Captain Blankenship Smokeless Smudge Spray
6 years ago by

I am an active member of the cult following that the beauty line Captain Blankenship has amassed. Particularly for their Mermaid Sea Salt Spray, which perfectly musses my wet poodle curls into beach swept perfection. I recently stumbled upon their “Smokeless Smudge Spray” and the name of this product intrigued me, mainly because I had no idea what the hell it was.
Upon further inspection I learned it’s a smoke-free substitute for burning Sage and Palo Santo. Our dear Tori loves to burn Palo Santo around her desk at least once a week causing a chorus of moans from all noses within a stone’s throw from her (so basically all of us). This product is the perfect substitute for those who want the cleansing properties of Sage and Palo Santo but don’t want the smoke, and thus fragrance, to spread over a large area. You can also use this spray directly on your body and I promise you, it still works its mind clearing magic. The Captain’s cult is only going to grow now that they’re launching a line exclusively for Target under the name Sailor. Cult beauty at affordable price points makes me one happy cult member.
Thank you for introducing this product, will definitely look it up!
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