précises et je n’ai pas vraiment confiance en moi en ce qui concerne l’anglais, donc je passe mon tour pour la discussion. En revanche, je suivrai ce hank out en live c’est sûr! Il faudra aller sur quel lien pour le suivre en live?

  • Hi Garance! Oh my, I’ve been reading this blog as my bible since two years from now and I’ve never let you a comment!!! (no idea why) but this post just inspired me to let you one.

    So I’m from México and I am studying graphic design, I don’t know about other countries but here is a very delicate theme say you are studying design, mostly because is not a country where most of the people think there’s a future on it, I am a traditional illustrator and is really hard to get notice by what people called “just a drawing” even though I also practice photography and more techniques (i’m still at college so I actually keep learning new things about design) but what i like most is photography and drawing, in a world where everyone know how to do both… which would be you best advice to get notice in this world and make a life from it?

  • …ok je viens de relire ton post, on doit aller directement sur Google + si j’ai bien compris.

    Hâte de voir ça! xx

  • Bonne question !!! On vous tiendra au courant mercredi et on mettra un reminder jeudi je pense :)

  • Oh mon dieu ! Quelle merveilleuse idée Garance, moi qui rêve de te rencontrer et qui ait même pensé (et commencé) à t’écrire un email l’année dernière lorsque j’étais en crise car je ne trouvais pas la voie qui me mènerait à la mode. Même si je suis française, je me permet de tenter car j ‘adore l’anglais et je vais faire mes études en Angleterre. En plus, je suis en vacances donc je me lance.

    I started to read your blog when I was 13 or so and I am now 18. I am part of your young audience that dreams to be in fashion mainly because of your blog. As such what tips and advices would you give to a young girl like me who want to enter the fashion industry? Do you think that starting a blog is a great solution (but maybe too much popular?) or finding an internship is better? I have made a lot of researches to find the school that would provide me with qualifications to become a (fashion) editor, artistic director, communication director, etc. I have read the Teen Vogue Handbook that you once mentioned but although this book helps to define the different jobs, only fashion schools are mentioned in order to access theses careers. I’ve decided to study Media & Communication in England for the next three years in order to have an international career, but I am afraid that I won’t be able to work in fashion since I will not study in a fashion school. Do you think they are other ways to work in fashion than fashion schools? And what would you say to students that don’t study this given field so that they can still work in this industry?

    Voilà, en espérant que mes questions t’intéressent. De toute manière, je serais là Jeudi pour écouter tout cela.

  • Madie June, 4 2013, 8:52

    I just had another idea for a question and I know you can’t answer to every which of them but maybe this one is more interesting and it completes what I was saying before.
    Following what I’ve said about being a young girl and dreaming about a career in fashion, sometimes you can be a little bit afraid because of people discouraging you or what you’ve heard about this tough industry. What advices can you give us in order to be as much prepared as possible to face the challenges of the fashion industry?
    Thank you so much for reading this.

  • Simple question from a Frenchie: imagine you could see the future through a magic window. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

  • Hello Garance!
    Je suis lycéenne (pleine période du bac, eh oui!) et l’année prochaine, je rentre en école d’architecture à Paris. J’adore voyager et particulièrement aux Etats-Unis, j’aimerais donc plus tard m’y installer en tant qu’architecte. Etant une française partie s’installer à New York et t’y connaissant dans le domaine artistique, penses-tu que ça serait possible pour moi d’y travailler ? Ou est ce que tu penses plutôt que s’implanter dans une grande ville américaine devient plus en plus compliqué de nos jours ?
    xx Lia

  • How cool! I am glad you are joining into the Google hang out thing.

    My question(s) is the following:
    As you started as an illustrator before doing photography, what was your reaction when you were offered your first commissioned photographic job? Were you stressed and how did it feel to be taken seriously and being expected professional result for something that started as passion?


    Thanks a lot!!

  • Great idea. I’m still geeking out over that day you answered a bunch of our tweets when you were in Vegas ;) I’ll be in a meeting Thurs, otherwise I’d love to do this (I would have asked you if you watched Game of Thrones Sunday! I’m still completely broken up over it!)

  • Amazing!! Garance, brilliant idea!! Can’t wait!! Smarty pants indeed!!

  • What a great idea!
    Just a little question from my part :
    What’s your relationship with France?
    Do you feel sometimes homesick? Do you still define yourself as french?
    My question hasn’t really a link to the theme “career” but on the other hand, is it important to know where you’re from when you go international?

  • WOW!! Very great idea!!!

    Elisa My Fantabulous World

  • I use Google hangout a lot to chat with my two sons: one in Brooklyn, the other in Morocco. What’s your advice for looking good on a video chat? Its not the most flattering medium. Help this Mom look good!

    I’ll have to watch for your answer on Youtube as I’ll be at work during the hangout.

  • antapal June, 3 2013, 4:24 / Reply

    What a great idea!!!

  • Marijn June, 3 2013, 4:31 / Reply

    Hi Garance,

    Quel delice to see that you’ve adopted Google+!

    Two questions: what is the best career advice you have ever received. Secondly, in these times where everyone has a blog, how do you stand out and how do you reach a broader audience than your circle of friends?

    Merci, et a tout.


  • C’est une super idée, je cherche à me reconvertir, ou plutôt à trouver ma voie après 6 années à faire l’infirmière ce qui a failli me tuer… Je ne sais pas par où commencer, tellement d’incertitudes. Heureusement mon chéri m’a emmenée loin de Paris, à l’autre bout du monde pour que je puisse prendre le temps de réfléchir à ce que je veux vraiment. C’est une perle.
    Malheureusement (ou pas) je serai sur l’île de Pâques (héhé je profite!!!) mais je ne manquerai pas de regarder tout ça sur Youtube.

