valerie leberichel street style paris garance dore photos

Valerie At Place Beauvau

9 years ago by

Garance has known Valerie for years, but the rest of the team only just got to know her during our trip to Paris.

She happens to radiate a calmness, even in the chaos of fashion week — and Valerie has that lovely French way of always taking the time to have a real conversation…
(What often feels like a lost art in New York, where life is go, go, go, go…)(Remember when you could talk to someone sans phone buzzing?!)

And that kind of composure and measure really shows in how Valerie puts together her looks. I always love to see how one’s way of dressing can reflect their personality and character, and Valerie’s casual elegance is on point. The easy, classic khaki pants (another great transition piece!) and white button down are played up so nicely by a traditional plaid… Then the too-cute Miu Miu glitter pumps indicate a little bit of fun and play.

So that’s knowing Valerie!

Do you feel like your style truthfully represents your personality?
Sometimes I feel like mine can be a little all over the place, so not sure what that means… ;)

Valerie wears: coat and shoes, Miu Miu.

Text: Neada Jane | Photo: Erik Melvin


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  • I find it really hard to dress as I want. Somehow the result is opposite sometimes. :) Often…
    I’m too lazy maybe to try too hard. I have more interests besides fashion and style.

    So my style doesn’t represent me as I would like to be, but it apparently represents the true me then – too lazy to try too hard. :) That’s a style, too, right? ;)

  • love your sense of humor:)

  • J’adore son manteau!


  • I love this! I have those pants (okay similar ones), I have a white shirt! What do you say, Neada, two items I should pack for my trip to Melbourne later this month along with a bathing suit and hiking boots? Maybe book a surfing lesson? Now THAT would be incredible.

  • Yes! They’re so versatile and perfect for transitional weather (what you’ll be facing!), so great pieces to pack for any trip. Make sure to pack some comfortable boots or other flat shoes – so much great walking to do in Melbourne. Of course, you can’t go to Australia without a swimsuit!! So excited for you, Judith!

  • Not to mention that Valérie Lebérichel is Miu Miu’s worldwide communications and external relations director and that before she worked at Celine…this lady has a sense of Fashion and natural elegant !!!
    It’s in her DNA which is something you can’t say about many people in this business …….who looks more of a New Student of a fashion school first year who has one think in mind is to be seen>>>

    vive la Vraie Elegance vive Valérie Lebérichel
    Yael Guetta

  • Amen to that!

  • I miss real conversations — Valerie seems awesome! I love her style

    Ray-Ban Giveaway on my blog!

  • J’adore sa tenue! Moi aussi mon style part un peu dans tous les sens, ça dépend vraiment de mon humeur, j’adore changer de style


  • J’aime beaucoup son style ! Elle est chic avec de la fantaisie !


  • Coucou!
    J’adore sa tenue! Quelle classe et quel charme elle dégage!
    Pour ma part, je trouve que mon style reflète bien ma personnalité : simple, efficace, avec des petites touches discrètes d’originalité sans que ce ne soit excentrique!
    Des bisous
    Bon week-end

    Petite and So What

  • love everything about this outfit … the shoes make it complete and less serious !!

  • rorococoeugvic October, 11 2015, 6:47 / Reply

    Je crois reconnaitre son pantalon kaki .. un Z&V de l’an dernier … J’ai le même !

  • My phone does not “buzz” when I am with another person. How you behave and whether you have any manners is style, as much as anything you are wearing. And if your phone is continually buzzing and interrupting the conversation you are having with another you have no style.

  • I love the way the French always manage to add something quirky to their outfits that just subverts expectations in a way that lifts the outfit just so. I keep trying to do it in all my outfits but I think there’s still quite a ways to go! My link below shows the trials of someone who wasn’t born Parisian..

  • Elle est absolument parfaite !! Je suis ultra fan de son style, on sent tout de suite son chic à la française :)

  • Son manteau Miu Miu est très joli!
    Un style “chic-décontracté”, cela fait du bien de voir cela pendant la FW où tout le monde se déguise.

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