La Fraise
10 years ago by

It’s both a blessing and a curse to have the new Studio within walking distance of Ladurée…
Blessing because we love macaroons. Curse because we found something else we love just as much (and maybe a little bit more) than maracoons. This picture perfect strawberry dessert. Its a fruit mousse! With real strawberries inside. Just go get one. Trust.
Okay, and if you’re a macaroon only kinda gal, the new Marie Antoinette is amaze.
Ahh that looks so good! Wish there was a Laduree near me. Kisses
it looks exquisite! :)
Oh my gosh! This is so perfect I honestly thought it was a spongue of some sort from the photos.
— Alex at Cashmere Kangaroo
Wow, what an art piece!! It looks so delicious!!
La durée, here I come!!!
Ps:what are those beads made of, is it sugar?
? The diary of a fashion designer ?
Seriously..?! This looks TOO good, my o my!!
Juste au moment ou j’allais manger un yoghurt que j’echangerais bien pour ce fabuleux dessert !
S’il est aussi beau que bon ça promet !!! Par contre pour les macarons je préfère ceux de Pierre Hermé, les associations de parfums sont plus originales, par exemple celui vanille et huile d’olive est incroyable ;)
Hahaha, at first glance I thought it’s a Charlotte Olympia Clutch :-) … would be a nice one! xxx
Quel vice d’avoir autant de bonnes choses à grignoter aux alentours d’un lieu de travail. Et le magnifique graphisme de cette mousse oblige à la gourmandise!
At first glance I thought this was a novelty conversational clutch! Which I thought was super cute idea, ha!
Looks delish :)
Hahaha!! When I saw the title and picture, I thought “Strawberry clutch!” So it’s actually a very sophisticated dessert! I never thought… :)
Aaaaah this looks wonderful. What a perfect pic, Laduree should use it for ads!
And then they should expand to Köln, I miss original French patisserie.
visuellement c’est canon !!
Baci, Ali
ARHHHh nan !
Mais cette photo est une invitation à la débauche ! Je viens de faire un tour sur le site de Ladurée, leur visuel est pathétique !
Je vais craquer, c’est sûr. J’adore aller chez Ladurée au Printemps et me faire servir par une japonaise parlant à peine français, j’ai l’impression que la touriste c’est moi !
How beautiful…and I fell in love with the Marie Antoinette one when visiting last month! SO good.
Je meurs!! Ce dessert a l’air incroyable
I also thought it was a clutch : )
jeeezaz…not generally a desert person…but it looks like i would loose complete control with this one. #dangerousdesert
Sacre bleu! I apologize in advance for this, but I cannot contain myself: