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Crazy Hair Time!

9 years ago by

Crazy Hair Time!

My haircut was a revolution, blah, blah, we all know that already.

I was super afraid that cutting my curly hair would turn me into a kind of poodle, but it didn’t at all — my hair is softer and smoother now, as long as I dry it flat and put a little oil in it.

So everything is fine in the best of worlds, basically.

Except when I go to Costa Rica. OH MY GOD.

One hour after setting foot in Costa Rica, I can feel the slow descent to hair disaster begin. There’s no getting out of it. My hair starts to puff up. Curl up. And go completely out of control. It must be the humidity. After a few hours, the dust gets into it (there aren’t a lot of paved roads where we go) and then it’s becomes a kind of frizzy ball and there’s absolutely nothing I can do to get it to stay in place on my head and it’s like that for the rest of the trip.

The best way to feel sexy on ze beach, right?

And I have no idea what to do about it. I can’t pull it back, it’s too short. I haven’t found any type of cream to fix the problem. I’ve tried everything — I even put a ton of sunblock in it one day when I was feeling desperate. I’d love to do a wet look, but I’ve never found any hair gel that’s swim resistant, and my favorite thing to do at the beach is swim and jump around in the waves.

So when I see my friends shake out their luscious beach waves, intensified by the beach, I start getting nostalgic for my long hair.

The only trick I’ve found is wearing scarves. It makes me look a little vintage (at least that’s what I like to tell myself) and it limits the “poodle on the beach” look.

But if you have any ideas / solutions / advice — seriously, I’ll take it.

Translated by Andrea Perdue.


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  • Tu es magnifique… Mais ne serais-tu pas un peu victime des new-yorkais? Je veux dire ton visage est si mince ! Tu es magnifique hein mais je me demande quelles sorte de contraintes tu t’infliges pour arriver à ce résultat alors que naturellement tu es un peu plus… normal… le mot ronde n’est pas approprié dans ton cas. Enfin bon… Tu vois ce que je veux dire? Ne te laisse pas faire! Peut-être que quelques bouts de fromages, canons de rouge et tranches de saucissons te ferais du bien ;-) ?

  • Jamais lu un commentaire aussi débile et jaloux.
    Garance tu es radieuse et rayonnante de beauté…

  • Enfin, si t’es bien comme ça c’est super aussi !

  • Amazing shoot, perfect smile!
    XOX, Gap.

  • Love the scarf wish I could see your hair but totally understand the humidity and curly hair! It is a constant battle! Love this look though! Xo

  • Look for locals with the same hair type and talk to them about it! La vida local – plus international friends :)

    Warm Regards,

  • Pas de chance, en tout cas le foulard est très sympa aussi! ça te va bien!



  • you are so beautiful you can have any hair!


  • Des mini pinces, barettes colorées ou un bandeau bariolé pour leur donner une direction avec une touche de fantaisie…

  • Maxine April, 7 2015, 3:56 / Reply

    Have you tried Quidad products? They’re especially for curly hair. I like the “Climate Control – Heat & Humidity Gel”. I think Sephora still carries it.

    But I do think Alexandra’s idea of asking the locals what they use is brilliant!

  • Maxine April, 7 2015, 4:54

    Sorry, the spelling on that is actually Ouidad. :)

  • frida Kahlo April, 7 2015, 4:28 / Reply

    Bonjour Garance
    Tu peux essayer un mélange 1/2 d huile de ricin et 1/2 d huile de noyaux d abricot..pour tout le corps si tu veux..

  • Shampoo and condition your hair. Wait until your hair is completely dry. Brush it out. Let your frizz flag fly! Afros at the beach are the BEST!!

  • If you’re actually going to wash & style it, AG re:coil works great for me in high humidity. But really, in my experience there’s no saving curly hair at the beach. It just does what it wants, and it isn’t pretty… I just wear a hat!

  • Pas vraiment plus d’idées que ce qui a déjà été dit dans les commentaires :/ mais ce foulard te va très bien je trouve !

  • Jennifer April, 7 2015, 5:34 / Reply

    I love your hair at the beach with a scarf, it’s so vintage and chic. I tried to do that for years and it’s ok for me, now I do hats and I love it. Although I have to leave the hat on because my bangs are a Swartz mess stuck to me face. Aahhh the beach!

    Kerastase has a whole line dedicated to sun care, look into them.

