From the Studio

Don’t hate me cause I Birk

11 years ago by

Yesterday, I posted a photo of myself on Instagram giving a big hug to a tree with a pair of Birkenstocks and socks on…

No, I wasn’t wrapping my Birks and socks around the tree… But a 100+ comments later, most of which where just saying baaaarf, Birks and socks… Is there anything worse!?! I just wanted to say, hey listen, don’t hate me ‘cause I Birk.

No really, what could be bucolic than wearing pair of Birkenstocks with a nice pair of wool socks to go on a little autumn stroll in a park?

What? That doesn’t convince you?

Well, what do you think of this:

No really, what could be more 90s cool than wearing a pair of Birkenstocks with a nice pair of wool socks? Kate Moss circa 1990 loved it. Not to mention Phoebe Philo, who is pretty much single handedly responsible for the return of the Birk.

Still not convinced?

Okay, you just wait… One more:

Uhhhh… What’s more comfortable than a pair of Birks for my mangled feet after weeks in heels?

Does the end not justify the means? Okay. Nothing will convince you, I get it.

In any case, you can’t say I didn’t warn you, remember?

As for me, I’m just loving the Birks right now. And I love when fashion says I shouldn’t. You cracked me up on Instagram with your emoticons of tears and your shocked comments, “Nooooooon! Not Birkenstocks! Not YOU!!!” But now that I’ve explained where I’m coming from, aren’t you feeling the Birks and socks too… Aren’t you? Come on….

Okay… Laughing smiley face? Or crying smiley face?


Add yours
  • le manteau c´est COS???

  • Je l’adore! J’ai essite a me l’achete la semaine derniere sur leur site, mais comme je ne peux pas essayer je ne l’ai pas fait… Peux tu me dire chere Garance, comment il taille? Est ce qu’il fait un peu effet oversize parce que c’est ce que je cherche.. xo

  • Usually, I’m not a fan of Birkenstocks period. BUT I think they work with your outfit in this photo. Since the color of your socks and your birks blend so well I hardly realized that was what you were wearing. Plus, its so fitting to be wearing birks as you hug a tree.

    I love this photo. You definitely deserve comfortable shoes after weeks in heels. :)

  • mais sinon moi je kiffe les birks, de toutes les couleurs, l´été, l´hiver avec des chaussettes de laine, mais j´avoue meme en vivant en Allemagne l´hiver je ne sors jamais avec, je devrais p´têtre!

  • I love this article and to be honest I quite like to look. Although I’m not sure what I like exactly. Objectively speaking the socks and Birks are a no-go, but from some point I completely love it! I must say, the picture of white Nike socks in the sandals I don’t get…

  • I’m not a fan of Birks, but they do look comfortable! And compared to what I’m wearing when my feet are in after-heel-pain, this is still very stylish ;)

    She Wears: Fashion Illustration Blog

  • Something I don’t think I could get away with myself, but love to see on others done well! Think you did well!

  • Bon Garance je suis désolée, mais je réitère mon commentaire :
    T’es passée du côté obscur de la force,
    les Birk+socks c’est comme aller à la plage avec sa tente Queshua, c’est pas poss’ !

    ps : on va devoir t’appeler Garassseuu Dokhrréé ( accent allemand) rapport aux touristes. bref. ;)

  • YAY to the socks-in-birckenstock style!! (I do it too! See ;-)

  • Je l´ai essayé samedi, mon copain en préfèrait un autre, il a rien pigé, mais moi je l´ai acheté dans son dos aujourd´hui ;) merci Garance!

  • How funny to come across this photo of you hugging a tree while in the middle of researching clean energy! Fashion is important too!

    The birks and socks don’t bother me at all — but this photo has given me some serious coat envy!

  • Even if I wouldn’t wear birk with socks, you look good with them, and you pull them off! :)

  • I totally agree!

  • ohh my…that coat, I am in love. I need to get my hands on that one! with that coat on, I can even tolerate the birks (just kidding, I am totally cool with that)

  • Bon … Ok … L’excuse des talons meurtris par les talons hauts me touche …un peu (ce doit être mon côté infirmière, déformation professionnelle je crois ;p)

    Non mais sèrieux, j’adore ton style sur cette photo :D


  • Anne-Cha October, 9 2013, 12:08 / Reply

    J’aurai jamais cru dire ça pour un combo birkenstock/chaussettes mais en ton sur ton ça passe plutôt pas mal !

  • JE VEUX DES BIRK et tu as raison de te défendre ! Il y a un an, je me moquais de ma mère qui en portait, aujourd’hui j’en veux mais je n’en acheterai pas parce qu’il va faire froid et je veux pas être frustrer de pouvoir les porter que 2 fois avec des chaussettes of course… Bref. SMILEY QUI RIT.

  • Tu as besoin d’une “Birktervention” :)
    Les Birk c’est beurk.
    Vive la petite derby noire, plate, en daim perforé bien confort.
    Ou tes Porselli !

  • I recently crossed over to the dark side and bought two pairs of Birks and will probably break out the socks to wear with them when our weather turns colder. Like so many, I swore up and down, back and forth that I would never own them, but after a day in my Jimmy Choos last week, I was dreaming of how great they would feel when I got home. I also thought it was funny how many photos you and Scott took while in Paris of women wearing Birks. Maybe you could do a post on the socks you wear with them?

