
Ease Meets West

7 years ago by

In Partnership With Vince

With the change of weather (that’s happening quite early in New York this year) from summer into fall, I’m thinking a lot about what I want to wear this season. It’s becoming more simple as every year passes and the idea of a more utilitarian style that fits seamlessly into my life and is allowing me to ultimately buy less but better things—this is really top of mind. I’m beginning to appreciate more and more a certain ease in getting dressed in the morning. It doesn’t mean I’m not having fun with my clothes—I actually enjoy finding different ways to wear my staples—but it’s making shopping and getting dressed more enjoyable because I don’t feel quite as lost as years past.

In a city like LA, this idea of utilitarian ease seems to be the standard, even more so than in New York. Along with our friends at Vince, Pia and Vanessa recently visited a few inspired LA women who have their unique ideas of dressing with ease pretty much down to a science.


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Ally Walsh, Model, Owner @ Canyon Coffee

How would you describe LA style?
I think style in LA has everything to do with the lifestyle of the city. Of course, this is informed so much by the Mediterranean climate. They’re inseparable from one another. Creatives in all industries find inspiration in the energy and landscape of the city, with its hills, canyons, and proximity to the ocean. And this plays out in the fashion.

Overall, the style feels more relaxed, and casual. There’s an openness and freedom for people to explore style. “Beachy” and desert styles both feel very natural. The ideal weather doesn’t lend itself much to layering, so outfits are usually kept simple.

That being said, people in LA love when it drops below 70°, because it brings the opportunity to wear your favorite jacket or sweater that spends 90% of its life in the closet!

How does your work influence your style?
As a model, you’re kind of like a chameleon. Trying so many different styles for work has led me to really appreciate the basics. I like keeping things simple.

Ease Meets West

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What’s an average day like for you?
I wake up early, meditate, and make coffee and toast. From there, it varies, depending on whether I’m shooting, going on castings, or working on Canyon Coffee. I get in a yoga class, walk on the beach or hike whenever there’s time.

Shoot days are like a regular 9-5. On days with castings, I like taking advantage of moving around different parts of the city to visit my favorite spots for coffee or lunch.

On Canyon days, I’m usually working from home or running around.
At night, Casey and I usually make dinner at home. Lately, we’ve been having friends over for wine and dinner on the porch.

What’s your one clothing essential?

What does ease mean to you, in terms of style? or How do you find ease in the way you dress?
I think ease in style means having comfortable pieces that feel effortless to wear. For me, this comes through only buying new clothing that I really love and can’t wait to wear.

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Molly Steele, Photographer

How would you describe LA style?
LA style is widely forgiving, in my opinion. There is such great diversity here that fosters a variety of styles, creating a space where you can be whomever you want to be each day when you dress. Because of the consistent weather of 70 and sunny, you’re likely to see a wide array of shoes, unlike in walking cities or places with more precipitation. I also appreciate that casual wear is okay everywhere here…one can wear sweatpants to an upscale restaurant without even being glanced at.

How does your work influence your style?
My work has influenced my style over the years by reducing me to a few uniforms I have on rotation. Because I’m busy using my cognitive capacity for my photos and writing, it’s best not to have to think too much about what to wear.

What’s an average day like for you?
Up at 6, just for fun, make a big breakfast and smoothie, work on a long to-do list, flip through library books related to whatever I’m working on at the moment, go to the gym for a couple of hours, and just so I’m being honest, lots of time vegging out! I am my own boss for a reason, and I like to make room for a lot of self-care, eating, and free time, especially if I can claim by some stretch that it inspires my work.

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What’s your one clothing essential?
Easy! I’ve been wearing the same pressed navy wool trousers as often as possible for the last several years. They’re comfortable, I can move easily in them, and they can be dressed up or down.

