Let's Talk About

Broken But Not Broken

8 years ago by

Broken But Not Broken

9 reasons a broken toe rules.

Breaking my baby toe has proven to be the least best part of summer. However, that doesn’t mean it also isn’t great for so many reasons, here are nine of them:

1. My previously abandoned Tevas are back like the star-player they always knew they were.
2. I get to come up with all the looks to go with said Tevas, ones that don’t require hiking shorts.
3. People are more sympathetic.
4. Have received (and accepted) more warm embraces than normal.
5. It allowed me to watch the entire season of Stranger Things in one focused session.
6. Wearing strictly Teva’s might actually be making my feet stronger. No idea why, just a theory.
7. Carrying one of those giant, oversized and obnoxious umbrellas finally has a purpose: a dual function walking cane
8. It has allowed me to be more creative… I’ve had to figure out to keep my food elevated with so many different objects. Pillows, shoe boxes, children ….
9. It’s THE best excuse for not being able to go to Brooklyn :)

Only three more weeks to go! Any advice for getting through the rest of summer with an injury?


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  • Ouch! Good luck! When I had my foot operated on and couldn’t walk on it for a month, it was miserable. Lots of movies. And wine.
    Take care of it so it heals nicely. You don’t want to have shoe-fit problems for the rest of your life!

  • Ouch! Use it as an excuse to continue wearing shoes that are good for your feet. My husband broke a toe a couple of summers ago on a suitcase that I’d left out. At least he knew who to blame!

  • aahhh on est amies de blessure alors, moi j’ai cassé mon genou et pour qu’il se reconstruise seul (opération pas possible vu le problème), je marche avec 2 béquilles depuis déjà 2 mois jusqu’à la fin de l’été si tout va bien et plus sinon… Adieu les vacances mais :
    1. je me suis remusclée les épaules et les bras (ce qui est super) (mais j’ai beaucoup perdu de muscle à la jambe droite)
    2. les gens sont gentils et prévenants car ça se voit
    3. je suis forcée de me reposer et finalement c’est pas si mal
    4. je suis obligée de mettre mes birkenstock qui s’attachent aux chevilles que j’avais pas mises depuis 3 ans
    5. mais qu’est-ce que j’en ai marre !!! ;))))
    6. j’apprends la super patience

    Plein de bonnes choses à toi et je te souhaite un très bon rétablissement !!

  • I have a lot of empathy to you: je me suis cassée deux os dans le bassin l’hiver dernier, deux petits os de chaque côté du sacrum. Fractures indétectables à la radio, donc on ne s’en est pas aperçu tout de suite et il a fallu un PET scan pour constater les dégâts. On ne peut ni plâtrer ni opérer, juste rester tranquille, leplus possible couchée, pendant deux mois. C’était vraiment vraiment long et déprimant, même si tout le monde a été adorable avec moi

  • Sorry to hear about your toe.
    While you’re stucked in that couch why don’t you grab a guitar, or sit in front of a piano? Or paint ?
    Just skip the tv and learn something you can do sitting (in case you need some inspiration, think about Frieda or Melody Gardot).
    Lots of love from a long time injured girl.

  • I’m sorry to hear that! I spent July bedridden after a really bad appendicitis. While it has not been fun, it really got me to stop for a second and realise that being able to walk, run or swim is AWESOME and not something to take for granted.
    Getting finally back on my bike never felt so good.
    So did getting back in my clothes (for a while I looked three months pregnant, which lead to some funny conversations…)
    Also, cool little scar.
    When you stop and think about it, it’s amazing how quickly our bodies can heal themselves, isn’t it? That is a reason to celebrate I think.

    Get well son!

  • I’ve broken my baby toe so many times that I’ve lost count. In fact I just tape it to the other toe and wear sandals and try not to walk that much. It’s kinf of a Summer tradition for me…
    I hope you feel better soon!

  • Well I feel you as being pregnant for me means I have to cope with serious low back pain – no moving around for several days!!! I read and read and watched Stranger things as well and then I do some reading (!) again!
    Get well soon dear girl!

  • Ouch, sorry about your toe… Medicine balls can be a great help. I bought mine after my car accident last year and ended up in a Pilates class because I loved using it so much!!!
    I have another great tip in case of situation forcing you to stay in bed for a while: ask several friends to lend you their favourite books. You may discover great books AND new things about your friends!!!
    Good luck!!!

  • Ai-Ch'ng August, 7 2016, 12:23

    Love the above suggestions.

    I broke my right pinky toe, which completely messed with my shoe-fit for five years. Ended up selling all my heels, and anything that didn’t have space for my toes to spread flat and not be squashed even the tiniest bit.

    The advantages of my broken toe inducing me to sell all but my flat and wide-toes shoes have been an entirely unexpected and very welcome improved back, more relaxed and spread-out toes, which lead to a better walk, and better leg and bum tone.

  • Le point n°8 est mon quotidien depuis Juin ! Opérée d’un hallux valgus, pas de vacances, obligée d’avoir le pied toujours surélevé, j’ai mis des cales sous mon lit, ça fait l’affaire. Je lis beaucoup, et regarde des séries sans interruption (j’ai bientôt plus d’idées). J’ai encore 2 semaines à tenir. Profite de ce temps pour prendre soin de toi, te reposer (même si au bout d’un moment ça commence à être long). On se rend pas compte à quel point ça fait du bien finalement.

    Bon rétablissement ;)))

  • Oooh Stranger Things… <3

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