Dover Street Market x Sotheby’s Jewels
5 years ago by

Dover Street Market is known for being a fashion DESTINATION. A curator’s dream. An artist’s inspiration. A designer’s paradise.
That’s why we’re so excited that they’ve recently partnered with Sotheby’s to showcase a selection of Sotheby’s fine jewelry collection that will soon be going to auction.
The vintage jewels will be hand-picked from Sotheby’s collection by famed founder/ designer Rei Kawakubo and will go into a site-specific installation (that includes commissioned collage works from Sammy Slabbinck!) within Dover Street Market. Shoppers and vintage jewelry enthusiasts alike are invited to stop by touch and try, admire and ogle.
The jewels will be on display at Dover Street Market’s Los Angeles location (608 Imperial Street) from September 13th to 15th.
In the words of Rei Kawakubo, go forth and PLAY!