Drink Up!
8 years ago by

As you know, we’ve had caffeine—and overall health—on the brain lately. A few of us at the studio are trying to drink less coffee, some of us are trying to drink more water, but basically beverages have taken over the daily discourse.
So we wanted to see what everyone is actually drinking first thing in the morning. It sort of sets the tone for the day, don’t you think?
First thing I have is a big glass of water, and now that I’ve stopped coffee, second thing is making a pot of tea. It’s always Earl Grey tea, but I’m always trying different brands. My favorite of the faves right now is the Earl Grey classic from Camelia Sinensis. I take it black, no milk no sugar.
I brew 1 cup of Starbucks Breakfast Blend coffee every morning in my generic Walmart coffee maker. I prefer to get my morning cup out of the way before I leave. Nothing’s worse than a cup of TOOTHPASTE MINT COFFEE on the subway.
Every morning I reach over to my left and grab the glass of water I’ve set there. I try to drink an entire glass of water before anything else in the morning to get things moving…. and then a coffee from my Nespresso – I like the orange colored capsule!
I start my morning with a macchiato from my tiny Nespresso machine that my mom bought me when she said I was spending too much money on coffee (I still spend too much money on coffee, sorry mom).
The first drink of the day is at home, I make a cup of Nespresso Melozio coffee with a little milk and sugar. I love it! Perfect every time. Then I have some water and scurry out the door.
Lexi (Our new Social Media Editor! You guys will meet her super soon)
I always start my morning with a lukewarm glass of tap water. I put it by my bed before I fall asleep so it’s ready to go first thing in the morning! I tell myself I have to drink it before I’m allowed to have my morning coffee… Coffee is my reward!
I used to go for coffee first thing, but lately I’ve been trying to down a full glass of water while my cup of French Roast is brewing in my Keurig.
Dès le réveil et encore couchée, je bois à la bouteille d’eau gazeuse qui reste à coté de mon lit. Au petit déjeuner, et c’est nouveau, je commence par un demi jus de citron pressé avec de l’eau, car j’ai découvert que ça me permet de bien digérer (je suis sensible niveau digestion…), puis un graaand bol de Ricoré (boisson française composée de café et de chicorée solubles) très chaud. Le café, c’est un expresso entre 1 et 2h plus tard !
je n’ai jamais bu du cafe. je commence le jour par boire de l’eau gazeuse! :)
Damn, I have nothing. I bring a 1L bottle of water with me to work and I drink it throughout my morning.
I have a big glass of water first thing before I go to bed and right when I wake up
It is always coffee first! Although I admit that a glass of water should be the first thing.
But at least coffee makes me happy. I’ll try to remember to drink water tomorrow.
I just never get thirsty!
As always great post :)
Hot water with ginger and lemon and honey (orange blossom honey is a delight). Make it super hot so you can justify sipping slowly with a good book for a few min.
And maybe some fresh sprigs of mint for summeryness. Star anise or licorice bark for an extra detoxing kick.
I drink a glass of squash in the mornings which is basically 90% water so I feel like I’m being healthy haha x
A glass of water first. Then many cups of black tea. If I have coffee it’s usually in the afternoon.
On another note, I was a little surprised by all the Nespresso and Keurig use. Aren’t all those pods really bad for the environment? I get the appeal but how about a french press.
Et Neada, elle est passée où?!
This is great. I love how everyone has such different routines!
Paula- http://www.livingpaula.com
je suis justement en train de boire mon thé du matin :)
je bois énormément le matin: je me fais 2 graaaandes (chacune env. 1/2 litre – 2 venti piqués chez Starbucks en fait ;) tasses: 1 de thé vert/earl grey+lait/parfois café super dilué+lait le weekend et 1 d’infusion de menthe ou de gingembre. Si je ne peux pas boire tout ça, parce que je n’ai pas le temps ou je ne suis pas chez moi, j’ai soif toute la journée!
mais je me rends compte que je bois beaucoup dans la journée aussi: j’ai toujours une bouteille d’eau sur mon bureau et je me fais des infusions (menthe, plantes, thé rooisbos… mais rien qui ne contienne un excitant, j’y suis bien trop sensible, c’est juste pour m’hydrater) dès que je suis chez moi – toujours dans mes grandes tasses, mes potes hallucinent quand ils me voient avec :)
Garance, pourquoi arrêter le café si c’est pour boire du thé ? ce n’est pas meilleur pour la santé … (je ne dis pas ça pour juger, je bois du thé et du café mais c’est juste que je ne comprends pas l’intérêt d’arrêter l’un pour l’autre)
Je ne suis pas d’accord, le thé est bien meilleur pour la santé que le café! C’est moins violent sur l’organisme et cela n’impacte pas de la même manière le système digestif.