  • J’arrive d’un mois en Italie et oui, les gens du cru sont sapés comme c’est pas possible. C’est vraiment beau à voir. Par contre, notre guide de randonnée Italien et super génial nous disait qu’avec ses proches, lorsqu’ils cherchaient des exemples de ce qui était inélégant ou moche, celui qui revenaient tout le temps était celui des allemands qui mettent des chaussette avec leurs sandales de style Merrell ou des Birkenstocks. La réflexion que je me faisais était que, oui ce n’est peut-être pas super élégant mais en même temps, je trouve pathétique tous ces gens qui décrètent que quelqu’un n’a aucune culture ou est un idiot sous prétexte qu’il n’est pas à la page. Les allemands ou nous, les nord-américains sommes régulièrement exposés à ce genre de jugement que je trouve idiot et insipide.
    J’ai rencontré des tas de gens qui n’auraient pas payé de mine à Florence ou à Paris et qui étaient de grands érudits et j’ai aussi croisé beaucoup de ploucs dont la beaufitude était cachée sous un joli vernis. Alors oui, pour les Birks!

  • Love your comment,absolutely agree and yes in Italy the appearance is everything:(

  • bien dis ! et puis m…e et si ca plait à la personne qui les porte, c’est bien et puis c’est tout. rhaa

  • Belinda October, 9 2013, 4:54

    Totalement d’accord avec ton commentaire!

    Vive les birks, les miennes ont 5 ans et je les kiffe

  • Alexandra October, 9 2013, 12:30 / Reply

    Moi je kiffe la Birk, et encore plus avec des chaussettes, mais alors avec de très très belles chaussettes!!

  • WTF — we are living in a time of anything goes….yes! Give your feet a break– as long as you are wearing a beautiful smile to go with them….

  • You look fabulous Garance and you know what?! I was wearing Birkenstocks long before the hype, that is going on right now, mostly at work and quite a lot if my work mates laughed at me, but stopped to do so after a monster shift of 36 hours ;-) my feet where still happy, although I looked and felt like crap!!! And I’m wearing Birks now and sometimes even with socks, very chic socks with very chic pants from Miu Miu and a Cashmere knit and my new Dries scarf :-) aaaah such a pleasure! I actually give a s€%^ about the comments here in Switzerland, the birk trend wave didn’t arrive here yet ;-)
    Go Garance go and wear what you feel like and be yourself, your adorable! xxx

  • Je kiffe la Birk, mais je sais pas si j’oserai sortir avec en lui mettant des chaussettes, même à Marseille, je suis pas sure d’être comprise !

    Bon et sinon, les Uggs, on en parle ? C’est un peu la Birk de l’hiver non ?

  • hahaha people are so annoying! do as you please, girly. comfort is the most important thing.
    New post over at–> :)

  • Je suis anti-birk.
    Mais, sur la photo, la coupe de cheveux+les lunettes+the manteau+le pantalon skinny avec le bas retourne a la va-vite+les chaussettes et les birk ? Je dois admettre que cela en jette, avec en prime le sourire-a-la-Garance !

  • Garance, je porte aussi des Birks que j’ai achete il y a 8 ans de cela. Et je les aime comme au premier jours, elles sont de leur collection “Papillo”. J’ai vécu un an dans le Wisconsin et TOUT LE MONDE porte des Birls toute l’année. C’est LA paire de chaussures a avoir.
    Et je vis actuellement a Taiwan, et beaucoup de taiwanais aiment et portent des Birks. :) ^^

  • Carole b October, 9 2013, 1:10 / Reply

    Énormes smiley qui rit, la birk c’est le doudou de mes pieds! En talon toute la semaine trop besoin de me glisser dans mes birkenstock quand je rentre. Et j’adore ton look , et pis fuck cet hiver je vais sortir avec!!

  • Smiley qui pleure for eveeeeeer!!!


  • Nah, you too cool with your new do and all to let the Birks bring you down (too much) (haha!)

  • Girl . . . love you but . . . Birking is wrong. Just wrong. There is no rationale (bucolic or otherwise) that could make Birking the right choice (unless it’s staying indoors in PJs because you’ve got the flu and have no reason to leave the house). But love your hair and makeup and the rest of the outfit!

  • C’est le genre de trucs que je mettrais chez moi pour être bien au chaud mais pas pour sortir, sauf peut-être aller acheter du pain vite fait. Je te laisse porter toute seule ce look… mais c’est cool !

  • Birkenstocks are great but with socks not so much. they remind me of tacky old men .
    You can pull them off, maybe, with really great socks though. You have done some good color blending there.

  • Hahahahaha you’re so funny :D not because of your Birkenstocks lol, but because of the post :D :D

  • I think you look just perfect !!!!!!!!!!’

  • Stéphanie October, 9 2013, 1:46 / Reply

    Superbe photo, superbe modèle, peu importe ce qui couvre les pieds. Faut savoir choisir ses combats, et y’a des jours pour les échasses, des jours pour les birks. Point à la ligne!

  • I like birks and socks when you are wearing all in the same elegant color as dark grey.. I find is cool.. I´m even considering this option for myself… is like the old parisian existencialist look in the present time.. very cool ^_^

  • In opposition to your nay-sayers…I don’t like birks either, and I don’t know if it is your fantastic new ‘do’, but after seeing your instagram pic yesterday, i actually rethought my distain for the shoe. You pulled this look off fabulously, probably because you don’t ‘birk’ too ofter.