  • Albina June, 3 2013, 4:40 / Reply

    This is such a great idea, really Garance!

    I’ve read most of the comments and I don’t know if my question really fits into the conversation since it’s not really about fashion but I’ll give it a try :-)
    I would just like to know how you managed to always keep going and not give up even through the hardest times? How did you, through all these years (and I can imagine that it was really hard at the beginning) persevere and have you ever felt like throwing the towel?
    I know it’s a stupid question and you might not want to talk about it but I would really like to know that about someone like you, I mean someone who built herself something she can be proud of!

    It’s amazing how you care about your readers!



  • Youhouuuu!!! Ca peut être trop cool! Pour me présenter, j’ai 27ans et je suis passionnée de mode, une vraie drogue, depuis…que j’ai12ans environ. Enfin malgré tout, je travaille dans un secteur complètement différent, une grande société, mon job n’est pas ma passion, mais je m’investis bcp, ça me réussit plutôt bien. J’aime me sentir Tess la working woman qui va tout changer, oui au fond je me fais tout un film, une conquérante assez rêveuse, c’est ça qui fait mon charme! Bon à part ça, voici mes questions: En matière de carrière, as-tu un modèle? Un conseil à quelqu’un qui aimerait travailler dans la mode?

  • I love this idea.

    For us, you represent a true pinnacle of success, so my question is…if you won the lottery, what would you do?


  • Lilena June, 3 2013, 5:30 / Reply

    Hi Garance!

    I will be at work so unfortunately I won’t join you guys, but maybe you can answer my questions…:

    How did you manage to stay motivated and run your blog for so many years? I’ve noticed (with my own blogs) that after a few months/years of euphoria, I eventually lose interest. Maybe because I always reach a point where it’s so hard to reach a broader audience, and it feels like you only keep your blog for your blogger friends.
    In a broader sense, what is your mindset/mantra to keep going? I’m sure, like any one of us, you have your moments of doubt when it comes to the point/quality/meaning of your work? How do you move on in moments like these?

    Thank you (for always being so close to your readers!)

  • How do you stay so positive and motivated all the time? And how do you know when to quit and move on to something else when it is not working out?

  • I know that you’ve mentioned in a interview with Lifestyle Mirror about Scott being the first person to actually believe in you. Which I thought was such a power statement; so what’s your advice on how to maintaining self-esteem and also how to believe in yourself, when everything seems to fall apart.

    I’m in a transitional faze in my life, adjusting from college life to the “real world”. I really thing I have a unique voice, but sometimes I’m a little afraid to show it.

    I truly can’t thank you enough for inspiring, encouraging and bringing a unique voice in the world.



  • Mercedes Cordoba June, 3 2013, 6:48 / Reply

    Hi Garance!!

    I live in a small city in Argentina, luckily i have traveled a lot since i was young and i was able to see the differents fashions trends and how after a year or two they arrived to this lands. Nowadays with de help of internet fashion trends spreds quicklier, the 90′ are back here too, tigers are drawn in every kind of sweater and sneakers with hidden heels are everywhere!! With some much information in ours hands are we loosing our identity?If in fashion one trend is in reaction of the previus one, will the next fashion trend be a back to roots?

    Saludos desde Argentina!!

  • Carole June, 3 2013, 7:21 / Reply

    R u enjoying your hair…i haven’t seen the front in photos…curious

  • Roxanne June, 3 2013, 7:26 / Reply

    C’est une super bonne idée ! Je ne pourrai pas être là ce jeudi mais si jamais tu en fait un autre, je vais y être avec plaisir ! :) J’ai bien hâte de voir la vidéo de ça ! :)

  • Hi Garance!

    At what point does work end and a personal life begins?

    Not only do we pour ourselves into our job both in the office and at home (I’m on my iPad for HOURS after work!) but it also seems like more often than not we’re expected to be answering emails late at night and super early in the morning. How are we supposed to be good at our jobs and also have a fulfilling personal life?

  • Dear Garance,

    This is such a wonderful idea. Thank you so much for doing this. You are a professional mentor for me from afar! I have a question for you. I’m very interested in how you deal with criticism. What are your best practices? I think that some criticism is valid while some critique is not helpful and can even be hurtful. How do you decide what critique or even suggestions to take from the readers of your blog? How have you developed a thick skin? Thanks for all you do! :-)

    Very Sincerely Yours,

    Courtney Young

  • Hi Garance!

    What a great idea! I am a fashion blogger/writer/trend forecaster/market consultant based in Shanghai. I’ve been living in Shanghai for 5 years, and my time in China has really effected my perspective on fashion, particularly luxury. People in China are very logo-obsessed. Not that I blame them… having a luxury bag is very much a status symbol, which is hugely important to personal and professional success here. Now luxury logos are on every street corner, in every mall and in every hand (real or fake). But, I sense the pendulum is swinging back already. Because they are so omnipresent, luxury is losing its luster, and I myself am a bit turned off by logos since they hardly reflect what they used to – heritage, exclusivity, quiet quality.

    My question: In your opinion, what is the current status of luxury logos? How are they perceived now in the fashion world? And where do you see the concept of buying into brands – not purely for design – in the future?

    Thanks Garance! I am a huge fan. You have really influenced my career and it would be an honor to get to speak to you! I will stay up til midnight, Shanghai time, waiting for you! xo

  • Helene Kim June, 3 2013, 8:17 / Reply

    Dear Garance,

    Your “Pardon My French”concept and your interviews are my favorites.
    Have you ever thought what your current life would be without fashion ? what your blog and your professional life would be in 10 years ? Have you thought about it or have you just been living intensively the present ? Have you a dream which could impact our society ?

    These questions are obsessing me. I would love to offer a delicious Korean diner and share time whith a person like you.

