Kosås: Violet Fury
6 years ago by

It’s very rare a lipstick color catches me off guard these days. I feel like I’ve seen every variation under the rainbow these days. At least I thought I had till two weeks ago and I was sitting across from Kosås founder and owner Sheena Yaitanes and she was sporting this Violet Fury. It was just punk-y enough but still summer fresh and unexpected with it’s purple undertones. Best of, it can be layered depending on the depth of color you prefer on you lips. I was besotted so obviously felt it was my obligation to share this delicious plum, punk-y color with everyone!
I bought this lipstick after reading your article and because I was looking for a new color, different but not too flashy. Unfortunately this lipstick is a mess. Did you guys even tried it before doing the publicity? il s’applique mal, il ne tient pas bien, bref, j’ai gaché 30 euros…
Hi Marianne! I’m sorry you had that experience. I did in fact try it, and still wear it. I’ve had the same experience with other beauty products that have been recommended to me. I think beauty is sometimes on a case to case basis depending on the wearer’s preferences and skin type. Maybe we’ll align in taste next time!