from the studio

A Survey

10 years ago by

We’ve put together a little reader survey…

and would love if you would take it!

We are working on new ideas and we would love to include your point of view and get to know you better.

It’s super short and easy so you might enjoy doing it!

You can click here to take the survey.

Thank you so much!

The Studio

Update: Thank you all so much for taking the time to answer the survey! We got so many responses that the survey is now closed. If you have any questions let us know in the comments!


Add yours
  • les enfants j’ai l’impression que ça merdouille sur une question ! Celle ou il faut noter de 1 à 6, impossible de mettre un autre chiffre que 2 à la deuxième question, 3 à la troisième etc.
    Baci, Ali

  • Enfait ce sont les chiffres qui s’organisent tous seuls au fur et à mesure que tu fais ta selection. Ca se fait automatiquement selon tes choix!

  • Gabriela June, 12 2014, 12:58 / Reply

    I don’t know the reason you’re doing this survey, but I think you should have added a question about where we come from, because the impact of the answers may vary from one country to the other.

  • Hi Gabriela,
    Thanks for your feedback! This is definitely something we have taken into account and are keeping in mind as we look at everyone’s answers.
    Thanks again :)

  • Just finished it! Can’t wait to see the new ideas come into play on the site. Have a marvelous day! Xo

  • andrea June, 12 2014, 1:26 / Reply

    it’s not possible to fill this out,because I don’t watch tv and it’s required to answer all questions….

  • Hi Andrea,
    You can fill in any questions that don’t apply by writing “n/a”
    Let us know if you have any additional questions–thank you for taking the survey!

  • Dear all at the studio,

    I just took your survey, because I’m an avid reader of your blog and also because I work as a user researcher and am always interested in seeing how other people conduct surveys and ask questions… Plus I find it great that you seek out your readers opinions and interests!
    As a professional questioner ,-) I stumbled over some questions that I find were posed in a way that could lead to misinterpretation and hence to unclear results… If you ever do a survey again, feel free to contact me for some simple survey tips ;-)

    Best, Nina

  • Hi Nina,

    Fantastic! I will definitely reach out next time we work on a survey or focus group!
    Thanks for taking the survey!

    x Emily

  • I completed the survey. I am curious why you need this data for, probably to start an e-shop? :)
    I am a loyal fan from Serbia, and this is my fav place to spend time and read about all those interesting things on your menu.

  • Je viens de remplir, religueusement, le sondage !
    Merci pour ton blog plein d’humour et d’idées, c’est une géniale source d’inspiration.
    Impossible à ajouter dans la page dédiée aux questions mais ce qui me manque, ce sont.. les vidéos ! En particulier “This is trending” : non seulement t’es hilarante mais t’as du chien comme c’est pas permis? Le cocktail est détonnant. Ce qui est rare est cher, et fait donc la qualité des contenus, mais revieeeent de temps en temps dans des formats vidéos, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase.

  • Bouhou : je voulais le remplir, mais je suis une quiche en anglais, je comprends pas tout…

  • En français je l’aurais rempli bien volontiers !

  • Done. I never bought a product by Garance because I live in Europe and when you buy from US taxes and duties are terribly high :(

  • Angela June, 12 2014, 9:43 / Reply

    I am having difficulty with question 11. It is autofilling my answers regardless of what I select. I am just going to leave it and complete the rest of the survey – you may just discount those answers. ;)


  • Boucledar June, 13 2014, 2:44 / Reply

    Rholala moi j’allais m’y mettre de bon coeur puis en fait j’ai très vite eu la très désagréable impression de remplir un questionnaire ciblage commercial pour pouvoir nous vendre le plus de trucs à partir du blog… Gnagna.

  • C’est marrant, j’ai eu exactement le même sentiment, ce qui m’a découragé de répondre à cette enquête.
    Je viens ici pour le point de vue de Garance et non pas pour qu’on me vende de plus en plus de produits!

  • Hello, i took the survey, but there was a question : 8. In which of the following areas would you rely on Garance’s judgment? Select all that apply. I was “forced” to select one when I wanted to say none. Not that I don’t trust you guys, but I don’t rely on a website to make my judgements/choices… if you understand what i mean. I hope i didn’t offend you. Just would have been nice to have that option.

  • Survey completed :) Looking forward to seeing what you have in mind. And unfortunately I have to second Noemi and the reason above as to why I haven’t purchased anything by Garance.

  • Dani Korneliussen June, 13 2014, 7:27 / Reply

    I also found your survey to be pretty good. I showed it to my husband who is a researcher/professor who specialises in creating surveys. He agreed with one of the other comments above that it would be useful to know where your readers are from. I noticed that I felt bad about checking off that I have not purchased any of Garance’s lovely prints or stationary items – but as someone else stated above – living in Norway – I say away from the shipment costs. Next time I’m in the USA, I’ll deffinately get my wallet out!

  • HI guys

    Suggestion: Next time build the survey so questions can be skipped or add a “I choose not to answer” field). I never provide my household income on surveys like this (quirky, much?). It wouldn’t let me skip the question so I didn’t submit, notwithstanding I was happy to provide the rest of the info.


  • I would love to read a post about the results of the survey, what’s surprised you the most, interesting huh?

  • Perrine June, 13 2014, 9:51 / Reply

    Too sad… the survey seems to be already closed !

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