    Alexis Cristianne

  • Bonjour Garance. I did leave a ‘not so excited’ comment on your instagram hehe. But frankly, I am annoyed at the authority of some of these fashion designers. Because Phoebe Philo decided that birkenstocks can be a really cool fashion accessory, suddenly a lot of fashion followers decide that it is, too. I call it the despotism of fashion. Or blind followers. I don’t mean to be harsh, but sometimes it feels that fashion people think they are so cool that they will turn a nasty trend into something uber cool, because they’re too cool themselves! OK end of rant. I do see your point of view about comfort. I totally do, and that is a GREAT point! Et je pense que tu es extra, short hair or not. But she short hair looks wonderful on you.


  • Tout à fait d’accord avec Françoise !

    Je porterai les Birks “à la ville” quand elles ne seront plus à la mode ! (mais rien de sûr)
    Pour le moment je les porte dans mon jardin avec des chaussettes encore plus moches que les vôtres Garance ! mais j’y suis tellement bien dedans…
    Ce qui est sûr c’est que ces godasses ne flattent pas la silhouette –

  • They look fabulous. Brava!! (And good for you to have the courage to defy some. Of course, podiatrists may not like you for taking their patients away!)

  • I seriously think you are one of the rare people on earth who get’s away with it. I wish I was that person too! And yes, I would say it too when you looked ridiculous ;) xx

  • Growing up in Oregon and going to U of O; I wouldn’t have been caught dead in a pair of Birks. Now I live in Los Angeles, specifically in Laurel Canyon, and we all wear Birks; year round. I think I have 10 pairs in different colors, silver being my personal favorite. I even have special socks with for my big toe too. Birks are the best when you need to give your feet a rest and they have additional support that a flip flop doesn’t have. Wear them!

  • Dit comme ça, birk + chaussettes = allemand en vacances. Mais vu sur la photo ça ne me choque pas plus que ça.

    Et vive les birk en été et sans chaussettes !

  • Love your HAIR!
    And yes, I have Birks too, and I did not realize you had these on, thought they were boot!! ;-))

    Love your blog! Newby and huge fan!

    Keep it coming!
    Love from Holland XXX

  • Birks + socks are the ultimate walking-in-provence uniform. Sometimes you just need to get away! I wear birks and clarks desert boots when I go on walks in the countryside.

  • I don’t hate you for wearing Birkenstocks. But I do still hate Birkenstocks. Very much.

  • Dear, Garance.
    At first look on photo of you, obviously my first impression was Birk and socks (you can call it Birckensocks from now on), but you are so charming that even this combination looking sympa (pardon my french ;) )
    Even though, you’ve paired very clever nice socks with the same shade of Birks, so I think that the brand have to thank you and pay you for the new trend you launch.
    Last, but not least, a woman have to be brave to go outside in that fashion combination!
    Long live Granace, go you brave Corsican girl.

  • L’essentiel c’est de rayonner et sur cette photo on voit une femme heureuse alors birk ou pas birk, chacun son mantra fashion!

  • Je suis du genre à dire non pas de chaussettes avec des Birk!!!
    Mais c’est vrais que les germanophones… (j’y inclue une partie de la suisse) ne les portent pas de la même manière. Eux c’est plutôt avec un t-shirt trop petit turquoise et un short de je sais même pas comment le décrire, rien que d’y penser ça me donne des frissons.
    Donc c’est vrais qu’avec du style… j’adhère.

  • Love this look & well, Socks with Birks Rock! End.

    Daniella xx

  • I Love you, I love your hair, but the Birks…LOLOL!!! Kudo’s to you for simply being yourself though :).

  • I love this photo!!! Your coat is beautiful and I say YES to birks + socks!!! You look awesome!!

  • smiley qui rit!
    moi je kiffe ;)

  • I’m not a fan of Birkenstock in general but you pull it off well.

    There’s no wrong or right in fashion so I say wear whatever the hell makes you happy!

  • The Dreslyn will be getting some Arizonas and other classic leather looks in soon! We love it. Happy Birking!

  • LOVELOVELOVE that look. And Birkenstock rock!

  • Soutien total à toi, Garance !!! Moi (qui ne suis pas une plouc, je précise), je fais souvent la même chose, c’est TELLEMENT CONFORTABLE !!! Il n’y a RIEN de plus confortable, même !

  • Léopoldine October, 9 2013, 3:23 / Reply

    c’est plutôt marrant ….

  • LaBouyxonne October, 9 2013, 3:24 / Reply

    Ah oui! Effectivement, y a des trucs cool chez COS !

  • Marc Ferraz October, 9 2013, 3:50 / Reply

    Basically. You go girl!! ^^

  • Je n’aime pas du tout les Birkenstocks, j’ai dû commenté tous les blogs possibles pour dire que j’aimais pas et là Garance en mets et avec des chaussettes en plus. Si tu en avais marre des talons il suffisait de mettre des ballerines ou des mocassins, c’est tout aussi confortable. Garance victime de la mode mais sinon ta tenue est top et le manteau est dingue j’adore !!

  • princessglee October, 9 2013, 4:08 / Reply

    Ah Garance, birking it out while hugging a tree…its all so neo-hippie. I’m totally stumped (pun intended)because you’ve been my go to source for sophistication and finding that certain “je ne sais quoi.”

