Let's Talk About

Grow Up

8 years ago by

Grow Up

I have this problem.

Sometimes I get dressed in the morning, feel ok about my outfit, and then look in the mirror and think I look like my 12 year old self. Or like Erik at the Studio. No kidding, he’s come into Studio twice this week in an outfit I changed out of earlier in the morning in a panic. I’ve always been a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl and my affinity for Converse has never wained, so by default I truly look like my tween self. I do wear other things that make me look more grown up, but I’d like to start looking more grown up and little more often. I guess it’s a good thing the season has officially changed. Any excuse to buy a few new items to class up my act and anything to not look like Erik everyday, can only be a good thing. (Just kidding, Erik, I love you. You’re the best dressed. After Brie).


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  • Yes, I do too! But I find it hugely difficult to dress more age appropriate and work appropriate and still be comfortable and feel like myself. I welcome all tips on how to achieve a more professional look without completely giving up on (also my fav shoes) Converse and jeans.

  • I have the same thing. I am 35. But I never look like a grown up! I told to myself the exactly same thing the other day!

  • I have the same problem! Sometimes I tell myself to put my heels on and suck it up so I don’t look so young! I know exactly where you are coming from!

    Paula- http://www.livingpaula.com

  • What brand is that t-shirt?

  • I hadn’t really considered this but as I’m sitting here typing this I’m wearing a backwards baseball cap and I’m nearly 30.. Oh dear x


  • I agree! I am 46 (almost 47)… and usually wear DocMartens, jeans, and Tshirts or fleece sweaters according to the season. What is worse, when I try to dress differently (e.g. skirt and heels) I end up looking like a child pretending to be a grown-up.
    Maybe the easiest way to dress it up a little (I found out) may be to wear a nice feminine shirt instead of a Tshirt, and ballerinas instead of DocMartens. But I’m never letting go of my jeans!

  • haha, same here :)
    je suis exactement pareil: jean-t-shirts-vans/converse et oui, les gens hallucinent aussi quand ils apprennent mon âge (35) – et comme j’ai la chance de bosser dans un milieu assez cool (theatre) où je peux m’habiller comme je veux… et heureusement d’ailleurs, je crois que je serais super malheureuse de devoir porter des fringues dans lesquelles je ne me reconnais pas pour aller bosser. Parfois je me dis que j’ai peut-être inconsciemment choisi cette branche à cause de cette liberté, et que c’est pour ça que je m’y sens bien.

    même si depuis quelques temps, je vois mon style évoluer: j’aime bien porter des chemises oversize l’été (chose impossible avant, où je ne supportais pas les cols), des derbies ou des vestes un peu kimono. Mais je reste très simple et un peu tomboy la plupart du temps, donc la référence à Erik me fait beaucoup rire par ce que ça pourrait être moi ;)

    pour ma part, ca ne me dérange pas: c’est mon style et je m’y sens bien, c’est le principal!
    ps: d’où vient ce t-shirt gris sur la photo, il a l’air parfait ;)

  • The saying “dress for the job you want, not the job you have” helped to change my mindset about professionalism at work. There’s also a level of respect you receive from peers and clients and first impressions speak volumes–look like an adult, you get treated like an adult, look like a tween…well, you know. No one is surprised to know this is how the fashion world works–based on appearances. I’ve only noticed this is not looked down upon when a person has a uniform or signature look, like Iris Apfel’s eyeglasses–she isn’t quite her without them. But! If you’re in an office where you can wear your Chucks and they are your signature item, then more power to you. Maybe just dress up when special clients visit. I can only speak from personal experience. Good luck!

  • I finally found my grown up look in my 40’s. Best advice I can give is to find you style. Are you classic chic , bohemian a mix of a few styles. Find out what you gravitate towards and then buy a few great pieces to work around. It sounds complicated but once you establish your style it gets to be pretty easy. There are some great books out that help or even Pinterest.

  • mademoiselle mauve September, 28 2016, 1:45 / Reply

    change of shoes! more feminine shoes and you look older, sexier, never a man ;)

  • Ahh, me too! My go to outfit is jeans and a casual blouse or t-shirt. I have two levels of dressing, jeans and fancy silk dresses. There’s no middle ground in my wardrobe which makes the occasional meeting I have to attend problematic.

    I find though that the easiest solution to not looking like a “tween” is really good accessories to elevate my look. Find a great pair of loafers or boots, a classic handbag like Mark Cross’ box bags (or those camera bags that are everywhere now including J. Crew), a blazer, a silk scarf tied around your neck, a great watch…

  • I am 25 and work in a coorporate office, so I have to dress grown up! My advice is to buy a nice fitted blazer, a nice white cotton shirt, a pair of ankle-grabbing trousers, a grown up classic bag, some nice loafers, stilettos and booties AND a good classic camel or navy coat/ trench. If you wear this kind of stuff, you always look pulled together. But it is possible to mix it with “teenage” clothes and feel like yourself as well. Like a expensive, luxe version of yourself:P
    In my opinion the outfit has more personality if you wear colors like navy, beige, grey and burgundy instead of head-to-toe black.
    I try to think what Emmanuelt Alt would wear if she worked in a coorporate office.

  • Hi Carie! I’m 37 and I still wear jeans, tees and Stan Smiths every day. I’d like to think that adding a blazer and a nice makeup (neutral eyes + red lips for the win) makes me look more like an adult but… Who cares? I’m a jeans and tees kind of girl (or Erik lookalike apparently). I’ve tried to change but I just can’t, it’s like trying to change the course of a river. It always goes back to its origins. And there is a big pro: everyone thinks I’m younger!

  • I had the same mental battle at 35, which was about 8 years ago. I was driving to work and I thought to myself: when will I be too old to wear knee high socks? Immediately after that question it came to me that as long as I am comfortable I can wear whatever I want as long as I want to.

    It’s great to change things up, but make sure you stay true to what you love no matter how old you get.

  • I’m dying to know the brand/model of the watch in the photo! So elegant & understated. :)

  • Such a beautiful watch!

  • Why do women feel the need to dress up? If your job allows you to wear t-shirts and jeans, that’s great! Whatever makes us feel beautiful, confident, comfortable, and appropriate is what we should be wearing!

  • I’m another one too! I am 46, wear jeans 99% of the time and love t-shirts. They’re so comfy and easy. Why stop? :) I hope to wear t-shirts and jeans into my 80s along with my leather jacket. ;)

  • Well for a change girls, i just want to mention that i have never looked nice in a t shirt and i could never feel comfortable in jeans so pleeeeease enjoy this sensation of a t shirt and jeans because it is so sexy and not all of us enjoy it so naturally. I think that a very elegant accessory, nice fresh showered hair, and a nice makeup usually makes the difference towards the grown up style.

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