What does ease mean to you, in terms of style? How do you find ease in the way you dress?
My wardrobe is far more extensive than anyone that knows me might guess, because I tend to select from only a few key pieces and don’t mind if people get used to seeing me in them. Ease for me, means that if while I’m out to lunch, someone wants to go to a museum or for a hike, what I’m wearing can work for both. It helps me take attention off my aesthetic that used to take up a lot of my time. Now that I’m essentially operating a business, I need that mental capacity to be in and of the world.

Ease Meets West

Julia-Elise Childs, Writer

How would you describe LA style?
I think LA style is a converging of forces. It’s lightweight mini skirts with sneakers, sun-kissed shoulders with worn-in denim. Effortless and comfortable.

How does your work influence your style?
As a writer and creative, I am fortunate to be able to express myself through my wardrobe in the workplace. My work can take me to a gallery exhibit, Pilates class, or location scouting on any given day – so I get the chance to be chic with a slicked-back bun, or easy going in high-waisted denim all in a week’s time.

Ease Meets West

What’s an average day like for you?
Every day I wake up and snuggle my man and our cats. Then I make some coffee and a smoothie and get dressed (spoiler alert: it’s usually a variation of a lightweight dress with some sneakers). I keep my beauty routine pretty simple, Then, I’m off to the Live FAST office in DTLA! My days can vary quite a bit, but I’m usually writing, researching, and taking meetings. After work, I will work out and cook dinner. Then, I’ll read the news and/or a book until lights out.

What’s your one clothing essential?
A pair of gold hoop earrings. They transform literally any outfit.

What does ease mean to you, in terms of style? or How do you find ease in the way you dress?
Ease means comfort to me. You can catch me in a ton of looks that are pretty different from one another, but you will never find me in something that’s uncomfortable. Ease also means confidence. Even when I’m lounging, I want to feel feminine, sexy and strong. When in doubt, I add a swipe of lipstick and keep it moving.

Ease Meets West

Ali wears: Fair Isle Turtleneck sweater, Vince ; Corduroy Union Slouch, Vince ; Cashmere Striped Skinny Rib Turtleneck, Vince // Molly wears: Bray Leather Flat, Vince ; Smoke x Mirrors / Money Stainless Steel Sunglasses, Vince ; Slit Black Blouse, Vince ; Crop Flare Jeans, Vince // Julia wears: Cable Knit Turtleneck, Vince ; SCHOSHA / Wythe Cuff, Vince ; Cable Knit Turtleneck, Vince ; Floral Pleated Cami Dress, Vince


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  • Thanks for this great article. It is very inspiring to see other creative women and learn about their style and life.
    Greetings from Germany

  • How can LA have a Mediterranean climate? It certainly has a Southern California climate. Maybe there is something I am missing here??

  • Thank you so much for this little insight into the life of these three inspiring women. I´ll try to change my way of style and shopping as well. Just try to buy less, and if I buy something than products which doesn’t went out of my mind for a long time. I also want to buy clothes that are high quality. It so easy, if your wardrobe isn´t completely overloaded and you only find pieces that let your heart jump in there. :) So thank you again for some new inspiration.

    xoxo from Germany, Neele

  • Charlotte September, 15 2017, 4:37

    I agree! I’ve been buying high quality for a while now and you just feel so much better in the fabric, the look and the selection. The piles of low quality jeans compared to the few high quality jeans – you’ll never go back!

  • This is so on point! I would love to see more from you about paring down a wardrobe. (A series?!) I know much has been written already (elsewhere) but you guys would do it so well!! : )

  • The climate type in much of CALIFORNIA is described as MEDITERRANEAN climate, with winter rains and dry, hot summers. Mediterranean climates are found in only five places in the world: California (extending into southern Oregon and northern Baja California, Mexico); the Mediterranean region itself; and the subtropical south or west coasts of Chile, South Africa, and Australia. A S.F., CA native.

  • Thanks …This a great post

  • Love this dress <3

  • Very nice! I just love it !
    Kiss, Léa

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