    On the surface I don’t like birks at all but in my heart of hearts I’ve always wanted a pair. I’ve been afraid of the ugly stigma attached to them. I like how they look as if they’re cradling your feet. On The Sartorialist I saw a pair of red ones and it gave me the courage to say I like them out loud.

  • thanks for just being real!! I mean really!! functionality and a gorgeous walk in the park is real!

  • Benedicte October, 9 2013, 4:11 / Reply

    J’ai vu çà sur Instagram et j’ai adoré. Sans être une dingue des Birckenstocks, je trouve que les bircks plus les chaussettes, plus le slim, plus le manteau classe, plus la coupe magnifique, ça fait une superbe combinaison. A la fois cool et classe. Bravo !

  • Je dirais que c’est pas mal osé ce look (Birk + Chaussettes). Mais ce qui le rends acceptable c’est que tu ne te prends pas au sérieux… et là, le degré de coolittude grimpe.

    Pour moi un smiley qui rit :)

    Et puis vive le confort (tu devrais voir mes looks complètement abracabrants lorsque je promène mes chiens, donc je ne suis pas placé pour te juger négativement)!!

  • Birkenstocks…..ok.
    Birkenstocks plus socks….not ok.

    Garance, that’s what sneakers and moto boots are for!

  • your hair looks good….but the socks no no no…Birkenstocks were fashionable this summer… influenced by Celine….I have 2 pr in black patent… friend Vincent has white….but socks no no no…….

  • Ohlàlà, beaux cheveux, beaux beaux beaux !!!
    Quant aux Birks… Allez, pourquoi pas, je dois dire que je préfère même avec les chaussettes.

  • Qui pleure… Definitely…

    Les birk passe encore.. Mais les chaussettes.

  • Le jean retourné, le manteau classieux, et cette coupe si parfaite. Sans doute ton meilleur post intagram !

  • Almost every quote from Diana Vreeland says what is to say about a “fashion-rule” or a “No-Go” or “good taste”:

  • kimberly October, 9 2013, 4:40 / Reply

    haters gonna hate. :-) with that said,I haven’t read one comment. I decided to just leave my own for whatever its worth.
    I’m a cool 52 yr old midwestern mama(Hoosier/Indiana.) I’ve been wearing birks since 1979. Bought my first pair at Good Earth in Broad Ripple Village. Still buy them there. Black leather Arizona’s. Wear them with everything:skirts/dresses/denim/yoga pants. With socks or without. Never will go out of style because they’re a style icon. Timeless. wear them with Chanel lipstick. Perfection.


  • Wear whatever you feel comfortable in! Personally I’d feel weird wearing them with socks, but I think it looks good on you because you look confident in it (at least on the picture:)) Also, there’s a point where one shouldn’t really care how they look, just put comfort first. Sorry for the cliché comment, but it’s actually true.

  • Forget the haters! You looked totally cool and comfortable. What more could a girl want? I need those socks!

  • Okay… I’ll admit it… I love the Birks! I also love clogs. There. I said it. :) I support you, Garance!

  • Moi perso je porte des birken depuis au moins 6 ans et rien à faire que ce soit à la mode ou pas…C’est tellement C-O-N-F-O-R-T-A-B-L-E !!!! et puis je vous donne le défi de trouver une autre paire de nu-pied avec lesquelles on peut arpenter une ville, sans problème, toute une journée…


  • Forget the haters ! You looked totally cool and comfortable, what a combination. I need those socks!

  • You look fucking awesome. I’m crushin’ hard on this combo right now! I need me some Birks I’m thinkin’ the soft grey suede ones but the black are super clean… Che bella ciccia xoxo

  • Love it!

  • Susiebelle October, 9 2013, 6:24 / Reply

    I have always been anti-Birk until I was in Venice and Rome two summers ago and saw a number of chic women (they were Europeans vacationing) wearing the Giza Flor Birks. I was pretty shocked and jealous because my feet were killing me. The final tipping point was seeing a photo of Diana Vreeland in what looks like Birks in the 50’s. Not Birks but pretty close. So at the ripe old age of 52 – I did it!. Giza Flor in black. White jeans and a t-shirt and I was rocking it this summer on vacation.

  • You know what, I love the way YOU pull it off. I wouldn’t enjoy the thick wool socks, birks, and a long skirt etc, but this is modern and relevant ( to me at least). I think you make birks look hot. Now that in and of itself is something!

  • After drinking the Birk Kool-Aid you’ll be scarred for life…just less so than for not giving your Jimmy Choos a well earned rest too…

  • Stephanie October, 9 2013, 7:51 / Reply

    When I saw this on Instagram I was like “OMG, Garance totally WOULD.” Now, I wouldn’t say that they’re the sexiest things, but socks and birks are so you. I wish I could birk as good as you Garance!


  • “Non, franchement, quoi de plus bucolique qu’une paire de Birkenstocks avec une paire de chaussettes pour aller marcher au parc une après-midi d’automne, hein ?”
    j’ai envie de te dire “une paire de Birkenstocks SANS chaussette pour aller marcher au parc une après-midi d’automne?” ;-)

  • Juliette October, 9 2013, 8:33 / Reply

    Je suis totalement pour la Birk sans ET avec chaussettes !
    Longue vie à la Birk !

  • Kathleen October, 9 2013, 8:42 / Reply

    You go Garance! Rock those socks and ‘stocks!