    Helene Kim, a Korean-French career woman living in Paris with 2 boys : my husband and my little primary school attending child

  • Dear Garance,

    Thanks for doing this. You are definitely a professional inspiration to me and a mentor from afar! My question for you is how do you personally deal with criticism. I have found that while critique can be uncomfortable, sometimes it is valid. Other times, it is not helpful or even hurtful. How do you deal with criticism? How do you response to it from readers or your blog and others? How have you developed a thick skin in this business, the more successful that you have become. Thank you Garance and I wish you continued success!


    Courtney Young

  • Garance!
    I think that this is so great! What a generous gift for your readers. And thank you for mentioning me in the post :) Unfortunately, I have school finals Thursday morning. (We have to pattern, cut, and construct an entire garment in 6 hours!) Wish me luck! I look forward to watching the video.

  • Nysgonzalez June, 3 2013, 9:12 / Reply

    So cool!
    My question concerns writing. Your blog posts are vivid and candid. They keep your readers hooked. I’m an (aspiring) writer and a lawyer by profession. (Professional hazard of practicing law is becoming too risk adverse) How do you decide how much to share with your readers. Isn’t it a little scary to share so much? How do you maintain your voice when you write professionally for Vogue and have to deal with an editor?


    Nadine (nysgonzalez)

  • This is a great idea! I have some questions for you:

    How do you think fashion blogs (particularly your own, of course) will evolve in the future?

    Blogging has changed so much in the last few years, and it has revolutionized the fashion industry. What kinds of revolutions do you see happening in the next few years in regards to blogging and the industry? Did you know that you had your finger on the pulse of something great when your blog started to get recognized? Now, do you plan your next moves?

    I’d love to know what you think.

    I’m in Brooklyn, would be fun to chat!

  • Nicole June, 3 2013, 11:00 / Reply

    Hi Garance! I absolutely adore you and your blog! Hope you can answer my simple questions :)

    Fashion is very volatile industry, as trends are constantly changing, but you have managed to stay on top of your game throughout the years. What would you say is the best way to stay relevant in the business?

    Also, what would be your advice for someone not from the US who wants to have a career in Fashion (or just a career!) in America?

    Thanks so much!

  • Dear Garance-

    My favorite feature on your blog is your Career section. I manage to always take something away after reading/listening to an interview. I so appreciate that your relationships and friendships with these amazing souls because they impart to me wisdom and advice that I can rarely find but often need.

    My question to you is, what advice do you have for someone who wants to jump career paths, but has no courage? Someone who wants to start living a life she’s proud of but is too scared to take the first step? They say that your twenties are the best time to make mistakes to figure out who it is you want to be but the unknown scares and paralyzes me.

    All my best,

  • Sandrine June, 3 2013, 11:33 / Reply

    Coucou Garance. I have such a huge passion for fashion that I don’t feel happy working at any other jobs not related to it. My major is the French language, and now I’ve been working in a bank for three years. At the age of 25, do you think it is a little bit too late for me to start learning at a fashion school and try to find a position in this industry? I’ve been struggling a lot. Plus I’m a Chinese girl and looking forward to working in fashion in Paris or New York.

  • carole June, 4 2013, 6:24

    Hopefully fashion will give u a career…try a summer class at FIT

  • Jennifer June, 3 2013, 11:52 / Reply

    Hi Garance,
    I’m deeply captivated by your incredible artistry, and I think you have revolutionized the power of image and text in the fashion industry. I am 18, I play the upright bass and have a love for fashion and art. My question is:

    If you could say something to your 18-year old self, what would it be?

    Thank you.

    -Jen from Toronto

  • Hi Garance!

    I am a fashion marketing student all the way from the Philippines with a particular interest in creating art and illustration in fashion and also editorials for publications. Having so little background in art, it is always frustrating to get turned down for internships I am admittedly not qualified for. I constantly feel like time is running out for me as I’m getting older (but not that old, 23 right now) and as I am still not earning money for myself. So my questions is — how do I improve myself as an artist when there are very limited avenues to do so? And when I have, what are the steps I should take to ascend in the industry?

    Another life-path conflict I have in my mind is — how do you find a greater purpose in a career in fashion? For sure, I want to eat, sleep, breathe, dream and just live fashion but I always find myself yearning for a higher purpose. A higher purpose in the same way that doctors heal people and lawyers (sometimes) help those who are oppressed. For you, is such a purpose fulfilled by your career? How does one achieve this purpose within the industry?

    You are such an inspiration to so many people, Garance! This is such a wonderful idea and I hope everything goes on even better for you from here on out :)

    Love from Manila,

  • Hi Garance! My name is Nia, and I am 23 y/o, and am on my way to London to study at UAL this fall. I am also in the beginning stages of starting my own business, so this google chat idea came just in time! Here are a few questions that I have:

    .If you could give any bit of advise to a 20 something female entrepreneur what would it be?
    .What are some tips on how to brand yourself, and your business?
    .What are you top marketing tips?
    .How do you balance work and travel?

    Thank you Garance, I am looking forward to the google chat, and learning some new things!

