
Jeanne Damas Garance Dore

Call me, maybe?

I have a landline…

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8 years ago by

#life garance dore illustrations


When my tech life feels organized, for some reason, I do too. And it’s weirding me out a...

9 years ago by

snooze button garance dore illustrations

The Snooze Button

I think my body may be in hibernation mode… It’s that time of year, when all I want to...

9 years ago by

garance dore textonalities phone communication text illustration


It’s funny to think about how much our personalities come through in modern communication.   Take...

9 years ago by

fashion week survival kit garance dore illustrations

Fashion Week Survival Kit

They’re here! The shows. It’s officially #NYFW. So we’ve rounded up what you (and...

9 years ago by

heart phone break louis vuitton campaign garance dore photos

Heart Phone Break

My phone is on the brink of death. It might be that it’s overworked (an average of 8 apps in...

9 years ago by

recharge telephone jeanne damas garance dore photos


My phone battery is always dying. I’m that person who’s always asking the waiter if they...

9 years ago by

selfie beware garance dore illustrations

Selfie Beware

Yep, beware of the selfie. It’s a thing, a dangerous thing – and the Russian government...

9 years ago by

the mirror garance dore illustrations

The Mirror

We’ve all had that moment when, without warning, right when you’re least expecting it, as...

9 years ago by

juergen teller vogue uk tune out garance dore

Tune Out

How do you tune out? On the weekend, I was forced to. I went out of town and had no cell service....

9 years ago by

editors letter valentino shoes gucci jeans garance dore photos

Editor’s Letter #7

I’m writing to you feeling almost refreshed after coming back from Costa Rica, and ready to take...

9 years ago by

snapchat garance dore

I’m On Snapchat!

No, seriously, I LOVE Snapchat. I started using it a few days ago to create stories and now...

9 years ago by

daria werbowy text mobile phone prada garance dore photos

Three Dots

I’m big on text etiquette. It can be tricky to navigate, but it deserves attention. I talked about...

9 years ago by

The Del Val #55

The Del Val #55

Press the stamp onto the paper at different angles and with varied pressure and see how many unique...

9 years ago by

face map garance dore photos

Face Map

Recently, I’ve been breaking out and freaking out (that’s what you do when you have a pimple,...

9 years ago by

garance dore taea thale photos

Valentine’s Chat With Garance!

This Valentine’s Day, we’re trying something new: a Twitter chat! On Friday, February...

9 years ago by

the phone voice garance dore illustrations

The Phone Voice

Admit it, you have one! We all do.

9 years ago by

ana kras street style garance dore phone photos


Last week, I saw my friend Ana on the street. I was coming back from a meeting, and I didn’t have...

9 years ago by