  • smiley 2 yeux pas de bouche = pas convaincue mais ouverte à l’idée

  • *crying smiley face*

  • You know Garance, they do make Birkenstock clogs and even a shoe. Much more appropriate for Fall and wearing with socks.

  • Cecilija October, 9 2013, 9:53 / Reply

    Crying smiley face. Which is as paradoxical as seeing you, Garance, in Bs with sicks combo. I know, fashion is fun and should not be taken too seriously. The thing is I would be all by your side if I saw you in them when everybody else is like “whaaaaat?!”. They would still be anti-sexy and Gereman tourist circa ’83, but I would still be able to appriciate it as some kind of originality and courage. But this is something every single “fashionista” wanna be wears right now all over the world… It is just a trendy thing, it’s just bad style.

  • I am a birkie with socks fan!

  • I saw those comments and they made me so sad! I don’t know what people have against Birks… I think they can look very flattering on some people (and they come in literally dozens and dozens of styles). Just because someone is wearing Birks doesn’t mean a prairie skirt automatically appears on their body and they stop shampooing. I think they actually look pretty sexy with a mini shift dress! The hate needs to stop.

  • live and let live…something this world has still not figured out yet.

  • Ana à Montréal October, 9 2013, 11:43 / Reply

    Euhhhh non.
    Si tu veux avoir l’air d’un vieux prof de collège, ok mais sinon, non.
    Surtout pas avec les bas.
    Oublies ça. Si c’est juste pour le confort ok mais, là c’est une peu vivre dans le déni que de dire que c’est pour le style.

  • Et bien moi j’approuve! Ce qui crée la mode c’est aussi le décalage avec ce qui est la mode. Et puis pleinement assumer ses choix c’est ce qui fait de nous des personnes à la “cool attitude”.
    Soyons honnête, la birk est une aire de repos pour nos pieds étriqués dans les carcans des escarpins. Alors encore une fois Oui! Oui! Oui! Si tu es à l’aise dans tes birk à chaussettes et que tu assumes sans avoir à te justifier alors ” be cool”.

  • leffrontee October, 10 2013, 2:07 / Reply

    le problème c’est pas la chaussette avec les BIRK, c’est quelle chaussette. On ne peux pas comparer les tiennes, ton sur ton et surement de belle qualité à des chaussettes blanches de tennis, mises au hasard de celle qu’on trouve dans son tiroir. Liberté à nos pieds !!

  • birks forever !

  • Birks, sabots, vieilles sandales de moine …. quoi de plus cool ? (et confort !)

    Allez, bisous !

    ps: Smiley qui rit bien sûr :D

  • Sunny Side October, 10 2013, 3:07 / Reply

    Ne “blanikons” si Muttie Garance birke … et sort faire sa promenade ! Car tu nous écris souvent “les enfants” dans tes posts !!! Le coup de pub génial finalement c’est pour Cos …et son manteau !

  • Garance, you look great, and happy. Birks and a nice pair of wooly socks are my choice for tired feet too. Climbing slippers mangle your feet near as much as heels or ballet shoes.

  • OK, Garance, I don’t hate cuz you Birk but I did spend half the morning trying to find the exact pair of Birks you’re wearing with no luck. Help! What type are you wearing please. It looks like the outside sole is all black, but the usual natural colored cork, which does make you look less hippy and more chic.


  • You ROCK your Birks!!! Those who hate Birks cannot rock them. It’s that simple. And personally, I love my silver Gizeh Birks in summer w/cutoff Levis shorts – the irony of silver metallic leather in the Birk style is what makes me love my particular Birks.

  • J’étais trop concentrée sur ta super coupe de cheveux pour remarquer les Birks!

  • Your smile makes the look.
    Love the COAT! I want to invest in a coat like that this season. Can you tell me the brand?

  • oh non …. ca c’est pour moi le “no go”. je vis en allemagne et ca me fait penser aux hommes/femmes qui mettent des chaussettes (de pref. blanches, ok les tiennes sont ton sur ton noir donc c’est moins grave) dans leur birk. … beurk ! Desolee ;-)

  • Catherine October, 10 2013, 4:09 / Reply

    I found some weird shoes that are even more comfortable than any footwear I’ve ever tried. They’re like a cross between slippers and marshmallows. Or maybe clouds. They’re GoWalks by Sketchers. I saw some on display right by the front door of the shoe store and thought, how weird! So I picked up the shoe and was shocked by how light it was. Intrigued, I tried on a pair. They’re like being barefoot, except you don’t feel rocks or get your feet dirty.
    I’ve had surgery on one foot and probably will need it on the other, so I have lots of trouble finding shoes that fit. My feet hurt all the time. But not in my GoWalks. I wore them for a whole week of nonstop walking in NYC and didn’t have a blister, even though they were new.
    Again, they aren’t gorgeous (though not nearly as ugly as Crocs), but they are very very comfortable.