  • Idée formidable.
    Je ne suis pas certaine de pouvoir venir regarder le live, mais je ferai tout pour ! J’ai une petite chance d’y parvenir, peut-être un peu en retard, je verrai. Donne-nous bien toutes les info. pour arriver à te suivre, car je suis la reine des gaffes.
    Il y a déjà nombre de propositions très intéressantes concernant les sujets à aborder… Je vais réfléchir à mes questions. En tout cas, c’est une idée qui me parle énormément.
    Si… par exemple (mais je passe mon tour pour apparaître à l’écran cette semaine : trop timide !)
    * Y aurait-il une anecdote sur tes débuts (ou une expérience plus actuelle) qui nous ferait rire, histoire de débuter le hang out de façon légère ?
    * Il y a déjà eu pas mal de changements sur ton blog (que j’aime, d’ailleurs). Vers quels nouveaux chemins aimerais-tu faire encore évoluer ton site ?
    * L’organisation : avec l’emploi-du-temps que tu as, comment parviens-tu à prendre un peu d’avance sur ton blog (écriture des billets) ? Évidemment, tu as une formidable équipe, mais je pense surtout à la rédaction de tes propres articles.
    * Dans les portraits d’artistes, de créateurs ou de journalistes (…) que tu nous proposes souvent, quels seraient ceux que tu n’as pas pu encore faire aujourd’hui et sur lesquels tu adorerais travailler ?
    * Comment te vois-tu d’ici quelques années ? As-tu déjà pensé à créer un magazine papier qui serait le prolongement de ton blog, ou, au contraire, est-ce une idée folle et farfelue ? Sinon, as-tu pensé à la rédaction d’un livre mélangeant tout ce qui fait ta personnalité connue du public (photos, illustrations, billets d’humeur-mode, etc, etc…) ?
    Je sais, ce sont des questions tournées vers toi, mais c’est ce qui me vient en tête en ce moment.
    Bonne journée !

  • Juliette June, 4 2013, 4:51 / Reply

    Dear Garance,

    I graduated with a master’s degree in finance but I have a passion for art, fashion and design. How can I find a job that combine art and finance ? Would it be easier in New York than in Paris ?

    Thank you for your help.


  • Garance, that’s such a great idea!!!

    When it comes to business and women I have to admit that it’s women like you I’m looking to for inspiration and also as role models. The way you crafted your own job, your own career path, a position which had never existed before you created it – that’s something that inspires me immensely. I was trained in a profession (I studied international business and economics) where optimizing and streamlining your CV is constantly recommended to you as the sine qua non of making in it in the business world. I did my PhD, I collected lots of experience in several countries, I decided to leave this free-spirited, creative and unconventional world of academia and become a branding consultant – and this brought me closer to my passion for fashion. Fashion has always been a major source of inspiration in my life, from my childhood on. And now I enjoy working with my fashion clients, digging ever deeper into this industry. All along these career stages I was always missing the presence of strong, cool women – I mostly work with men (the women are most often at the same level as me or assistants). It’s even rarer to find a woman that has had the courage to truly follow her own path (and not just by emulating men). So, Garance, finally, here’s my question: how did you find this path of yours? And how did you manage to let nobody discourage you from following it?

  • Excellente idée! :) Malheureusement, je ne pourrai pas être de la partie, donc pas de question pour aujourd’hui. (la prochaine fois, je veux connaître les secrets pour le maquillage des yeux, j’ai les mêmes que les tiens!)

  • Brilliant, I’ll definitely be there to listen to you guys :)!


  • Hi Garance!
    I’m an aspiring fashion designer in the Philippines, and I absolutely love your blog. I’m 16 and nearly finished with a full year round dressmaking course. For some reason you alone have managed to influence me style-wise through your photos. I was wondering what are your thoughts on how street style has evolved? What do you think this generation in style will be known for -or not known for? Thank you for doing this, your blog means a lot to me! je t’aime Garance! I hope I get to meet you one day in person:)

    x Celine

  • Hello!

    I’m an Australian looking for a job in NY (from here in Australia). I’m sure you have a gazillion people contacting you about employment – what would catch your attention and make you consider working with someone you’ve never met, especially when there are plenty of talented people lining up in person?

    Love to hear your thoughts, thanks!

  • Hello Garance,

    This is so amazing that you are taking the time to do this! We are both young fashion bloggers out of New York and you have been our inspiration. We actually briefly met you at NYFW in February, we were composed and cool until we saw you! Both of us wearing the best outfit we could find, running through a crowd of amazingness (Anna Dello Russo ext.) to meet our blogger icon…you. We would love to be chosen to chat with you about your start up with art and this amazing blog! Thank you so much!


  • Id love the chance to hang out and chat with you – I love your blog, I really enjoy coming here! Id love to know more about fashion illustration and hear about your story on becoming an illustrator. How you got your drawings to be noticed, if you had any formal training in art/illustration.
    I so relate to your posts – the messy curly bun, the freckles and lately the shiny summer skin and hooded eyes haha…
    Sydney, Australia

  • johanne June, 4 2013, 7:45 / Reply

    Dear Garance,
    It is not the first I write / comment or contact your office. I’m Johanne, 36, french, but live in Rome since 2 years. I’m working at Mercedes, and in charge of the Press Relations with Bloggers and SOcial media. Since then, I discovered your blog, which I absolutely adore. It is of a extrem high quality, everything, thoughts, photos, illustrations, really, I understand your success.
    Therefore, my question would be, more than your advices on an professional orientation, how could I manage to be working with you as a blogger ?
    The problem is, that being in Italy, I’d rather work with italian bloggers, but we have an international office. How could I ask them or suggest them to be working with you ?
    I was thinking to meet you once at the Milano Moda Donna, I would be just so happy about it.
    please, if you have any idea.

    A subside question : have you already been driven in a Mercedes during the FWs ??
    Lots of love to all of you, continue to inspire us !!
    PS: LAtely, I printed many photos from your site, and I also bought a cork panel to hang them on my wall…..such beautiful pictures, obviously, I promote your blog to all my friends

  • Annique June, 4 2013, 7:52 / Reply

    Hi Garance, I’m a fashion design student and I’ve been having a lot of difficulty lately with finding direction. I have realised that even though I love design, there are so many other opportunities in fashion that I might also love. Do you have any advice for how I can try out and learn more about other areas of fashion like writing, merchandising, buying, producing photoshoots and all these? It’s hard when you have the ‘student’ label and no real experience yet.

