Less is More
8 years ago by

Reality TV is really becoming a world on its own.
With its growth means the increase of options for us guilty pleasure watchers to choose from. For Erik, House Hunter’s is his show of choice. The show’s simple set up involves one family choosing from three places to move into. Apparently their choices are made prior to the taping, but while reality television might not always be so real they certainly point to trends.
House Hunter’s is pointing to the popularity of the downsizing. People are apparently buying tiny living spaces to minimize the work of an actual home and maximize their ability to travel or move around. Some are even choosing to live in homes the size of a storage units where the bathrooms, kitchens, and bedrooms are all within a couple feet of each other.
So there goes the classic American dream of growing up and owning a home. But if this is the modern nomad lifestyle does it really matter? What do you think? Settle down in one place that you make your own or find a place that allows you to live all over?
True :)
Tiens donc !
Je viens de quitter un loft en duplex glacial l hiver et étuve l été avec 180m2 tres statutaire pour 100 m2 bien agencé lumineux mais dans moche immeuble…
J ai donné jeté trié… pour un univers plus dépouille sans prestations chic dans une ambiance plus japonaiso-scandinave.
Par contre j ai envie de plus d imprimés pour moi !!!
Rent and mortgate payments have become incredibly expensive in the last years in many different areas of the world. As ordinary citizens cannot afford to buy a “normal” house these types of programmes encourage people to pursue the dream of owning your own house. But in fact these people are still paying a disproportionate amount of money for tiny little houses where basically you just can sleep, you even don´t have the right to set the table to have lunch. The incredible thing is that these type of houses are not that cheap either but they try to convince us that this a “wonderful option” for living. And it is not. I honestly believe that a human being deserves much better places to live, to rest, to work, to create and to share with your loved ones.
I love to spend a lot of time outdoors and therefore my dream is to live in the country on a vast piece of land. I don’t mind if the house is tiny.
I like to travel but I don’t want to live like a nomad. A trip or a couple a year would be enough for me.
Downsizing is a great idea but…. Let’s say you live in a big city and you have a family. Let’s say it is in a cold climate. You spend most of your free time at home as it is cold outside and to be in nature is hours away. How will you survive in a tiny apartment? I bet you’d drive each other mad.
Of course how small or big is a small place to live really depends on where on this earth you live. As well as some people love to be at home and others would rather travel or spend time outside home.
You can still make a small space all your own! My fiance and I are downsizing from an 1,863 sq. foot home to 833, and it’s helped me to purge the things that aren’t my favorites. And, yes, a travel van purchase also happened, so this post entirely encapsulates where my life is headed: freedom, both from stuff and financially!
I like at least 2 thousand square feet, but I have always lived out side of cities, never in them, but with in an hours drive to them. If you live an hrs drive outside you can easily find a home for that much square footage or more. To me that’s small. We also work from our home so that helps a great deal and I would also recommend being near a small airport, so that you can get in and out, if you need to travel. I also recommend zero energy homes, which means you will not be paying more than $50 to $100 a month on the running of your home. I had an apartment in New York in Manhattan Plaza for over 25 years and I paid $400 a month for it, but I also, at some point moved to a farm in Newtown, Ct and so, I rarely went into my apartment after that and I keep it because it was such low rent, until I moved out West and then I let both go. Now I have 10 thousand acres I walk in daily!
I live in the city of Utrecht in the Netherlands and our house is relatively big for Utrecht standards I think, 180 square meters which I think is a little under 1950 square feet? It’s divided over 4 floors so yes, 3 staircases ;-). Anyhow, we have two teenagers in the house and both my significant other and I work from home a lot so we are blessed to have all that space, we can spend time apart from each other under the same roof and that is something I value most. We like are house to feel spacious as well so lots of bare walls and floors. That said, I would not object at all to living smaller once the kids have left the house. Because all the hassle of keeping things organized and clean just takes up so much time. And we are the tidy and neat type of people so you do the math. My dream would be something level and open plan, so no stairs whatsover. And I could do with half the space we have now by that time.
There is a real trend of getting rid of the unnecessary, getting more spiritual freedom when dealing with material things and more ability to move and travel as you wish, but I think most people get smaller spaces because they have less money and are not really confident about the future… Unfortunately, money is the main issue in most cases. I know this is a fashion/lifestyle blog but I am surprised you did not mention that… It makes the topic look a bit naive I think.
Le sujet de cet article est un clin d’oeil alors que je suis en train de vider placards et remises pour assurer notre déménagement d’une maison de 150m2 à la campagne vers une maison de ville de 80m2 avec un tiny jardin de 30m2 environ.
Voilà deux ans que j’ai très envie de mener ce processus, de me débarrasser de tous ces objets qui encombrent mon logis et mon esprit. Avec cette impression tenace que la coquille de l’escargot est devenue trop lourde à porter et me prive de liberté. Ras-le-bol aussi de vivre entourée d’autant de meubles et objets qui ne me plaisent qu’à moitié.
Nous allons enfin sauter le pas dans deux semaines, avec l’envie de multiplier les contacts extérieurs et de passer plus de temps hors de chez nous. Mais aussi de pouvoir déménager plus facilement et de consacrer plus de temps à des loisirs culturels qu’à l’entretien de la maison. Pile en phase avec l’article!
It’s funny to read American reactions to this, mentioning super big houses… Come and live in Paris, or London, or Amsterdam, where houses/ flats are really small, and you’ll see that you’ll dream of those extra 20 sqm…