Jules et Jim
10 years ago by

This weekend I watched Jules et Jim.
I’ve attempted it in the past and I always fell asleep…I finally got past the running across the bridge scene in Jules and Jim, only to make it to the final bridge scene. Oof! I was not prepared. Francois Truffault’s French New Wave film tells the story of kindred spirits Jules and Jim, and their mutual obsession with the enigmatic Catherine, a doomed menage â trois from the start.
I will say the fashion is something special. I loved the cozy knits and old fashioned striped swimsuits. I totally fell for it. I’ll probably even watch it again, even if it did pull on my heart a little. Le sigh…
Magnifique, inoubliable Jeanne !
il faut que je le regarde encore une fois! :)
I always cry…even if I saw million times, always I’m not prepared!
I love old movies, the hair, the mood, and the costume.
xox, Gap
Pauvre chouuu
C’est un de mes filmes préferés! L’estétique des 60 vue maintenant est très moderne et cool!
Bises de Barcelone!
Hi Brie,
I think you will love “Pierrot le Fou” directed by François Truffaut with Anna Karina and belmondo! Love French movies from the 60’s – the nouvelle vague era – : lots of irony, humor, lightness and there’s the aesthetism that looks real and genuine : not too much and under control. J’aime, j’aime, j’aime!
… “Pierrot le fou” de Godard !
Merci A. ! C’est bien d Godard oui !
Don’t forget the music!
I love love love this film.
Will have to add it to me world film watching list, particularly with that image as inspiration! Beautiful.
xx Elisa – My Fantabulous World
Jules et Jim is one of my favorite books, I’ve read it at least 3-4 times and every time I did it I found it even more beautiful. Honestly, I saw the movie only once and I didn’t like it. Maybe it’s the same old story, when you loved a book so much the movie always disappoint you.
So, I suggest you to read the book, it’s full of beautiful statements!
Mythique ! “Elle avait des bagues à chaque doigt, des tas de bracelets autour des poignets…..” c’était la chanson que j’avais choisi pour mon concours d’entrée au Cours Florent ! :-)
If you like François Truffaut, you should watch “Le dernier métro” and “Vivement Dimanche” with Fanny Ardant. She is so graceful! Both are easier to watch than “Jules et Jim”. I strongly urge you to watch “Les diaboliques” by Henri Georges Clouzot. It’s definitely a masterpiece!!!
I’ve always wanted to watch this movie, so after reading your post, I will have to watch it this weekend!
Josephina of JosephinaCollection.com
she’s my older sister in spirit…became friends when she lived in new york….she’s a women’s women
I’ve watched this movie some months ago and really liked it. Catherine captured me in a very interesting way. She is a typical hysterical women, who doesn’t know what she wants and at the same time wants everyone. The fashion is very nice indeed!
De l’avantage d’être “jeune” : pouvoir découvrir des chefs-d’oeuvre :-D
Apostille : dans la même veine, regarder “La femme d’à coté” de Truffaut ;-)
Honte à moi, je ne connaissais pas ce film! Je vais vite me remettre à niveau
Le fils d’Hélène et Jules, c’est Stéphane Hessel, qui a écrit le fameux livre “Indignez-vous”.
I had to read the book for English Literature and felt it such a bore at school but, later in life I had to watch the film and must say to me it was everything I wanted in a french film, Love triangle, great scenery and fabulous fashion …… with love from sojustnice.com