  • Bonjour Garance,

    C’est une super idée ce petit Hang Out.
    Mes questions sont peu en rapport avec ton blog mais peut-être voudras tu quand même en parler:
    Je sors avec un Américain depuis 2 ans, nous ne vivons pas encore ensemble mais je projette de pouvoir vivre aux Etats-Unis dans les deux ans qui arrivent:

    – Comment t’ais -tu acclimater aux Etats-Unis quels sont les principales différences entre ces deux cultures?
    – Est-ce que tu penses pouvoir vivre toute ta vie là-bas? Et dans l’autre sens La France ne te manque t’elle pas?
    – Est-ce que les Etats-Unis t’ont changé? Une immersion dans une culture depuis longtemps fait changer les habitudes ou notre caractère, qu’en penses-tu?

    En espérant que mes questions seront retenues ;)

    PS: I speak English btw and I won’t have any problem talking in that language ;)

  • Hi Garance! I love this idea as I’m a recent college graduate with a passion for the fashion industry and sustainability. I would really love to work abroad but am struggling to figure out the best way to get noticed by a foreign brand and stand out in this competitive time Any suggestions?

    Much Love,


  • Hy dear Garance,
    what a superb idea?

    Aaaaah….so many questions so little time, ok here is one?

    “If you want to start a business own your in fashion but you don’t have the financial back up because you just got out of fashion school and all your money went there, where do you even start? Maybe to get a full time job and use every free time to work on it or publish pieces of it to get the attention of investors? Btw I am very into layouts, styling & photography, (just so you to know which direction I am heading!)”

    Thank you so much!!!!! You just made my day!!!

    Big Kiss!

  • Miriam June, 4 2013, 10:35 / Reply

    Spectacular idea and a great way to really connect with all your (international) fans! I love your writing style, and how approachable you make fashion and style-innovation (read: everyone makes mistakes like wearing raver pants in grade 9, but keep it as a funny memory of how your closet has evolved).

    My question for you is this: Job hunting and figuring out your path in the fashion industry can be trying. During the beginning of your career how did you keep up your motivation and positive spirits? Do you have any secrets you can divulge to the rest of us?

  • Quelle merveilleuse idée et bonne nouvelle ! J’ai hâte de voir ça :)


  • Hi Garance,

    Awesome idea!!
    Here’s my question: I’ve studied business and obtained a good degree from a renowned school.. the regular path says consulting or a big multinational, but than again almost only traineeships are respectable.. I felt very oppressed by all these top notch students and, while taking a lot longer that forecasted on my thesis (link between CSR and luxury from consumer psychology perspective), I’ve discovered that so many nice careers exist.. thanks to your blog!!! It has been like a HUGE revelation for me, living in a bubble of “écoles de commerce” where everybody dreams of wearing a boring grey suit!
    Now, I love fashion, but my real passion is Luxury and Jewelry… I
    ‘ve been told that luxury is a horrible place to start at, and that you are treated ver badly, valued under your “intellectual” capacity.. I have no idea about the jewelry industry in particular, but I both love exceptional pieces by Van Cleef as Pamela Love’s-to-die-for and original work… Now here comes the question: where would you go to in the luxury industry, and, would you advise me to do another degree specialized towards that particular universe (I was very disappointed by my major at Bocconi in Milan)?

    Unfortunately, being in Europe, I’m not sure i ll be able to make the 6 am call, but if somehow somewhere you’d find time for my question (or for the french future version?) I’d be immensely glad!!

    Thanks a lot lot

    Keep on the amazing work xx

  • What an amazing idea! I don’t have an specific question but would love to join the party!
    Thank you for making yourself so accessible

  • Hi Garance,
    After all this smart comments I have one practical question: is it ok to wear one piece swimmsuit? I always thought that it is for old ladies but recently I saw beautiful Stella McCartney one piece swimm suit for adidas that I love.
    Is it ok to wear that.

  • Hello Garance,

    I’m Sofia from Málaga, Spain.

    As the end of my course in high school approaches, I have to make a decision. I am on a ”carrefour”, I have to decide between trying to pursuit my dream and study fashion, or taking the ‘serious’ (I’d say boring) path and go to a serious university.

    Everyone pushes me to go and take the serious path, when they ask me: ‘What would you like to study?’ I always say: Fashion. Then afer their silence they just say: ‘Ah, ni-nice…But you won’t make much from fashion’
    And they stay there thinking that a career in Fashion is a waste of time, they think that it just means to be a model or a blogger who takes pictures and hang out with the top-people. So I have not only to encourage myself and be determinated but also convince the others that I can make it and I can pursuit my dream.

    People think that a career in fashion isn’t as important as a career as a lawyer. Why is fashion so undervalued? Are we, the people who love the true fashion more superficial or more stupid than the ones who don’t like fashion? I don’t think so, my average mark on high school is a 9 out of 10, I could go to any uni I wanted, but I want to study fashion.
    I would say that because of the fact that (almost) everyone has a fashion/photography blog they may think that everyone can make it on the fashion world, so they may think that a degree in fashion is a waste of time, cause anyone could do it without the studies.

    -Has it always been like this? Has the fashion world always been so undervalued?
    -Is it happening everywhere or only on Europe where we fear too much the crisis?
    -What would you recommend to those who as I do are doubting and fear choosing what they love?
    -How did you find your way and decide that the fashion world was your world?

    I would love to know your opinion about this.

    Thank you to have had this amazing idea, when I think that you can’t surprise us anymore, you do!
    Même si je n’arrive pas a ton rdv sur +Google car ma question c’est un peu ‘deep’ et difficile, j’aime beaucoup cette idée et comme tu interactues avec nous, tes fidèles lecteurs!
    Gross bisous!