I nearly only drink tea, but different teas during the day.
So when I wake up it is green tea, either a green Earl Grey blend or a sencha or a green tea with lime, but always something on the citrus side, I feel it sort of cleans my stomach, and if i feel heavy in the stomach it can also be one or 2 pressed lemons in water.
During the day, I can switch to black tea, Oolong, Darjeeling, Keemun…
But coffee in the morning I feel it to heavy
Chai Latte avec lait d’avoine et sirop d’érable. C’est surement pas super californien healthy mais j’adore.
A cup of coffee is great for your health! But since i don’t drink coffee, a glass of water works miracles on your body!
my first thing in the morning is to prepare myself a filter coffee – by hand, slowly – this became almost a ceremony over the years (I started doing it after my grandma died ten years ago and I inherited her old stone ware coffee filter) – the calm movements and the warm smell help me to wake up and to start my day energized
One mug of hot water with squeezed lemon first thing in the morning and then water till I reach the office. And then, 3 mugs of green Chinese tea a day (ntohing after 3-4 pm).
guys! i love love LOVE reading your posts, and fully support the tone and style of garancedore.com, but come on! the nespresso/keurig trend you all have going on is quite shocking. it takes 10 minutes to brew french press coffee… or drip coffee…. honestly, you all come off as so chic and yet here you are drinking coffee that comes out of plastic? i do not get it. live it, don’t just project it.
I’ve got to agree with you here. It is SO much cheaper, chicer, and more sustainable to buy a fair trade coffee and brew it at home. As another commenter mentioned, it takes only a few minutes and it very satisfying – forces you to slow down before the caffeine speeds up. I get that this is New York, but there are so many great roasters and shops in the city that Keurigs are even harder to picture you guys using.
and here i thought i was the only one whose mother bought her a nespresso after spending a few days visiting and decided that i spent too much time/money in coffee shops.
usually start the day with warm water and lemon. after a cup of coffee black or every once in a while, blend some coconut oil into it–it’s like an ayurvedic latte!
I have a little water first thing. The. Squeeze half a lemon and a cap full of Braggs Organic Apple cider vinagear into a mug and fill with warm water, and drink. It’s good for you and helps my system. Then I drink coffee, Rook blend with a little milk and a teaspoon on coconut oil, also good for the system I’m told.
Hot water to start is really a must for the digestive system (cleans the pipes of any residue from previous day)…
And then, REAL coffee, the traditional way, in the Italian traditional expresso-‘cafetière’ on gaz-stove, nice smell and the ‘gluglu’ singing when ready… hmmm, the day can start!
Mon mari (un Anglais) crierai scandale de savoir que tu bois du Earl Grey le matin! C’est un thé pour l’après-midi. haha, je suis comme toi et en bois à tout moment de la journée.
For most, research shows that coffee has many health benefits. Yes, water– but no reason to skip coffee for many of us.
Un très grand bol d’un mélange eau vichy célestins + beaucoup de jus de citron bio (achetés en bouteille plus pratique) +eau chaude, et une petite cuillerée de miel.Tout ça a jeun jusque pause déjeuner, Effet détox, belle peau assuré!
Two cups of coffee–Bustelo is amazing–with half and half. No sugar. Toast and peanut butter. Breakfast of champions. Drink water when thirsty.
I usually drink a lot of water… i am a tea person, every morning i have my Earl Grey with a bit of milk.
When I am in the mood for coffee i choose greek coffee, i believe that has lighter does of caffeine that the others.
Love the post! And please…: Where is that beautiful white shirt on the picture from?
I have this blouse and the brand is Bishop and Young spring summer 2016
My 20 minutes morning me-time is for ME, my glass of herbal water and the newspaper. I realised, it wasn’t what I consumed during me-time, it was the time I spent which was important. So I switched from my routine tea to a tall glass of warm water with some turmeric, lemon juice and bit of honey. This has been my morning cuppa since 18 months now. Its my ‘caffeine’.Try it!