
I wear my sunglasses…

11 years ago by

I’ve had to wear glasses since I can remember…
Actually it was freshman year of high school when I realized that if I sat in the back of a classroom I literally couldn’t see anything on the chalkboard…

Since then, my glasses have become a permanent fixture on my face. I don’t wear contacts because I like having fun with different frames.

But driving in my glasses–that’s another story.

Every time I get in a car, regardless of how sunny it is I have to grin and bear it and wear my regular optical frames. I’m pretty sure that’s why at age 23 my lion’s wrinkle is so out of control. I’m essentially blind when I drive because if it’s sunny, forget about it. It’s too bright and I can’t see a damn thing.

Finally I said, Enough squinting! You are getting some prescription sunglasses! It’s been the biggest miracle in my life since my first Pradas. I can finally walk around the city and see peoples faces and street signs and drive without fear of running into everyone around me. There’s even hope that my lion’s wrinkle will have time to flatten itself out. Total eyewear victory!

PS: I got my pair from Warby Parker (Alex has them too!)


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  • Ca fait plaisir de te lire Emily, on ne te lit pas souvent :)

    Cette paire de lunettes est super classe! Moi aussi je devrais songer sèrieusement à m’acheter une jolie paire de lunettes de soleil correctrice. Pfff, depuis le temps, ….


  • Hello Emily !
    Moi qui suis une bigleuse-née, (how do you translate that??) j’ai toujours eu des lunettes sur mon nez (ça rime ! ouaaaais…) mais ce n’est qu’il y a peu de temps que j’ai décidé que ça pouvait être sympa : du coup je m’amuse de ce look d’intello (parce que, faut pas se mentir, les lunettes ça fait premier de la classe.) et ma marque de lunettes favorite est GRAZ (créateur australien, pas du tout connu en France…en tout cas, pas à Lyon) et j’encouragerai toujours les myopes à s’amuser en choisissant des lunettes qui leur font plaisir, plutôt que d’esquiver le problème avec des lentilles (en plus ça abîme les yeux à la longue…).
    Voilà, c’était une réponse en une phrase, une interminable phrase de 6 lignes, et en français, alors jsais pas si tu vas vraiment en profiter…

    Anyway, it’s a pleasure to read from you !
    (mouahahaha la phrase en anglais pour se donner bonne conscience)



  • Precription sunglasses are the best!è I got some Rayban Aviators, you can see them on my blog (I wear them all the time!)

    Paris-New York Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Facebook Page
    Xoxo Cory

  • I only get € 100,- in two years for glasses from my insurance and since I have to choose between shades or normal glasses that’s a hard decision to make. I still think it’s ridiculous I have to pay so much money for a thing that’s actually a handicap! But, love these sunnies! Must say ;) xx


  • Tainá Oliveira May, 10 2013, 3:07 / Reply

    J’aime cette glasses’m mourir pour acheter un bien-aimé votre blog et je suis déjà suivantes, vous voyez mon blog, je pense que vous allez adorer


  • Dis donc il est top ce site! j’ai trop hâte qu’ils livrent en France :) Merci pour le tips… j’ai envie de changer de lunette souvent aussi..bye bye

  • Those WPs are so CUTE! (I have a pair of the Mabels) I broke down and got a pair of prescription sunglasses yesterday! Looking forward to actually being able to see faces when I’m out and about now! :)

  • Eliška May, 10 2013, 3:54 / Reply

    This post made me order a Missoni frames and I WILL this time get dark optical glasses for sure!

  • Elizaveta May, 10 2013, 4:15 / Reply

    I got the same-same feeling!!)

  • Carole May, 10 2013, 4:36 / Reply

    Funny I have the same frames….Warby Parker opened on Greene st bet Prince and Houston …they r doing progressive lens $225 (frames and lens) and they donate glasses to India and Guatemala there show room is in the Puck Building on Lafayette

  • Patricia May, 10 2013, 5:31 / Reply

    I wear glasses since 3. Sunglasses came in my teens. Can’t leave without them, so I try to buy good ones (love Pradas) to make it more of a statement. (KUDOS to Jenna Lyons!!! My inspiration and goddess!!!))
    IN L-O-V-E. now with Warby Parker frames, prices and service. Bought eyeglasses first. Turned 2 friends into buying them as well. Just got my first sunglasses from them and SUPER impressed by how thin lenses are considering my high prescription.