  • Je dirais un smiley qui rit et un autre qui pleure! :) je ris pour le côté détente après port de talons vertigineux donc on mettrait tout ce qui ne dépasse pas 1 mm! et je pleure définitivement pour l’association chaussettes claquettes en public! dans son chez soi ça passe encore :)

  • Ah ah ah, j’approuve à 1000% !!
    Détendez vous la brigade du bon goût !! On apprécie d’autant plus les sapes qu’on se laisse souffler de temps en temps, et puis avec le smile tout passe

  • En fait je reste sceptique…. si tu portes un manteau c’est qu’il semble ne pas faire très chaud?!! Du coup pourquoi porter des nus pieds (je ne rentrerai même pas dans la polémique birk or not?) ?!
    Du coup tu portes des chaussettes pour ne pas avoir froid aux pieds? ou alors parce que tu as mal aux pieds dans tes “nus-pieds”?!
    En fait ça me fait la même impression que le short et les hugs….UN PARADOXE

  • berenice October, 10 2013, 4:35 / Reply

    I would say no and would not smile..for the winter option.. I JUST HATE BIRKENSTOCK ..But last year bought a pair for summer and they are my slippers..and bought another pair for winter and use them as well as slippers as they are so confy.. But would never use them outside!!!in New york with socks they can be fashionable but in south of France Toulouse they are really has been and not trendy so can’t wear them here..could try and launch a new fashion here but we are so conservative in France…………….

  • Je comprends. J y suis passee aussi il y a 6 mois de ca mais sans chaussettes, Dubai oblige ! Jai pris modele bleu petrole + jeans bleu – c est TOP !

  • Valentina October, 10 2013, 5:05 / Reply

    I’ve never been a fan of Birkenstocks, neither to wear them at home, but as I saw them on a fashion editorial this summer and now on you… I’m thinking that I could wear them with an outfit like your… I find it supercool!!!

  • When you look that happy, whatever you wear looks happy too :))

  • Honnêtement Garance ce n’est pas tant les Birks qui me dérangent mais ce gros manteau sac à patates informe. Mais j’ai toute suite compris quand quelqu’un a demandé en début de commentaires si c’était un Cos . Ce qui justifie mon commentaire précédent sur Cos quand je disais que je sortais toujours de ce magasin sans rien!

  • Rien n est plus beau que de se sentir bien dans ses birk !

  • Elizabeth October, 10 2013, 5:35 / Reply

    Don’t the socks make the birks slip off your feet? Don’t you end up clawing your toes desperately to try to stop this happening? (question applies to any kind of backless shoe/sandal with socks/tights). I wear fitflops for walking outside & to/from so I’m not in a very strong position to critique the style, but birks? really? What’s next, crocs?

  • J’ai toujours une paire de birk avec moi…. je mets même des chausettes avec celles qui ont un embout etre le gros doigts de pied comme les gizeh (et c’est pas pratique). je passe mon été en birk (rando en birk, plage en birk, trip à l’étranger en birk). et je dis OUI au birk en automne avec chausettes de laine chinée !!!!! alors Garance. je t’aime BECAUSE tu es en Birk !!!!

  • If you love socks in Birks so much, why didn’t you wear them befor Celine came out with them? Did you see a hippy in the streets three years ago with socks in birks and thought what a wonderfull idea it was and you should totally wear that? Or are your socks in birks okay because you’re in fashion and we can’t compare that with hippy birks? Nobody held you at gunpoint and made you wear those heels. If you’re feet are so mangled, just go for Uggs. Just as ugly as birks, but at least Uggs are not summer shoes.

  • Je suis pour. Pas au bureau, mais si on a besoin de se relaxer les pieds, parfait.
    Au parc, c’est tout indiqué.
    Aujourd’hui je porte des chaussettes dorée dans mes ballerines rose très pâle (les chaussettes ça protège bien les pieds donc pas d’interdit).

  • Je ne porterais pas les birk, mais elle te font super bien!!

    Sandrine xx

  • Constance October, 10 2013, 7:11 / Reply

    Oh Garance…it’s not just that they are disgusting, they make you look like a fashion victim.
    You of all people that are so chic!

  • As I keep saying to my girlfriends, Birks are not fashionable in any way!
    Guess it’s a miss…

    And as my friend Carrie said to the SATC series, while Samantha was a lesbian…

    C : -You just caught us a little off guard with the lesbian thing..
    S : -Aw, it’s just a Gucci or Versace
    C : -….or Birkenstock….

    Just saying!

  • Jane with the noisy terrier October, 10 2013, 7:39 / Reply

    Non, non, et non! I will be grudgingly admit that the all black Birkenstocks are very cool. However… Birkenstocks with socks are a no no. Comfort is one thing but socks with Birkenstocks can only lead to… Gasp… Pajama jeans! It’s a slippery slope you’re treading! (Great coat and your hair looks fab!)

  • Stephanie October, 10 2013, 8:38 / Reply

    Hey I think its going for you, girl!

  • I adore you — but hate those Birkenstocks — Want to see a wonderful shoe ? Stewart Weitzman Fever
    Google it

  • If anyone can rock “BirkenSOCKS” is you. Well done, Garance. Big smiley face!

    PS: Must dash off to my closet in search of my old Birks. Next stop: sock drawer.
    PSS: Thank you! Really.

  • I’ve been wearing birkenstocks for years in the summer and they have ruined me for other shoes. In the winter I wear the Amsterdam clogs (very clean minimalist style) up till the temp drops below mid 50s. No socks, but hmmmm . . . I may have to try . . . Its never chic looking for a place to sit to rest because your shoes are killing you.

  • Once I also posted a picture of wool socks in my birkies and had exactly the same response from people. I don’t wear them outside like this (yet) but when you would come to my place I would open te door wearing them with warm wool socks. It’s just so good… Maybe you convinced me now to dare and go outside like that too….

