Let's Talk About

A Solid Lineup

7 years ago by

A Solid Lineup

When you’re a kid, excitement about the holidays is inevitable. There is a break from school, presents, parties, candy, decorations and more. Plus, you’re not in charge of making any of it happen. You just have to show up. It’s the best. As you get older, life happens and stressful things like money, work, love, family dramas and disastrous elections can get in the way, making it a challenge to get in the holiday spirit.

My trick for these trying times is a solid line up of holiday movies. I have many, but here are some of my favorites and they work like a charm, every time.

Trading Places
Die Hard
Bad Santa
Home Alone

What are some of your favorite holiday movies??


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  • Love Actually!!! même pas besoin de réfléchir :) c’est LE film que j’ai envie de regarder tous les ans au mois de décembre… et comme je ne le fais pas toujours, ils se passe parfois 1 ou 2 ans entre deux visionnages et du coup j’oublie des détails et je re-découvre le film à chaque fois :)
    bon dans un autre registre, je suis une grande fan de Nightmare Before Christmas – tellement beau et poétique…

  • Trading Places every single Xmas since I’m a child!!!! But also, ‘It’s a wonderful life’ and because I’m French: ‘Le Pere noel est one ordure’….
    Also, ‘Love actually’ or ‘The holiday’….

  • “Le Père Noël est une ordure” !!!!

  • You’ve got mail! It goes through all year and Christmas is just one part but it was on TV around Christmas a couple of times and it stuck with me.

  • Allie Slomko December, 20 2016, 9:07 / Reply

    The Santa Clause! Just the first one. All-time favorite. Although I love Home Alone, too.

  • Jorge Alexandre Teixeira December, 21 2016, 5:19 / Reply

    What about « Ghostbusters 1 and 2 »with the Great Bill Murray and Company ?Unmissable!!!

  • I agree with all of your choices but ELF has to be added to the list

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