LA vs. NYC
7 years ago by

Garance is in the Studio today with Brie, Carie, Audrey and special guest, Chris Norton, her fiancé! With Garance and Chris recently relocating to Los Angeles, and few California natives in the house, they discuss life in LA vs NYC. They weigh the the pros and cons of both, what they miss (or not!) when they leave NYC and more.
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Photo by Keith Morrison
From the first time you went to LA, Garance, I knew you were going to end up there. The way you wrote about it, it was clear.
More from Chris!!!
Loved listening to this – thanks for adding smiles to the day.
I’m listening to this as slowly as I can because I like it so much. I’ve paused like a 100 times already just so it takes the whole day to listen to it. Thanks Garance Studio and Chris has a wonderful voice. Hope he comes back.
funny and interesting!
fine and funny indeed! and makes us improve our english from France :-)
Huntington Dog Beach is the place to escape! My dogs loved it there and made so many doggy friends. Super chill vibes. Parking can be horrendous (of course).
I also lived in both city. I so agreed with the first person talking : I hate the car, the lack of freedom for me associated with cars, the fact that you ahve to plan for things, know first where you are going to eat before going (you can not just walk and find a nice place since the walking distance are impossible) and feeling isolated in LA. To me, nature in LA is not really there (ok it is 2 hours away but like in NYC). But the weather is a big YES and, yes, unexpectedly, the food is great it is true !
But NYC is so beautiful, so much more cultural things to do (good luck to find a good contemporary dance show in LA, even movie theater are bad !), so much more access to wthe orld (in LA people so don’t care about other thing than LA).
but California is amazing for all your free time : SF, Yosemite, trees, desert….
first of all can I say you are my favorite! you came to speak at my school many years ago (SCAD) in savannah and I still remember that day :) also, I’m from a small town in Texas but have lived in Philadelphia, and now I’m in LA. I completely disagree with your friends comments about not feeling energized in LA! I know Philadelphia is not New York, but I have spent a lot of time there too and I can say without a doubt that I have never felt more motivated or creative than I have here. I’m a designer and I felt completely stifled on the east coast, but here I feel like there is a creative community of small designers and makers that completely inspires me! I feel like anything is possible here! and nature!! When I visit my friends in NY, even just for a weekend, I can feel myself getting depressed because of the lack of trees…its a real thing!
cheers to living in LA, you guys seem like you were made for it :)
I love your show!
I don’t want to be rude but you guys are saying “like” too much
I grew up in Chicago and moved to LA to attend college. I think the only thing that resonated for me in this podcast from the critics of LA is that if you have friends in different parts of the city (Westside vs. Eastside), you never see them. That is definitely true because most folks don’t want to brave the traffic. The other comments, I’m afraid, aren’t representative of L.A., as I know it. I think it would be great to have people living somewhere other than Venice or the Westside give their take on L.A. For example, I walk in the city all the time (I live in Northeast LA) and parts of the city, such as Koreatown and downtown, have similar hustle and bustle to what you’d find on the streets of the cities in the Eastern half of the country. The idea that no one walks here baffled me, given that I walk a few miles here almost every day. I think this would have been a richer conversation by including people from diverse backgrounds who don’t just live on side of town. And as for the commenter above who says that nature is two hours from L.A., like it is in NYC, that’s simply not true. I live near two green spaces that are more than 110 acres each. There is also Griffith Park, Debs Park, Brand Park and so much more. I am constantly around nature and running into wildlife. Just saw a coyote walking down the street yesterday. And, of course, there’s the ocean, which all of the Westsiders can enjoy.
it sounds like most of these people don’t really know LA — Venice is NOT LA and professionals are very busy and dressed well in LA.
Your postcast are so constructive ! Just moved from Spain to London and really seeing myself on your postcast !
Are you thinking about doing one about long distance relationship ?
Thanks and have a lovely day ! :)