  • I love your short hair! And, you look so happy and relaxed in this photo. :)

  • I have the same problem with my short, (wants to be) curly hair. I rely on hair clips, bobby pins, or headbands! The soft, stretchy kind. Etsy has some cute hair clips or decorated bobby pins too, that can take the plain jane out of the look.

  • Coconuts oil formula by palmers. Hydratation extrême pour cheveux frisés, produit pour cheveux de blacks avec un aspect mouillé le premier jour, puis plus. Autre solution, garder les cheveux salés de la plage.

  • La Bouyxonne April, 7 2015, 6:15 / Reply

    Du monoi?

  • Chemically straighten it! It’s been a revelation for me after years of crazy uncontrollable curls with a life of their own, I cut it short (with pics of Garance Dore in my hand on the way to the hairdressers), smoothed it down at night with bobby pins, but after swimming/humidity (very humid where I live in Australia)… frizz! Now I get out of the shower/pool to flat with gentle waves and no frizz and no need to iron/blowdry straight- heaven!

  • Straw hat? Your haircut is so much better than when you had it long. Every woman with your hair type should get your cut. I have good straight hair and I got your cut anyway but now I’m growing it out.

  • My hair is the same! I went to Hawaii and wore hats the whole time – even in restaurants! The one product I found that slicked my hair back and stood up to swimming was this. Sadly, I discovered it AFTER my trip, so a new holiday is in order. http://www.phyto.com/int/index.php/categories/sun-protection/phytoplage-1.html

  • Rien avoir avec les cheveux mais le maillot est magnifique!!

  • Jessica April, 7 2015, 8:33 / Reply

    Pour moi c’est des tresses le secret. Je tresse ma frange et parfois les côtés aussi comme ça une fois sec le devant est a peu près potable

  • Sandra April, 7 2015, 8:42 / Reply

    My curly hair is always a tangled mess at the beach. My trick is leave-in conditioner and coconut oil (when travelling, I use organix coconut oil and when at home, I use the natural stuff.) Just a small quarter size, rub my hands together and then run it about halfway through my hair, all the way to my ends after the leave in conditioner and my curls stay curls, no frizz. Make sure to concentrate on your ends, and the curls will stay :)

  • Garance! You look perfect!

  • Maryanne April, 7 2015, 10:12 / Reply

    Same prob…..cut mine last year and was ok if I kept really short but after summer this year have decided to grow it again!!! Cutting all the time and humidity just isn’t working for me….
    Really trying to embrace curls….
    Good luck!!!
    Ps oil is my best friend

  • Hi, I am from Costa Rica and also have curly hair and battle with the high humidity. I take bits of my hair and twist them them with hair pins with lots of hair cream and leave them like that until it dries. Then take of the pins, and try no to mess the to much with my fingers but just let the curls loosen up a bit. The scarf looks great though!

  • French twists in the front, pinned back into the hair left loose all around the crown. Super fast and easy (far easier than a braid, although that’s cute too) and looks good even when the loose hair is a little crazy. If your hair goes as nuts as mine does, you can do them on both sides of the part, or do a deep side part and only twist away from the part. Video tutorial here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYk76j1Owz4

  • Eu tenho o mesmo problema, meus cabelos são encaracolados, especialmente em lugares úmidos.
    bem, pelo menos tem um consolo, eu não sou a única que sofro com isso.

    Você é ótima!!!!

  • Get a brazilan! You can get one called a Keratin express, takes about an hour and comes in different strengths so you don’t have to go all flat. And slowly fades away in about a month. So easy for short term taming. Makes your hair super shiny too.
    I have my hair straightened with the Japanese one that makes your hair stick straight because my hair is a big frizz mess otherwise. I get it done sbout every 5 months and do a Keratin around month 4 on the roots to keep them from driving me crazy as my hair grows out. It grows really fast.

  • Katrina April, 8 2015, 12:22 / Reply

    I have had much success following Farah Dhukai’s DIY hair masks. I love them because everything she uses can be found at a grocery market. http://www.dhukai.com/diy-hydrating-hair-mask/ Good luck!!

  • Garance, honestly, I would LOVE to have your hair with all the curls and the frizz. Much better (especially on a beach) than flat stringy type of hair I happened to have been born with. So no complaints, please, and ROCK your hair! ;)

    Also, where did you get that awesome bikini?!