    PD: I can speak english, french and spanish.

  • Actually I don’t want to take part at the live chat but be sure that I will watch it at youtube:)
    I thought this is the right time to ask if there will be a Games of Thrones post on the blog written by you Garance. I know this blog is about fashion but you posted about a variation of topics recently and I keep steadily wondering what Garance would think of this series especially about the last episode. I don’t know why but I think your opinion interests me more than that of the nerdy/fanblogs etc.
    Also I am not certain but wasn’t there a post about watching tv series a while ago? And GoT was mentioned there, no? You could make it a follow up post on that one.

  • Hello Garance

    Thank you for sharing your modren views and ideas of fashion on your blog. I would like to ask the follwing:

    * What is your inspiration ?
    * Who is your role model ?
    * What would you do if have the power to change the world ?
    * How do you balance life and profession ?
    * Which is your favourite place in London ?
    * Do you support any charities ?
    * What is your favourite animal, football team, book, destination, teacher at school?

  • Julianne McShane June, 4 2013, 12:31 / Reply

    Hi/Salut Garance!

    What a great idea to have a Google hangout! Regardless of whether or not my question is included, I will be watching! Je parle francais et anglais, mais je preferais de parler en anglais dans ce message :)

    Many young men and women (such as me!) want to go into the journalism/writing part of the fashion world, either as bloggers, writers, or editors. I’m heading to NYU in the fall to study journalism, but I’ve found that when I tell people what I intend to study, I am usually met with blank stares or negative comments. People remark that since PRINT journalism is on the way out, journalism as a WHOLE is on the way out. This frustrates me, because news/journalism will ALWAYS exist in some format (imagine if it didn’t!). Digital journalism will replace the print journalism that society has known for the past 2000+ years, and this frightens some people, so they simply conclude that journalism, news, and the written word in general will no longer exist and studying any of those fields is a waste of time. Freedom of the press and journalism in general are pillars of our society, and we couldn’t exist as a fair, functioning democracy without them!

    SO, in light of the changing landscape of journalism, what advice would you give to young journalism students/young aspiring journalists, bloggers, writers, and editors? And what do you think the change from print to digital journalism students means for the future of journalism and young journalists?


  • My question is– What’s it like being one half of a power art/fashion couple? do you ever find yourself feeling competitive, critical, destructive or fatigued? …or is it all just awesome all the time?

    Thanks so much for all your contributions!

  • I’m not fluent in English, but I try, to make contact with a fashion house, it is best to go to the front desk or send an email?

  • Enchante Garance!

    Thank you for sharing your unique voice through your blog. It has been a pleasure to be welcomed into your world.

    While your opinions on fashion and beauty are the focus of your blog, your areas of expertise are varied, especially in medium. Between taking photographs, drafting illustrations, and writing narrative blog posts, how do you keep all your skills sharp? How do you stay motivated when you fall into a slump between the many creative areas you work in?

    Young creatives today have to wear many hats, including design and manufacturing, self-promotion and PR, even accounting. We would love to hear some advice on how to handle this lifestyle!

    Sofia Ramsay

  • I won’t be there to chat, i’ll be working, but I have a question you might answer.

    Do you consider yourself as a role model ? How do you evaluate your influence ?
    (I’m asking that because you always talkt about “wonderful women”, but the truth is, you’ re probably as influent as they are..

    BTW, this hang out is a really nice thing. Thank you for your time.)

  • Maya Shaw June, 4 2013, 1:45 / Reply

    Hello Garance! You have met so many people and have made so many different networks and had so many opportunities, how do you get over your nerves of talking and meeting new people (if you have any nerves) or what advice do you give to a college junior on how to network for the future and make lasting connections and friendships?

  • ACK… I want to join this convo so badly!!! But I’ll be working at that time. Ugh. Here’s a question… how do I build my blog and quit my job and hang out with you all the time? ;-) JK, I’d settle for hang out with you all the time.

  • Britta June, 4 2013, 3:32 / Reply

    Dear Garance,

    Wow what a great idea!

    I don’t know if you have ever watched Steve Jobs commencement speech at Stanford University? Well… a while ago, I stumbled upon it and one thing he said really got stuck in my head. He said: “You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” Meaning that by the time you are doing something you might not know yet what its for and how or if it will be part of something “bigger” in your life later on.
    Long story short, do you feel that’s true for your career? Or was everything planned from the beginning on? Did you always know what the next step would be?
    What advise would you give people (like me:), who have that “problem” that dots don’t connect quite yet? I find it hard sometimes having this trust, that everything will turn out all right :)
    Where you ever close on giving up on the blog (or your career in the fashion industry), because you might have thought in the beginning: this isn’t going anywhere?

    Would be great to hear your thoughts on this, thanks! > Your blog is truly inspiring, so honest and human, so much fun. One can really feel that you love what your doing!

  • Christal June, 4 2013, 3:35 / Reply

    Hello Garance,
    Je suis très jeune, non j’ai pas 10 ans comme même, mais très jeune. Plus tard je souhaiterais être rédactrice de mode mais disons que j’ai une différence par rapport à mes origines. mes parents sont originaire d’Afrique centrale et j’ai des fois l’impression que je n’aurais jamais ma place à cause de ça. Le pire c’est que je me sens sur frenchy, Parisienne, moi, vu que c’est a seule culture que je connais depuis toujours.
    Je suis un peu perdue, sans oublier que je n’ai aucune idées des études à faire, je rêves du CFJ. Bon, alors? Oh et merci d’avoir mis exactement le sujet de mon mail.
    English traduction:
    Hello Garance
    I’m very young, no I am not 10 years as well, but very young. Later I would like to be a fashion editor, but let’s say I have a difference from my origins. my parents are from Central Africa and I sometimes feel that I would never have my place because of it. The worst part is that I feel about Frenchy, Parisian (?), just me , since it is a single culture that I’ve known forever.
    I’m a little lost, not to mention that I have no ideas of studying to do, I dream of CFJ. Okay, so ….

