13 years ago by

CowBoy Boots and Very Very Long Hair
You know the stuff tour men really prefer that we steer clear away from? You could call me lucky as...
13 years ago by

Be Yourself
I know. It’s a little melodramatic of a title, but you know I have this never-ending quest for...
14 years ago by

My Ponytail
There I was, in the middle of picking out for you a photo of Marybeth, when I found this shot that...
14 years ago by

This, I wouldn’t even try
I am the queen of fashion faux pas… But these are some things that, even as much as I love...
14 years ago by

I want to talk to you about black in summer. When the temp gets up there and you can show a little...
14 years ago by

How do you…
Get the hair out of your eyes?
Long hair is pretty and all but it gets in your eyes. Everyday I wash it, leave my house, wear it...
14 years ago by

I tested it and it’s great !
There are some things that I just don’t talk about but really, what would my life be like...
14 years ago by

Maybe Next Time…
Cut off in the middle of my joy-fest heading toward the airport to head off to Tokyo, here I am...
14 years ago by

Blown Away
As I’m talking to you now, I’m in New York, seated cross legged on my bed, a nice cup of...
14 years ago by

From the Show to the Street
It’s cool to observe the coming-and-going of style inspiration. Today, I braided my hair on...
14 years ago by

Way too Cool
Louise is too good to be true. Funny, hip, full of stories, of tatoos and of style. Pffffff, No, it...
14 years ago by

I heart you !
You remember the day I talked to you about “fade-it like Daphné*?” And so there you...
15 years ago by

my nights are more beautiful than your days...
Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere. Everywhere I’m seeing girls who want to make me jealous...
15 years ago by

Don’t tell me you don’t see it !
You remember last time we were talking about hair? I told you that despite my desire to change...
15 years ago by

Let it curl
I see more and more girls letting their hair go naturally curly. Aaaah. I love it.
15 years ago by

I love sitting on steps and having coffee with her. I love her short pixie hair, her natural...
15 years ago by