A Night In
8 years ago by The Atelier

Nothing quite like not going out. My idea of a good Saturday night involves pajamas, whatever Netflix is offering, and a friend sitting next to me. And if there’s home cooked food involved, I’m over the moon.
Lately instead of going out to socialize, my friends and I have been opting to stay at home and take turns cooking for each other. The other day over tofu stir fry and noodles, we finally got to catch up after our long work week. My friend who was hosting had set out canvases and sketch pads for us to paint and draw on for the rest of the night. Before we knew it it was 2AM and we had the floors covered with our art work.
We got to chat, hangout, and learn something about each other creatively! It got me thinking about the idea of the unconventional dinner party and how sometimes it’s fun to mix things up.
What do you think about the dinner party art soiree? Have any other fun dinner party ideas?
By Nicole, intern at the Studio
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I LOVE the idea of an “art soiree.” Reminds me of the salons people would hold in their homes to amuse and educate in days of yore.
I am totally a stay at home gal too!
I love spending time at home — I’m really not much of a going out type of person
Giveaway on my blog!
scrable, pictionary, mimics, barbbq, raclette, fondue cheese and chocolate….with friends!!
Love it! ;)
My friends and I all enjoying cooking and once a month we do a ‘chef’s night’ where we pick a cookbook author and all bring one dish from them to a potluck dinner. It’s a way to push us all to cook new dishes and try out new techniques. We’ve done Ina Garten, Thomas Keller, Ottolenghi…So much fun!
I haven’t hosted a dinner party for a long time. But now I think I should!
Tellement chouette cette idée de diner-dessin !! Je trouve ça bien de proposer ça en soirée, dans une ambiance relax, tout le monde peut se lancer. Ça me tente complètement, rien qu’à lire ce post (qui l’a écrit ?) j’ai envie de me (re) mettre à dessiner (dès ce soir !) même si ça fait quelques temps que je me le dit. Comme quoi la motivation ne tient qu’à un fil…
Nous faisons des dîners, le cercle des poètes. Chaque dîner se fait autour d’un thème, sur lequel nous créons un beau poème!
We had a lunch/art party at work a few weeks back and it was so much fun and good for morale. I think it would be awesome to have a dinner like that with friends with some good recipes and tv/movies.
Cette idée est juste géniale!!! Je me suis tout de suite projetée et rêverai d’une soirée pareille…sauf que, à part moi…personne ne dessine dans mon entourage! Ouhai c’est très con ça! Mais ce n’est pas grave, hier soir, je griffonnais sur ma tablette sans trop de motivation et bien ce soir, ça sera l’inverse! Merci pour cet entrain!
Such a sweet post. Nothing shows love like cooking for someone! So much more relaxing than going to a restaurant. (not to mention usually healthier too..depending on the amount of wine ;)
J’ai de la chance avec un chéri et beaucoup d’amis musiciens, j’ai droit à des concerts réguliers à la maison !
Mais je n’ai encore jamais fait de soirée dessin ! L’idée me plait beaucoup !
I love hosting movie theme nights. I’ll throw something together in my slow cooker while I take care of my regular home tasks like cleaning and laundry on Saturday. Friends come by around 6 and we settle in to watch movies collected around a theme.
Some examples we’ve done —
Legal Thrillers – The Verdict and Presumed Innocent
For This Political Age – Gaslight and All The President’s Men
DC Thrillers Night – Suspect and No Way Out
Sexual Tension – Body Heat and 9 1/2 Weeks
Sexy Exotic – Kama Sutra and Sex and Lucia
Spy Night – The Lives of Others and Three Days of Condor
Girls Night – Legally Blond and Clueless
Hitchcock Night – Notorious and Rebecca
Maybe we’ll have to do an art activity night!!
That totally sounds like my kind of night!!