  • Cristi June, 4 2013, 4:19 / Reply

    What a wonderful idea Garance! It’s so good that are reaching out to us your readers! I hope everything is going well. You often talk about your past and how you would set goals for you illustrations. Did you study formally drawing or life drawings to later move on to fashion illustrations? How was the change different from each area of your drawings.As a fine arts student I’m always practicing portraits and figures so I was wondering your transition to fashion illustrations?

    Have a great day!

  • Oh Garance this is great idea, we’ll somehow meet you although it is through internet. Thanks God to this invention! I have a hundred question for you but I’ll stick to two or three. How did you manage to get through the change Europe/ SUA? Can you tell us something about you that we don’t know yet? Soon I’m graduating public relations and I’m really interested in a fashion master but don’t know exactly whether I should choose this path or not? Can you give an advice since you work in this industry?

  • Allison June, 4 2013, 6:38 / Reply

    Hi, Garance!
    I probably won’t be able to make the chat, as I am beginning an internship and will be hard at work.

    However, perhaps you could reply to the following question:

    How do you think life in New York has changed you? (Hopefully in positive ways, but maybe not?)

    Thank you,

  • Taylor Phillips June, 4 2013, 10:28 / Reply

    Hi Im Taylor I’m 15 and wednesday is my birthday! I feel like Im already having a mid life crisis because i feel like i have not accomplished anything yet. So i guess i want to know when did you first feel like you really accomplished something and where do I start?

  • Tahirah June, 4 2013, 11:50 / Reply

    Hi Garance,

    Hope all is well. Thank you for being such a cool inspiration. I am currently living in China. I want to know what advice you would give to someone looking to work in another country. What is the best way to go about it when one is treading in unknown territory? I went to school for fashion and even interned and studied in Milan to broaden my horizons. Thanks in advance.

    All the best,

  • Urja Dave June, 5 2013, 12:26 / Reply

    How do you see fashion outlets and more specifically your blog changing with emerging social media tools? Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and of course, blogging, have changed the face of fashion and now there’s others like Vine are taking over. Net-a-porter has the fabulous new online magazine that rivals the biggest names. How do you plan to stay relevant in the upcoming years as the technological landscape is sure to change?

  • Bonjour garance,
    J’ai beaucoup aimé et ri en lisant tes articles sur ta pratique du yoga. Qu en est il de la méditation?
    Car de Christy Turlington à Gwyneth Paltrow, en passant par Miranda Kerr, la méditation devient tendance, avec de plus en plus d’adeptes, d’Est en Ouest, jeunes et vieux… Il ne faut plus être hippie ou dans une quête spirituelle pour méditer… Alors si tu fais de la meditation, pourrais tu nous parler de ta pratique?

  • Frederik June, 5 2013, 3:05 / Reply

    Chère Garance,

    Je suis ton blog depuis plus de quatre ans maintenant, et je m’adresse à toi pour te demander conseil.
    Je suis actuellement étudiant dans une université belge. J’aimerais, après ces études, réaliser une année supplémentaire dans une université/haute école américaine, si possible dans une branche touchant au domaine de la mode. Ce projet n’a rien à voir avec mes études actuelles, mais j’aimerais vraiment travailler dans ce milieu plus tard.

    Me conseillerais-tu un programme d’études en particulier, d’une durée d’un an et en lien avec le monde de la mode, et qui aurait lieu à New-York ou dans une autre ville américaine ?

    Je te remercie d’avance pour ta réponse,

  • Capucine June, 5 2013, 3:52 / Reply

    Wonderful idea !

    As I am in career transition at the moment (difficult situation where my employer has said we don’t want you anymore but still working there because no agreement has been settled on the conditions of departure), I was wondering:
    -> How do you get the motivation to go ahead and push through ?
    Basically, I want to change careers and either become an entrepreneur or join the luxury industry, but I find it difficult to get the motivation to apply, when my spirits are low and still in the job.
    -> Do you have any advice about that ? What was your best career ove ?

    Many thanks, and I would love to rejoin the chat !!


  • I would love to know one thing: what did you learn as a photographer from Peter Lindbergh when you had a chance to meet him personally? I know you wrote a post about meetig him, but maybe you realized something later. Thank you, Garance! xxx

  • Hi Garance!
    I’ve got a couple of questions for you!
    First about blogs, what kind of advice would you give to someone who’s starting a blog? What mistakes people do too often? How to develop the audience?
    And then about expatriation. Moving to New York has had a big impact on your career. Do you think you would have had the same evolution if you had stayed in Paris? We all agree that taking a new job opportunity in a foreign country is a great experience but sometimes it can be really hard to adapt yourself, you miss your friends and your family, you’re struggling with the language… I’m French, 28 years old, and I’ve worked in France, Germany, Spain and I’m now living in the UK. I was wondering how you deal with being an “expat”, how you feel about it, and what tips you would give to people in the same situation. Do you feel homesick sometimes? If so, what makes you feel better?


  • I have so many things to ask, one is, as a fashion illustrator, creative consultant, blogger, fashionista, business owner, trend researcher, life liver (if that term exists) How do you manage your time?
    I have already a hard time and I am just an illustrator/artist,

  • Carolina June, 5 2013, 1:38 / Reply

    Olá Garance! I’m Carolina from Brazil I’m 20. Well I really appreciate your work. You’re one of the best illustrators that I’ve ever known. So do you intend to make a exhibition ultimately? What kind of things that inspires you? Thanks! Lot of success.

  • I’ve been fan of yours since ever. Hope to see you soon!