  • I have been wearing glasses since elementary school and I only wear contact lenses for sports. I just ordered a very similar frame for prescription sunglasses from WP. I can’t wait to get them!

  • my own eyes are so poor that I had glasses at AGE 5 and my prescription is so bad that Warby Parker does not make glasses for me. SAD :(

  • carole May, 11 2013, 9:24

    try the store on greene st the have opticians in house

  • I’ve had to wear glasses since 2 years old and have very sun sensitive eyes making sun glasses a necessity. I love sun glasses clip ons. They make them custom to your glasses and can be very cool looking. Not cheap but less than sun glasses.

  • I’m addicted to sunglasses, too. I can’t imagine to go out during a sunny day without them. These are really beautiful.

  • tripstreasures May, 11 2013, 3:49 / Reply

    So true, it’s almost impossible to drive without sunglasses when the sun is shining
    Love your shades !

    fashion in belgium

  • Oh, I so tatally get you! >)

  • Mary Ann May, 11 2013, 6:12 / Reply

    I just bought a pair of Warby Parker sunglasses also. I have a pair of their regular glasses also. I love their frames!!

  • Elles sont top ces lunettes ! J’ai le même problème, mais au quotidien je porte des lentilles (sauf en vacances car avec le soleil, je ne les supporte pas agrr). J’ai fait mettre des verres correcteurs sur mes wayfarer, mais je reste frustrée car j’ai plein d’autre solaire que j’aimerai porter…bref ça me prend la tête !

  • Oui … je l’ai aussi cette ride!!! et mes lunettes de soleil n’y font rien!!!


  • Justine D. May, 11 2013, 10:50 / Reply

    As soon as I saw the title, it reminded me of this song.. check it out ! It’s so cute ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVl9ZHbZPu0


  • mcgurgan May, 11 2013, 11:34 / Reply

    i have worn presciption sunglasses for the past 25 years ,( im a lot older than you ) but like you i drove in my regular specs, till i found out about the option of presciption sunglasses ,i can spot friends at the beach .see my kid on the soccer field, and by the way transitition lenses (the ones that change) never look good …..except in a wayfarer rayban

  • j’adore les lunettes… j’aime aussi beaucoup Linda farrow, elle a fait en plus pleins de collab, et les modèles sont vraiment uniques. j’en ai acheté une paire toute en plastique incassable! et en plus elles sont canons haha!

    le site warby parker est genial je trouve, je suis resté queblo 1h devant les mannequins qui suivent le mouvement de la souris! et les modèles sont pas très chères en plus, celles en photos sont cools

    des bisous à tout le studio ;)

  • Deepi Arora May, 11 2013, 4:24 / Reply

    Well its been good 13 years i am doing the same. Thats a productive decision you took.

  • In Francen it’s actually a marketing ploy: you buy a pair of prescription glasses and you get prescription sunnies.

  • Allo!! Moi aussi j’adore les lunettes! Je suis quand même assez myope mais, pour moi, c’est avant tout un bijou!! Je viens tout juste de commencer mon propre blogue: http://cayennepepperstyle.blogspot.ca/ !!! Si jamais tu as un moment, n’hésite pas à me faire tes commentaires ;) bisous xoxo E.

  • My glasses for daily wear look like that! Only in leopard color. All my friends said they must be non-prescription. Blows their mind off everytime someone tries them on.


  • Mélisande May, 12 2013, 2:51 / Reply

    Je ne connaissais pas la marque et j’ai adoré au premier coup d’oeil. Dommage qu’il n’existe pas de magasin en Europe.

  • I have transition glasses… and yes sometimes they look not as chic as regular sunglasses. BUT not having to swap between glasses and sunglasses makes up for it. Also means I never have to worry about leaving a pair behind- because they are always on my face!

  • I also can’t live without my sunglasses :)! I just need them on my face, no matter what’s happening :)).


  • That same pair is on my birthday wishlist! Good validation :)


  • Your lions wrinkle is beautiful and charming. They make you look like you are smiling with your eyes. I think they are adorable.

  • I am sure you look great with your glasses on and lion wrinkle can be controlled by applying aloe vera juice on the area. Great blog!

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