5 years ago by
Lauren Bush Lauren has a demeanor that makes you want to stand near her just to soak up the good vibes. She exudes kindness and grace. So it’s no surprise she’s found such philanthropic success with FEED, the social business she founded in 2007 after traveling the world and witnessing the effects of hunger first hand. Each product from the FEED line is stamped with a number that represents the amount of meals or micronutrient packets that are provided with its purchase.
You might also recognize a little of the Atelier’s colors and design on the pouch Lauren is holding in her first look. More on that next week, but we couldn’t help but give you a little sneak peek into a collaboration we’re super proud of.

How would you describe your style in three words?
Classic, utilitarian, bohemian
Can you tell us a bit about your blue workman’s jacket and its connection to the FEED Store?
My blue Workman jacket is a vintage French workman’s jacket. I sourced them from a cool vintage dealer I know to be the uniforms for my FEED Shop & Cafe. Each one is different but this was the only one that came in a much lighter color than the rest, so I decided to keep it as my own!
I loved how you stopped to fix the FEED Store’s sandwich board — attention to detail! Do you find yourself paying as much attention to detail in your clothes?
Not really. I appreciate fashion, but I’m not a very fussy dresser. I like to wear things that are comfortable and make me look and feel together and empowered to get through my day for work and family time.

How has becoming a mom (twice) changed your style and approach to dressing?
It’s even more about practicality now. Those pieces that will work on the playground, but also in my office. I have even less time to get ready in the morning so finding that great pair of black jeans or blazer that I can throw on and always feel good in is even more valuable to me now.
How do you approach designing for the FEED line?
I design for FEED the way I prefer to dress—classic, utilitarian, and straight forward. Our products should be quality and timeless enough for you to wear for years and in various scenarios throughout your day from travel to weekend brunch to work and to school drop-off.
Jacket, Vintage; Jeans, Polo Ralph Lauren; Shirt, Vintage; Shoes, Rachel Comey; Pouch, FEED x Atelier Doré
Sweater, Polo Ralph Lauren; Pants, RRL; Shirt, RRL; Bag, FEED
Skirt, Polo Ralph Lauren; Sweater, Polo Ralph Lauren; Shoes, Adidas; Bag, FEED
Love the FEED bags. Just ordered this one as a gift for my sister qui est une femme archi extraordinaire. Thank you for this!
Bonjour la team,
Je suis une lectrice régulière du site. J’aime parcourir les articles à l’heure du déjeuner, devant une soupe ou une salade. Je pense être assez représentative de votre lectorat parisien, qui vient chercher ici de l’inspiration, découvrir des visages et des marques nouvelles, bref, picorer un peu d’air du temps. Pour autant, j’ai de plus en plus de mal à lire certains articles en français. Là où l’on attendrait quelque chose de fluide et de pétillant, les fautes d’orthographes y sont fréquentes, l’expression (parfois) vraiment maladroite, les traductions des “jokes” souvent laborieuses. Y a-t-il une raison à cela? En vrai, je continue à vous lire, bien sur ! Mais je trouve cela vraiment dommage.
Hi Marianne,
Thank you for your note! We have made some changes with the team who is translating the site and we are still working out a few kinks. We appreciate you flagging this with us and working to smooth through the translations!
Thanks so much!
x Emily