9 years ago by

I’ve been having the most intense dreams this summer!
Maybe it’s the heat? Or some other variable that I haven’t thought of? (Is that old wives’ tale about eating cheese before bed a real thing?)(I do love cheese after dinner.)
I’ll wake up each night, at least a couple of times and these dreams are making me crazy. Last night, I dreamed that my boyfriend decided he wanted to be part of a polygamous cult and bring two extra girlfriends into the relationship (I was pretty angry at breakfast), and then I had some more crazy dreams. About four more. So, maybe they mean something?
I was wondering if you keep a dream journal and would recommend me trying it? Or is there somewhere I can go online that’s a great resource for dream meanings? Or is it more something that I have to decipher myself? Help!
Maybe you’re pregnant!?!!!
Oooh, you should read “The Chocolate-Covered Umbrella.” It’s a delightfully quick read designed to help you interpret your own dreams. It provides practical methods based on Gestalt theories that you, as an individual, can use to pick apart your dreams and find personally significant meaning. I found it helpful and fun. It made so much more sense to me than some books I’ve read where they only go so far as to outline specific dream motifs that have specific universal meanings. Those books can be fun, too. They just never left me feeling like I really understood the symbology in my own dreams. Oh, and the author is a Methodist minister, but the book doesn’t come off as “churchy” or religious.
I recently posted something about dreams and their meanings on my blog. Here is the link if you’d like to check it out. It’s quite interesting:
I hate when I have dreams that are negative about someone and wake up feeling that way towards them! I feel so silly, but it really does affect my mood! I usually can relate my dreams back to something in the day, but I try to write them down upon waking up if I can’t instantly figure it out.
– Kaitlyn | http://www.TheCrownFox.com
I dream pretty much every night due to being a light sleeper or at least I think, so I’m always trying to figure out the meanings. I believe that dreams are either psychological, spirtitual or occasionally some form of vision. I think your dream is psychological. I often just type in to google “dream interpretation” followed by a short description of the dream. I read a few articals, then take what seems most relevant to my current situation and what appears to be the most consistent throughout the write ups. I’m yet to find a good dream book, so if you find one please please share :)
Take care,
Daniella xox
Hello ! Souvent l’été on rêve plus car on dort plus ;)
Petite théorie tirée de mes cours sur le sommeil :
Il existe (globalement) 2 types de sommeils : le sommeil profond (où le corps se repose) et le sommeil paradoxal (où l’esprit “range” tout ce qu’on a vu/entendu/appris dans la journée précédente) et c’est pendant le sommeil paradoxal que l’on rêve le plus !
Pendant l’année où l’on a souvent du sommeil en retard, notre nuit se compose ainsi principalement de sommeil profond, mais l’été on dort beaucoup plus ! Ainsi le corps est moins “fatigué” et peut lasser place au sommeil paradoxal ! Tu remarquera que les rêves dont on se souvient le plus arrive en fin de nuit (pendant la grasse mat’ !) car cette partie de sommeil est composé à presque 100% de sommeil paradoxal !
Bon rêve :)
I have had tremendously vivid dreams lately. Oddly enough, I’ve had the same dream about owning a vineyard TWICE in the past month. No clue what to make of that, except it does have me considering that for a totally out of the blue career path.
I always have intense and vivid dreams — it’s odd for me to not dream
giveaway on my blog
Hormonal changes maybe? I had a lot of mad dreams when I was pregnant.
Maybe he’s cheating
Why do you want an interpretation of your dreams? How about just accepting they are part of the night, unexplained, colourful and sometimes outrageous!
Fais de beaux rêves!
I dream insanely vivid, too. But I figured out that it only happens when there are a lot of changes in my life. Every time my boyfriend and I moved forward in our relationship, I had the most upsetting dreams. Same goes for work, friendships, family… Even though I feel blessed and loved through the day, I feel like my brain is trying to show and prepare me for the worst :) As if I can figure out my fears I Do not want to think about through dreaming. So what I started is taking the time in the evening to think about the day and the changes that lie past me and what they mean to me. And if I have a really bad dream, I talk to my boyfriend in the morning and we figure it out together. And the best Part is: you are helping yourself and your relationship!
This happens to me a lot when the weather gets hotter ! Last night I dreamt Joe Pesci attacked me at the supermarket with a knife and stole my bag and then run an owl over with his trunk…..Is that a change of hormones or just the heat ?
Hormones ?
Si tu te réveille, note les horaires qui pourraient te diriger.
Selon les pratiques orientales (shiatsu notamment), chaque heure corresponde à un organe. J’ai appris ça lorsque je me réveillais (avec des rêves pas sympas) quasi systématiquement vers 2-3 heure du mat’. Ma thérapeute shiatsu m’a expliqué que cette heure-ci correspondrait à la foie – qui touche …la foi (que je perdais). Elle a donc travaillé particulièrement cette organe-là, elle m’a fait réfléchir sur le sujet et (ma foi!), ça a disparu!
Bon courage :-)
I think the cheese thing is totally true! IF and only if it’s unpasteurized cheese. I think it’s the bacteria. I say this because I started taking super high-potency probiotics and immediately began having the most vivid, crazy dreams. Pregnancy dreams paled in comparison. I googled a bit and apparently, this is a common side effect! They faded away after a couple of weeks, but it was crazy to realize that random helpful bacteria in food you eat could cause your brain to fire up the movie machine at night.
Je rêve toujours beaucoup, mais ce n’est pas parce que je reste plus longtemps dans mon lit après le réveil que je m’en souviens mieux. C’est plutôt si j’y prête attention… Pour moi les rêves sont un amalgame de ce qui s’est passé dans la journée précédente, où des choses même insignifiantes réapparaîtront, parce qu’elles ont pris une importance particulière dans le subconscient. Je ne crois pas que les rêves aient une signification particulière, à part celle de mettre au point certaines choses qui te tracassent pour que tu puisses t’en rendre compte et y réfléchir :) et rien que pour ça, je trouve ça très utile!
I use dreammoods.com to translate my dreams all the time! I’ve found it to be helpful and a lot of the things in my dreams symbolize things that totally make sense. So interesting and pretty crazy stuff!