  • I was actually very happy to see you wearing Birkenstocks & socks, in my head I was like “Go Garance!!!” Is nice and refreshing to see someone who is as known as you still be so down to earth… A lot of people find Birks ugly but is only because they don’t know how comfortable they are, just like UGG boots were known as “UGGLY” at one point now is rare to find someone who doesn’t have at least one pair. “Haters gonna hate” hahaha don’t know who came up with that but is applicable in this case!

    Hugs! (:

  • J’adore le retour de la BIRK !!! à deux brides bien plus stylé ! un pantalon et un pull, j’adore !!!

  • Danielle October, 10 2013, 9:37 / Reply

    I love wearing Birkenstocks and thick socks and I do it pretty regularly. Ignore all the haters and people who swear by never wearing socks with sandals…or never wearing Birkenstocks…or never wearing Birkenstocks with socks. Why limit yourself with silly fashion principles?

  • Lovechoclate October, 10 2013, 9:45 / Reply

    TrOp bien. J’ai toujours été un peu d’accord. On dira que c’est à cause de la proximité teutonique (Alsace, Allemagne, BIrki, Birkenstock, chaussette, oui). Le confort prime. Je trouve qu’elle sont stylée. Et pas forcément les plus colorées. Les modèles simples sont mes préférées. Et je n’en ai toujours pas….

    Bref, pour moi c’est =)

  • Lead the way, Garance!!

  • Judith A. October, 10 2013, 10:19 / Reply

    I love you for trying to convince us ;)

  • Birk-in YES!
    Birk-enstock NO!

  • Coucou Garance !
    Je viens de lire ton article sur l’hyper luxe dans Vogue, j’ai d’ailleurs adoré, c’est vraiment bien écrit. Tu as de la chance de pouvoir écrire pour un tel magazine. Je me demandais d’ailleurs si tu savais comment faire pour faire un stage là-bas étant donné que tu as un pied dedans !
    Bisous et à bientôt !

  • just be cool Garance!

    I just found out about Street Winker, I am sure all of you at the studio about it already, still, hope it makes you burst into a loud laugh just like I did. Enjoy!

  • Misery loves company = mangled feet want you to suffer w/them!

  • You make them look cool Garance! So a big :D for me.

  • You look lovely as always. Nothing is more attractive than a little irreverence and looking cozy/comfortable! The definition of the je-ne-sais-quois, I’d say.

  • :))))…love photo, take care about your feet :) !

  • Well when I see on the street man in sandals and socks, I think that could not be worse but honestly … You look great, do not know if it’s a good picture, if you smile, which is so nice!

  • Garance, j’ai juste une chose à te dire : TU AS TOUT COMPRIS ! :)
    Sur cette photo ton style est extra !
    Ta nouvelle coupe te va àà merveille aussi au passage ;)

  • Marian G October, 10 2013, 5:20 / Reply

    I totally agree; you should free yourself of the thought that something is not fashionably “in” (but perhaps it will soon again, given the spring Prada-show) when you just fee like wearing it. I (fashion-professional) grant myself Birk-moments every now and then since I discovered the unbeatable comfort, some 10 years ago?! Goes well with colorful sport-socks too…..

  • Jolies jambes :) ! (comment ça j’évite je sujet des Birk ? :O )

  • Anika Zebron October, 10 2013, 6:52 / Reply

    Choose comfort! Good job, Garance. Your feet think so too, I imagine. :)

  • Bad Kitten On A Rampage October, 10 2013, 7:39 / Reply

    As a diehard Birkinista and style adventurer, I say rock on with your bad, comfy-footed self! They may not be for everyone or every occasion, but I loves me my Birks – with or without socks.

  • I think it’s great! At my school, wearing socks with Birks is really popular. But then again… it might be because I’m from rainy Seattle…

  • Catherine S. October, 10 2013, 10:16 / Reply

    Birks + socks? I’m in! I have baskets-full of hand-knit socks and will be the coolest of the cool in Bainbridge Island, WA! Bisous!

  • I’m pretty sure than some people (specially Europeans -with some sense of style-) here can’t remember when they used to look at tourist people with Birks and socks (in any color) and react like “OMG” “terrible” “freaks” etc etc etc.

    Now it’s cool to wear them, ok, but don’t try to “well? what? I won’t convince you” tricks because, it is still as freak as it was then. Maybe less ugly because it’s “trendy”, but it has no sense and I am pretty sure that tourist didn’t use any excuse as “I’ve been wearing heels all the week” to sell them as a comfy choose ever.

    Do and wear whatever you want whatever you like, but don’t explain yourself, because sometimes it does not any sense.

  • Ahah! Tu fais ce que tu veux et surtout comme tu le veux. On ne peut pas plaire à tout le monde. De plus, je ne doute même pas que c’est confortable. :)

  • Yay for happy feet :)

  • They are great in the summer with bare legs and a skirt or jeans, but not with socks and especially not with a coat in the fall. Its a No No Garance, but you do what you do. Its just looks lazy and like one of those middle ages mums that doesn’t care anymore. Not nice.

  • Nothing is more attractive than self-confidence. You rock that outfit, Garance!

  • Garance,i realy realy like your style,i like your sence of humour,your new hairstyle is so fresh,but PLEASE,PLEASE don’t birk :)

  • une anecdote m’est venu avec ta photo…un jour je suis allée avec mes parents dans cet bel endroit à Navarre, el Señorio de Bertiz.