  • La kératine!

    Même déconvenue que toi au Brésil à l’époque où je portais mes cheveux courts, et pour les mêmes raisons…
    L’huile ça faisait frisotter, l’humidité ambiante se chargeait de tout faire remonter.
    Seule la kératine me permettait de retrouver un aspect proche de mes cheveux “habituels”

  • jai les cheveux courts a la garçonne, la plupart du temps :-) et tous les 3 ou 4 ans je retente de les laisser pousser … Et la c’est la guerre entre ma tête et moi !! Alors je comprends bien ce que tu vis, même si mes cheveux sont plutôt raides, ce qui est une chance dans ce cas de figure !
    Le foulard te va bien! Pas donné a tout le monde :-)
    Tente aussi a l’africaine facon turban ? Moi j’aime avoir le front vie dégagée ca donne un port de reine !
    Les barettes oui … Mais bof.
    Ou alors Recoupe !

  • Autre chose : j’adore tes lunettes ! Un petit air de Celine je ne reconnais pas le modèle, Plus rond que les mini Audrey ou les tailor : peux tu m’aider stp ?

  • The BEST solution Is Moroccan Oil – Intense Curl Cream …don’t be tempted to get Hydration it doesn’t work as well

    My hair is super frizzy in humidity and this is the only thing that works for me I have it in my handbag, car & bathroom We went to Turkey last year without it & I had to use Nivea as that’s all I had ….needless to say most of my photos with me in we’re deleted..until we got to Athens airport & they have a hair salon at the airport with Morrocan Oil ahhh civilisation

  • I’d stay with the scarf, you look so adorable in it!
    I don’t know if you’ve seen Friends where one of the characters had the same problem and she looked like a poodle not you!


  • Katarina April, 8 2015, 3:37 / Reply

    Hey, the 1% of your lifetime that you spend on the beach you might give the straight haired girls the benefit of having better hair – th other 99% of the time you have the advantage of hair with natural volume that doesn’t require massive amounts of blowdrying and style products to at least make it look airy and flowy for half a day… :-)

  • Dans les pays chauds, je me fais deux nattes très serrées mais sur cheveux courts…

  • Re:coil curl creme mentioned above is amazing for curly hair as is Mixed Chicks leave in conditioner. It’s actually more of a curl creme formulated for curly hair of all ethnicities – I have long thick curly hair and it’s great for taming it in the summer heat. I apply when wet out of the shower. Also, the SheaMoisture line is amazing. I use the Coconut & Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie which is also a thick creme and it’s amazing, and organic.

    I had short hair like yours once and I used scarves, headbands or just slicked it down when really desperate.

    Good luck :)

  • Même cheveux mêmes problèmes ! je n’ai toujours pas trouvé la solution miracle, je mets de l’huile, je les mouille souvent très souvent… je mets des bandeaux élastiques pour essayer de les contrôler… je vais lire scrupuleusement tous les commentaires ! en tout cas t’es très belle !

  • I totally understand you. My hair had the same effect when I visited Paros island in summer time. But my hairdresser told me, it was the salty water that made my short hair look afro-crazy lol ;)

    The solution to the problem is to rince your hair, very often, with still water.

  • When I cut my hair a few years ago it was super curly all the time! I sometimes didn’t like it but mostly (and this is looking back now that I have long hair again) it just looked really pretty. I say embrace the curls. Think how cool girls with afros look! Be yourself. :)

  • Ita Darling April, 8 2015, 5:17 / Reply

    oh! so you want your curly hair to stay perfectly smooth coifed at the beach?? Never going to happen. So you ahve to get good curly hair products and scrunch away! also- some sea salt spray with a little bit of oil is nice to get the curls to not frizz… otherwise- hats, scarves and pins are the way to keep it down!

  • One of my favourite photos of you Garance. Love the mix of paisley prints.

  • What about letting your hair grow a little bit longer?…:)

    You look beautiful anyway!


  • fatima April, 8 2015, 6:00 / Reply

    J ai egalement les cheveux frises et je vis en Inde, meme si j’adore mes boucles, avec le temps ici c’est la cata elles sont juste indomptables. Je te conseillerais le leave in de chez kinky curly il hydrate et assouplit mes cheveux j’ ai moin de frisottis et ils sont moin gonfles.