    My question would be:

    What do you think is your french touch to how you dress everyday and on special occasion?

    Love from Malaysia..

  • Shira Laustriat June, 5 2013, 2:26 / Reply

    Bonjour Garance!
    C’est une question un peu philosophique que je voudrais te poser mais je pense que tu seras heureuse de savoir que ton blog peut-être hormis créateur d’inspirations et de coups de cœur, aussi initiateur de “réflexions”.
    Nous avons assisté ces derniers temps à l’apparition d’un nouveau phénomène – les blogs de mode, de création etc., mais surtout, d’un nouveau métier – être blogueur. Et en analysant un peu tout ça, on assiste à la création d’un nouvel angle de l’art, car on n’est plus créateur, non plus interprète, mais cette fois exposeur quand par l’intermédiaire du blog, on mène plutôt nos lecteurs.
    Donc voilà, c’est un peu ça ma question, comment interpréter ce nouveau “besoin” et comment est-ce que tu le ressens en tant que blogueuse reconnue :)

  • Hi I’m colombian, but lived many years in Paris working for Hermes.
    My question is : When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
    Fashion is all about dreaming, non? So let’s talk about childhood dreams…

  • Olivia June, 5 2013, 3:08 / Reply

    Salut Garance!

    I have a few questions, and getting to chat with you about any or all of them would be a treat.

    1. What is the most influential piece of career advice ever received and who was it from?
    2. Career – wise, what was the scariest moment for you? Was there a single, identifiable low point and if so, what did you do or who did you turn to so that you pushed through it?
    3. How did you find and choose your wonderful (and devilishly fashionable) team??? You guys seem to have a lot of fun and work great together, which is a rare thing; tell me more!

    Hope to meet you tomorrow. Thanks!

  • Roxanne June, 5 2013, 6:51 / Reply

    comme j’ai mentionné dans mon commentaire, je ne pourrai pas participer jeudi. Par contre, j’aurais quand même une question. Je ne sais pas si c’est possible de la poser mais je vais quand même la mettre.

    J’ai 17 ans et comme c’est le cas à mon âge, on a de la pression a se trouver une carrière et que nos choix d’études sont ce qui vont déterminer le restant de nos jours. Que dirais-tu aux jeunes qui sont, comme moi, dans cette position ?

  • Aloha lovely Garance!
    First off, this is such a wonderful idea…I’m psyched to hang!
    Perhaps above all, I admire your candor and willingness to share your life and thoughts with your (adoring) readers. I write my own blog and would LOVE to be more open but I’m nervous…! As a college student soon entering the work force, I know I must be incredibly mindful of what I say in my corner of cyberspace. I don’t want my words to work against me (…much to the dismay of my debutante mother but delight of my Greek father, I too love a good expletive) yet at the same time I realize they could work to my advantage and allow me to further connect with my readers.
    So I suppose my questions are the following: How do you decide what to share? Has sharing your life and writing genuinely ever worked to your disadvantage? What advice would you give to aspiring bloggers?

    Thank you sooo much and see you tomorrow !


    p.s. I am from San Francisco and attend school at the University of Michigan but I happen to be in NYC this summer taking a painting course at NYU! If you need an intern or help of any sort, I would be honored to be the gal for the job. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog every morning in between coffee and choosing my outfit of the day. I swear my outfits are infinitely less cute the days I don’t have time to peek at the blog. This is becoming a much longer p.s. than I intended but I would love to send you my resume and cover letter! Can’t wait for tomorrow!!

  • Danette June, 6 2013, 1:18 / Reply

    You are so inspiring! I love how you keep it real.
    With regards to career, can you speak upon the reality of maintaining your success. Is it a well-oiled machine even though it looks so carefree. Also, I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS. Keep up the great work!
    Could you give a video tutorial with regards to how you light your videos and the equipment you use. I would love some insight.
    Thanks for this hangout opportunity. You are so generous and caring with your fans. We all really love you and wish for your continued success!!!!

  • Manuela June, 6 2013, 2:12 / Reply

    Do you struggle with the seemingly superficial nature of fashion? In the context of “making a difference in the world” and so forth?

  • Cheryl June, 6 2013, 5:00 / Reply

    Garance dear,

    I dream of putting up a blog about fine arts, architecture, design, travel and literature in a casual, fresh and candid manner like yours. How and where can I source photos without violating rights? I don’t have the resources yet to fly all over the world to take my own photos. :(

    I’m a physician but I feel more alive when I’m surrounded by the arts.

  • Dustin June, 6 2013, 10:49 / Reply

    Hey Garance. Im 16 and considering modeling (to finance my artistic passion for writing/ everything creative) . The first time I’ve seen your blog, I’ve never felt this good….It’s so good that my aesthetic sensibility sparks, I wanted to venture something creative and collaborate with passionate people. Based on your experience, what does a male runway model have that sets them aside from the average males.

  • Ligia Grant June, 6 2013, 1:01 / Reply

    Dear Garance and team,

    First of all I would like to congrats you for the initiative, that is such a great way to communicate with your readers and also help us in doubts about our career life.

    My name is Ligia Grant, I’m 25 years old,I’m from Brazil and I just graduate in International Business with a Maters in Marketing in Paris. Well I know I’m a little bit late (sorry), but trying doesn’t hurts anybody ;). Fashion, tendency and communication were always a passion in my life, and as I recently graduated I’m looking for a job in those areas that I just mentioned. But what I’m finding is a really big difficult to get in contact with people that work in those area, since I was living in another country and now that I’m back to mine I don’t really have to much contacts. So finally arriving to the question, what do you suggest to just graduated people who wants to work in the fashion industry but do not have much contacts inside this “restrict” world? How should be our best approach to get an interview?

    Thank you very much for attention.

    My best regards for all,


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