    C’est un endroit superbe…je pense que Monet aurait aimé :), puisque il y a un jardin qui ressemble bcp à sa maison en Giverny , avec le plus avec des arbres beaux, rares que l’on peut toucher également, en fait j’ai embrassé un énorme ‘Séquoia’, je savais pour la marque de sacs ce jour j’ai appris que c’était un arbre ;-))))…

    et celui de la photo c’est quoi comme arbre ?

  • You know what? You can get away with it because you have awesome hair. I believe people with awesome hair are able to get away with all kinds of things that others (sigh) cannot. Don’t worry- rock the Birks!

  • you look so cool and love the right leg turn up. X

  • I fully support this, Garance! You wear them well. Plus, your feet really DO need a break!

  • Ha! I didn’t even notice them- I was too busy admiring the coat!

  • Ouais Garance! l’important c’est d’être à l’aise dans ses baskets-birk!! ^^

    bisettes cat

  • Faut de belles chaussettes…;-)

  • It looks awesome!! I love socks and sandals, it’s so wrong that it’s good! I have a pair of birk type sandals that I’m dying to wear with socks I just don’t know what else to wear them with but this photo gives me inspiration :)

  • ah garance! Be true to yourself! but I’m sure you know that! I had a similar experience today no less. I did a collaboration with Steve Madden, and I had the sheer audacity to wear socks with my heels! I thought it was fun and cute and a way to bridge the brands but HO BOY did I get torn a new one on Instagram! But I laughed! I laughed all afternoon, because I wasn’t dressing to please everyone else, I was dressing in a way that made me happy! I love your style garance, and I think I might try the birkenstocks next!

  • Birkenstocks..I’m totally ok with. I can’t wait to grab a pair for myself when I finally have an excuse for it. But I can never do Birks with socks. Sorry Garance. At least it looks somewhat decent on you. :)

  • Why no one was wearing Birks two years ago?! Why fashion world and all bloggers, trend makers are love them so much, NOW?!

    Too much are these trending-things like they are wardrobe-mandatory. I’m surprised, since you are French, that you wear one, but hey :)
    I’m sticking to not wearing them.


  • marine d October, 12 2013, 6:51 / Reply

    vive les birk! on ne peut pas soutenir le couple escarpins+chaussettes sans passer par la case magique birk+chaussettes!

  • Amandine October, 12 2013, 9:44 / Reply

    Smiley qui pleure à chaude larmes, c’est sans appel.
    Fashion soit mais inélégant au possible !

  • Shoshana October, 12 2013, 6:53 / Reply

    Je dois avouer que j’adore… j’étais convaincue dès la première photo de birk+chaussettes que tu nous avais mise fin de l’hiver dernier je crois. Cette photo me hante encore. Malheureusement, je crois pas que je pourrais, que j’oserais, encore moins avec les chaussettes. C’est le problème de ne pas vivre dans le monde de la mode, il y a une limite à ce que le monde des non-initiés supportent, et je ne pense pas réussir à assumer les nombreux commentaires que cela attire, si même toi avec ta notoriété fashion bien assiseest harcelée ! Mais encore une fois, j’adore ! J’espère que ça va se répandre =)

  • Moi je scotche trop sur ta nouvelle coupe pour voir autre chose…

  • YES!! Bring on the Birks!!!

  • The only people who really hate birks are those who have never put on a pair – especially after a day in heels. It is a question of making the feet happy instead of the eyes…

  • Marina Bianca October, 12 2013, 11:57 / Reply

    Dear Garance,

    I don’ t hate you for wearing Birks all I can say is that Birks and socks was a particular favourite footwear for girls at my catholic highschool. Think hundreds of pair of Birks and socks exposed under rolled up school girl kilts…Yuck. I think I was the only one not to succumb to the trend. Don’t let the Birks suck you in. Soon enough you will be convincing yourself that they are appropriate winter footwear if you wear thick enough socks….(yes this happened at my Canadian highschool )!!

  • Smiley qui rit ! Pourquoi pas ? :)

  • Grand Mere October, 14 2013, 12:35 / Reply

    Love the Birks with the socks! Fab.

  • I, personally, have been the subject of many Birk-related insults. I have worn mine for years, and have always thought of them as stylish. It sort of bugs me that I cannot capitalize on the fact that I have been a fan of them for years, and have always adored them when paired with socks.

    Anyways, I get tired of seeing Louboutins everywhere I look, so I’m relieved that Birks have become… untaboo.

    Thanks for the Birk support Garance, you look adorable. Fashion is subjective to the wearer.

  • Quand je vois à quel point tu es souriante et bien dans tes Birk sur cette photo, je ne peux pas mettre un beurk.
    Pour moi, trouver son style, c’est trouver des tenues dans lesquelles on se sent soi. Et toi, ce jour là tu avais besoin de ça.
    Je trouve bien plus ridicule de voir des filles se ballader en bord de mer sans pouvoir descendre sur la plage(j’habite à nice !) en boitillant sur des talons de 12.

  • Garance, there is definitely something a foot (get it!) in the sock and sandals situation…

  • To be honest….I didn’t even notice your shoes, not because I don’t care, actually I love fashion and normally I ALWAYS care about peoples clothes, but I was just staring at your beautiful smile and your awesome hair…YOU inspire me!

  • Next thing you will be trying to convince us that Crocs are cool.

  • Nice and unique coat style, I like the color especially.

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