Lexie Smith



When a new skin care cream comes on the market, I’m always dubious. What makes this cream different than (what seems like) the million of other creams that one can buy? My first question...

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6 years ago by

Long Coat Lovin’

Long Coat Lovin’

The long coat and I go way back. It’s a long and sordid tale and to spare you the details,...

7 years ago by

Bare Necessities

Bare Necessities

Putting on your underwear is an integral part of every woman’s day (dare I say women’s...

7 years ago by

Lexie’s Olive Oil Cake

Lexie’s Olive Oil Cake

We developed a bit of a girl crush on Lexie when she appeared at the Studio wearing a vintage kimono...

8 years ago by

A Beauty Minute with Lexie

A Beauty Minute with Lexie

Morning: Water, water, water. I drink lots of it. It makes everything better. I don’t use...

8 years ago by

This or That

This or That

Possibly the perfect summer white look spotted on one Victoria, and just one day later possibly the...

8 years ago by