
In the Pocket

10 years ago by

In the Pocket

A lack of pockets might be my biggest fashion pet peeve.

I want them in my skirts, my dresses, my jackets and especially my pants. I’m always putting things in my pockets: my phone, my keys, my wallet, lipstick…even if I have a bag with me. My favorite jacket, this one, doesn’t have real pockets and it drives me mad. And what is the point of pants without pockets?!

The looks above are at the top of my favorites list right now from resort. And they have plenty of pockets!

From left to right: Altuzarra, Tomas Maier and Derek Lam.


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  • I can handle no pockets on my skinny jeans, but nowadays I only buy dresses and skirts with pockets – not only is it convenient, I just think they give a wonderful contemporary and casual flair to something that can be considered a bit more dressy.

  • one needs pockets, there should be some on any piece of clothing! :)

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  • Love the first one! Altuzarra is such a great designer!


  • Amélie June, 5 2014, 12:53 / Reply

    Oh gods yes. Pockets, please.

    And you know, I think this is an area where we can really see how sexist and chauvinist our culture still is. I wish I had a dollar for every time a man had said to me, “Why don’t you put that (keys, money, credit card, lip balm, lipstick, sunglasses, business card, flier, cell phone) in your POCKET?” To which, of course, I often have to say …

    I haven’t GOT any pockets!!!

    And when you have to say this, and you’re standing there with that thing in your hands (whatever it is), trying to figure out what to do with it, it’s hard not to look a little less competent. Heaven forfend you have to hand the Thing over to your male companion, which is just infantilizing.

    And even when I have got pockets – as, for example, in jeans – well. Have you ever compared the pockets in your girly jeans to those of your bf or dh? The first time I actually borrowed a pair of jeans from a male friend, I was shocked – the pockets went halfway. down. my. thighs. Seriously. They did. OTOH, my “boyfriend cut” jeans from the women’s department had pockets about an inch and a half deep. Gah.

    The dream of my life is to have a custom-tailored blazer that has all the pockets that come standard in my husband’s jackets.

    I think it’s lazy for designers to say (if this is indeed their excuse) that it’s too difficult to incorporate pockets into womens’ clothes that won’t ruin the line. I have a couple of full skirts with pockets, and you could carry bricks in there without having bulges. OK, maybe functional pockets in cigarette pants or skinny jeans aren’t feasible, but if we had jackets with real pockets (those interior ones they give to men! ahhh! I want!! I want!!!!!) it wouldn’t matter.

    I think as our lives get busier, the convenience that real pockets can provide will become more important to more women – and I hope designers and clothing manufacturers will give us more of them. I live in hope.

  • I love pockets in my pants, cardigans, skirts and dresses. Somehow I don’t like them on my shirts. I like those clean. But pockets always come in handy! xx


  • I have that jacket too and its lack of pockets I endlessly lament.

  • Right?! Ugh, but it’s so perfect otherwise!

  • I dunno anything about making clothes, but maybe see if the seamstress can help you add pockets?

  • Kathleen June, 5 2014, 2:20 / Reply


    How did that jacket become your “favorite” if it has no pockets?!

    Right now your lips are saying one thing and your dollars are saying another. Speak with your dollars and plenty of people will listen.


  • I know, I know, but everything else about the jacket was so perfect!! I gave it break when it came to the pockets. Now I’m extra careful that I’m always wearing it with something that has them to make up for it :)

  • J’aime les poches egalement et j’en ai a presque tous mes pantalons, jupes et cardigans. J’aime beaucoup mettre……mes mains dans les poches !

  • Pareil que toi ! j’allais presque dire que “je me sens nue sans mes poches” !


  • Yes, yes, yes! There should always be pockets in jackets, skirts, pants, coats!

  • Alex ! I think exactly the same! And COS is wonferful for that, because they put some pockets on ALL their clothes, even the skirts and the dresses.

    Finally a brand which understood the working girls that we are ;)

  • Oh yes. My skinnies have faux front pockets. While it makes for a clean look, it’s difficult to get used to.

  • Love dresses with pockets!

  • Pauline June, 6 2014, 5:48 / Reply

    J’adore les poches !!! C’est super pratique et les filles en ont vraiment besoin ! :)
    J’ai trouvé une boutique chouette justement, ils mettent des poches sur toutes leurs robes ! Enfin !! Je mets le lien : http://boutiques-heroines.com/collections/robes

  • I love and need pockets everywhere so I have sewn pockets inside all my leather jackets. You can open the lining and sow a little bag between the leather and the lining or you can just sow three sides of simple square directly over the lining. It can’t be really big but it’s better than not having pockets.

  • I love that first outfit. I also lack of pockets but there is always time to change it… Oh, I have to go shopping soon! :)

  • MissPimpin June, 6 2014, 10:29 / Reply

    I love pockets too. I feel stupid without, not knowing what to do with my arms and hands …
    The perfect outfit has ALWAYS pockets !

  • I love this kind of “essential” detail!

  • Sharank June, 7 2014, 8:20 / Reply

    Aye aye to pockets! So useful in many ways – keep stuff in them, keep you hands in them if uve got no way to put them (especially during random photos!) plus keeps your fingers warm! <3

  • Sharank June, 8 2014, 5:46

    *if uve got no where to put them

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