
A Well Traveled Bag

7 years ago by

My name is Natalie and I’m an over packer. It’s not something I’m proud of, and honestly, it’s rarely a useful trait (as in, my mother is right and I will only wear 10% of what’s in my suitcase). If someone told me (in this case, Brie and Tori did tell me) I could bring one bag that easily fits in my suitcase and will go with all my outfits, occasions, and moods, I’d be hesitant, and hopeful, and…can I at least bring 2??

A selection of bags that look good and travel even better, below.

sophie holme crossbody bag




officina del poggio crossbody bag


Click the images to shop! Opening bag: Anya Hindmarch ; In consecutive order: Sophie Hulme, Frances Valentine, Smythson, Mark Cross , Officina del Poggio, DVF


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  • Ha! Natalie! So funny! I used to be an over-packer as well but have really gotten a routine down the past several years. It takes some time, but planning out outfits for every day that you need is really helpful and bringing nothing more. I’ve been able to travel over two weeks now with just a small carry-on. However…I think I will also need that little white bag highlighted in the post – it’s adorable!

  • Vancouver reader July, 7 2017, 11:18 / Reply

    thought you might have a Want Les Essentials on your list. The inside is completely set up for credit cards, cash, lipstick & glasses-small but well thought out & different colour ranges each season!

  • I’m an admitted over packer. I would have been well suited to the days of steamer trunks , valets and ladies maids . This one week in a carry on is impossible for me !
    Dress The Part

  • Ils sont tous adorables mais mon préféré serait quand même le premier !
    Bon courage pour porter toutes tes affaires ;)

    Des bisous,


  • J’ai change ma facon de faire ma valise apres des annees de “casse-tete” !
    Elle est dorenavant minimaliste et plutot creuse, ce qui me permet de rapporter des cadeaux. :-)
    J’aime beaucoup le petit sac bleu marine.

  • Primrose Bigwood July, 7 2017, 4:42 / Reply

    LOVE, love this, the perfect size to combat overpacking, it’s definitely help me refine things! x


  • MarieG July, 7 2017, 6:30 / Reply

    Après avoir longtemps voyagé en voiture, ce qui permet tous les excès en matière de bagages, je voyage maintenant presque toujours en transports collectifs, train ou avion. En Europe, il vaut mieux ne pas avoir de bagages trop lourds pour prendre le train, les quais ne sont souvent pas à la bonne hauteur et on reçoit peut d’aide.
    Idéal pour s’habituer à voyager léger. Et quand je dis léger, c’est léger: j’adore les chaussures, mais elles restent à la maison. je pars avec une paire de chaussures très confortables aux pieds et une paire un peu plus habillée dans la valise, et c’est tout. La versatilité d’une belle étole en cachemire est impressionnante, et ça se roule tout fin dans la valise.
    Belle soirée

  • Beautiful bas love them all
    The pink Pineapple
    New post:https://thepinkpineappleblog.blogspot.com

  • I’m so in love with the dusty blue one, it’s fantastic!

    Roksana | http://www.beatsofbeauty.com

  • Love this bags and the simple understated elegance.

  • I’ve definitely figured out how to pack light, but sometimes I end up supplementing my wardrobe with purchases while I travel. It’s a good excuse to go shopping, right?

    I’m loving the last bag in this series, the white DVF one. The 2 shoulder straps are a fun touch.

    Check out the epic 5 month roadtrip we went on recently through Europe and South America (with a baby, in a convertible)… now that required packing light!! http://www.thislifeisbelle.com/home/behind-the-scenes-5-month-road-trip-with-a-baby

  • Je suis totalement fan du sac, il est trop mignon!!

  • Clare Hennessy July, 25 2017, 12:24 / Reply

    Great post, what a lovely selection of bags! I particularly like the camera style bag, very cute!

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