  • Örgü Modelleri April, 8 2015, 6:29 / Reply

    Really fantastic.Your haircut is so much better than when you had it long


  • Hats? (I know you love beanies but in Costa Rica it could be a little bit too warm… or super hipster, I don’t know) Wet sleek look? I’m sure that it would look great on you because you ahve a great nose. Solange Knowles Afro? Embrace the curl!

  • Sabine April, 8 2015, 7:20 / Reply

    If I was in Costa Rica right now I wouldn’t care about my hair at all … :-)

  • Honestly, I think you should just let your hair do whatever it wants and ride the wave…

  • As-tu déjà essayé l’huile capillaire LEONOR GREYL ?

  • C’est moi qui te dis merci pour l’idée du foulard. Car, le bord de mer a exactement le même effet sur ma tignasse. On m’avait dit l’Asie, trop bien pour les cheveux bouclés…. Ouais, ben tu parles…. Bref. je passe mes séjours, cheveux attachées en chignon et poils pubiens sur le pourtour du visage. Et dire que je rêve de vivre au bord de la mer…..

  • Quand tu dis que c’est l’humidité ça me rappel Monica qui dit “It’s the Humidity !” . Tu peux faire comme elle, plein de (petites) tresses, et un chapeau de rasta ?

  • Roberta Manly April, 8 2015, 8:48 / Reply

    I finall gave in and have mine chemically straightened late spring every year. Love it. Dries faster and makes being at the beach or everyday living in humid summers where I live less annoying. It’s worth the money. My appointment is today, in fact!

  • Hahhahhahhahhahah ” cata capillaire ”

    Try coconut oil , it really works
    also Monoi Tiare oil
    both work on the beach and in the water/salt/sand…..put these oils on and I can spend all day in the water and then just comb my hair into a tight looking bun or a slicked back do in the evening

  • Crazy hair or not, you look crazy good with that scarf so… why no ;)???


  • My advice would be to just embrace it, you’re on vacation …

  • I googled some pics of longhaired you and I love your mediterranean curls!! I think “poodle head” might just be in your head. A short curled do doesn’t have to be all that weird…or? I think lauren hutton sported something of the kind?

  • Genavie April, 8 2015, 11:28 / Reply

    Deep conditioning/coconut oil on hair on public. Really

  • Garance, le foulard-bandeau vous va tres bien. Je ne suis pas du tout pour la sophistication a la plage (j’ai vu des femmes bijoutees et meme maquillees qui ne se baignent pas !) Un joli maillot, une bonne crème SPF et sauter dans les vagues sans se soucier des cheveux qui frisent.

  • L'épingle April, 8 2015, 12:12 / Reply

    L’huile d’Alès (Patrick Alès). Elle sent tellement bon et le bidon (oui) est tellement chouette.

  • Nini piccola April, 8 2015, 12:31 / Reply

    That paisley headscarf is perfection! You nailed it! Nothing to worry about Garance!!!

  • tu as tenté les tresses? (crâniennes, http://www.superbytimai.com/2014/07/23/of-fish-and-nest/
    tresse version couronne , tresses emmêlées etc…), tu peux jouer sur les volumes: tresses “serre-tête”, bouclé derrière. ou petite tête tressée un peu à la vas-vite sur des cheveux mouillés.

  • evabea April, 8 2015, 1:17 / Reply

    put some red lipstick on, done! You will look cool and sporty with the curly hair, rather than city perfect, but I am certain you look anyways amazing and everyone keeps on telling you that :D

  • therealblonde April, 8 2015, 1:56 / Reply

    Ignore it! At least while you’re on the beach. You’re on vacation! Everybody has sea hair, sand bodies, visible zits because who covers them up with makeup while you’re on the beach. And then at night, when you go out for dinner, put some oil or gel in it. And scarves are cute and also protect your scalp from the rays :)

  • Dulcie April, 8 2015, 2:28 / Reply

    This is what you need. Last summer I took vacation in Florida(super humid) and was using this product. Worked like a charm! Good luck!


  • Sometimes going back to vintage style could be actually nice! The hair will surely grow back to be super beautiful. I always wanted to cut short hair because it would save so much in the cleaning and drying process, but never done it yet, because I’m super afraid on how I will look..

  • Barbara April, 8 2015, 3:04 / Reply

    J adore les lunettes de soleil, c’est quelle marque et quelle modèle?
    Très joli le foulard sur toi !

