Do You
7 years ago by

Living in a city like NYC, you see trends come and go so quickly that it’s almost exhausting. As I have gotten older, I find myself admiring the people who continue to wear something that really works for them that others may deem out of season.
I’m not talking about getting stuck in 1988, but rather the people who know something either flatters them or they like enough to stick with it through the years or even just longer than one season. All the better when they incorporate newer trends, but it’s similar to how much I enjoy seeing kids wearing outfits they clearly were allowed to assemble all on their own. A little girl with a skirt and basketball jersey and a purse, why the hell not? Rain boots when it’s not raining, who cares? I respect the parents who indulge their kids’ wild abandon when it comes to choosing what to wear, weather permitting.
The thrill of being allowed to wear what you want is a beautiful thing. I thought I looked amazing when my mom let me wear head-to-toe tie-dye, socks included, on picture day in the third grade. Kids made fun of me when I wore the same, but new, pair of LA Gears on the first day of school two years in a row. But I loved them and didn’t care. I thought I looked great. And that’s what matters. You do you is my motto. It’s honest dressing and it’s how you figure out what your own unique style is, right?
You’re most definitely right! It’s so easy to get laughed at nowadays, for anything really; so one day I just thought ‘f*ck it’ I’m going to wear this red jumper with my red boots, it was a lot of red but I loved it x
Jessica — NinetyCo
This is so true. We get too caught up in what’s in fashion. Instead we need to embrace our true selves and what works for us.
AGREED. I just wrote about wearing whatever the heck you want today on my blog too. ;)
En même temps, on peut être sensible aux tendances, les piner sur Pinterest et continuer à s’habiller comme d’habitude.
Moi j’achète du vintage et des pièces qui sont tellement réfléchis que du coup je suis sure que je suis hors-tendance. Mais je m’en fous, j’ai 30 ans, je ne suis plus au lycée et je ne suis pas sensée être la plus cool. Par contre on me dit souvent que je suis élégante et originale dans ma manière de n’habiller. Et ça c’est bien mieux que d’être dans les tendances je pense.
Bonsoir,pourriez vous alors depeindre votre style ,car ayant mentionne le mot eleganceje suis curieuse de vos secrets.merci.bonne soiree.
Style v. Fashion :)