A City Walk
5 years ago by

I have a love-hate relationship to the subway. On one hand, it offers a constant reminder of the rich, layered communities of New York City. On the other, it offers a clear explanation for why people flee it in desperation. We descend into a hot, blustery tunnel; sit (if we’re lucky) for 25 minutes in a fluorescent tube, and then trudge upstairs and into a different world with no visual understanding of how we got there. While I often lament this disorienting method of transportation, the temptation to cut corners and get to where I’m going regularly trumps my desire to breathe the air.
Lately, I’ve been trying to walk more. It’s obvious, of course, but every time I do, I’m floored by what I find. Music blaring from cars, restaurants wafting smells, tree-lined streets, stunning buildings, decrepit ones. Just because I rocket past these neighborhoods every day doesn’t mean they aren’t thrumming in full, vivid color.
My commitment to walking more is part of a larger goal of knowing the city better, and it’s working. I make mental notes of hidden gems of all kinds (restaurants, shops, coffee houses) to return to. It’s possible to feel like an explorer in your own city, and the rewards are endless.
The decision to walk somewhere I’d ordinarily zoom to is one I never take lightly–sustenance is required. By sustenance, of course, I mean music. A city walk playlist requires some bounce that builds anticipation for your final destination. But more importantly, a city walk playlist reminds you that you don’t need a destination. The right tunes tie you to the very moment you’re in.
I lived in New York and walked almost everywhere – seriously I once walked from the World Trade Center to Columbus Circle! I discovered so many amazing streets and shops just by walking. And NYC is beautiful so walking around really elevated my mood and served as my form of exercise (the only exercise I didn’t get tired of). I don’t even listen to music while walking, I enjoyed hearing the various city sounds (plus I get scared I won’t hear a car or biker beeping at me haha).
Who wrote this ? I’m Totally, 300%, feeling you! Isn’t it Great to «get lost» in the city and still get something out of it ? It’s the Best, no doubt!!!
As for the subway there’s one thing that i really hate:
When the carriage door stops in front of you and people come from behind like bisons , elbows high and sh*t, trying to pass you hoping to get a seat. True story, i swear: Last week , a «douchebag suit» did just that, ramming everybody ending up sitting next to a young woman with her baby on her lap. Of course everybody was pissed and i remember this girl drinking her sprite that turned to him ,with her left hand on her hip ,like :«_ Excuuuuse youuuu???» ( but in portuguese) and he didn’t even care .Suddenly , the woman with the baby said to him:« _Sorry Mr, you entered so fast that i didn’t had the time to warn you that my baby puked on your seat therefore the metro newspaper in there, sorry!!!»
The dude got up with with a huge stain on his butt and got out in the next station!!! The all carriage started laughin’ sooooo hard… you have no idea!!!
Anyway, Elisse…the trick is to put your music not too loud to the point that you don’t hear nothing around you. Elevator music loud kind of, you know?