  • I love the scarf trick and will definitely try it over my next beach holiday! Also, you look really happy and pretty in this shot!!

  • Lilly Halw April, 8 2015, 3:42 / Reply

    Holala, première fois que je laisse un commentaire, alors que ca fait des années que je lis le blog !
    Je vais souvent en Egypte et j’ai le même genre de problème, alors j’ai deux solutions, la première c’est de mettre de l’huile d’olive sur les cheveux, je crois que le fait que cette huile soit épaisse ca empêche les cheveux de friser (mais ca boucle quand même), en dehors du fait que c’est pas la chose la plus sexy du monde (quoi que, j’adore l’odeur de l’huile d’olive, en tant que méditerranéenne, ca me rappelle toujours plein de souvenirs!).
    La seconde solution c’est les headbands et autres foulards ou turbans, et à force d’en faire, j’ai appris plein de nouages différents, et j’essaye de les incorporer à mon style pour que ca devienne un jeu et pas une contrainte !

  • Margaret Anderson April, 8 2015, 9:13 / Reply

    I like your scarf and the way you turned your seriously humidified hair into a classic look.

    1. Wear an exotic animal print such as leopard. Go wild! Be sassy!

    2. You could try hair spray, and then condition, after you shampoo, with Apple Cider Vinegar.

  • First, you look gorgeous in that pic, so don’t worry about your hair, and second, oh what a pity, I thought you did nothing to your short hair, had no idea you had to dry it flat. I tell you, try to find a style of haircut that doesn’t require maintenance, there has to be one for you, hugs.

  • venezia30123 April, 9 2015, 2:26 / Reply

    Embrace your curly hair in every situation !Much better than all these boring straightened hair everywhere.

  • The scarf gives it a 1920s appeal which I like very much!

  • Natasha April, 9 2015, 3:16 / Reply

    I have thin curly hair. My choice bandana. Very rarely thin invisible hairpin- to remove the hair from forehead. None of styling products are not running on the beach for me. See you in the city :)

  • I know what it’s like – same problem in the tropics. Or anywhere near the sea, to be honest. Scarves save my day.

  • Les beaux jours arrivent à NY, tu devrais profiter pour personnaliser ta coupe avec un foulard. Mais vraiment jouer avec. je ne sais pas pourquoi mais les femmes noires utilisent plus souvent les foulards sur les cheveux et certaines maitrisent à la perfection : comme les chapeaux, ça finit le style, donne un look fou. Ca fait donne également une vibe plus funk ou bohème selon comment tu noues le foulard. Mais que ce soit en ville, à la campagne ou à la mer, j’avais déjà pris quelques inspiration pour dompter mes cheveux bouclés avec le foulard : https://fr.pinterest.com/siramanga/hair-style/
    Sinon, il reste le chapeau.

  • Barbara April, 9 2015, 2:33 / Reply

    the scarf looks lovely – and from someone with similar length curly hair who just returned from Panama, try Bumble and Bumble Curl Cream. Works wonders for me.

  • Embrace it! Put a little more oil on and love that your hair goes in all these crazy directions. If you own it, you can do anything :)


  • Moi j’adore ce côté vintage ! J’ai les cheveux bouclés et j’en ai eu marre de mettre une tonne de produits pour qu’ils soient sages, du coup je les laisse vivre comme ils veulent, et depuis tout va bien :)

  • I know this is the cheap fix, but I swear by john Freida calming cream. I have fine, frizzy, Botticelli Curls, and it is the only product that works on first day washed hair. Second day looks a bit coated, but first day rocks for me anyway.

  • Hey there!
    Even tough you look gorgeous in that scarf, I must say I totally get what you mean. I had my hair cut very short too two years ago and going to the beach was a dilemma for me for the same reasons you complain about. I would go for a hat or a scarf too, but recently I found this link that might help:


    Hope you find what you need so you can be all comfy after you’ve jumped the beach waves:)

  • Toutes les huiles ne se valent pas, celle de Leonor Greyl, de palme, agit vraiment. Et tient après la baignade. Après, avant, pendant, en mettre tout le temps

  • Crazy Hair Time! – Garance Doré
    uggs salg http://www.nnh.no/images/uggs.html

  • Hi! Same problem here. Have you tried to braid your hair? When I braid it when it’s wet it kind of stays there, better than all the frizz ;) good luck!

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