I’ve just been there yesterday and crying over how beautiful everything is! Did you have to sign up for a special pass or something to take photographs
Ah ! Les indispensables accessoires ! On peut changer n’importe quelle tenue avec des accessoires differents, c’est pour cela qu’il nous faut tant de chaussures, bijoux, echarpes, sacs, etc….
Pareil ! Je me suis fait tancer alors que je photographiais le panneau à l’entrée de l’exposition … J’ai adoré cette exposition, très bien organisée et documentée.
Miuccia Prada is maybe the most influential woman in fashion, maybe she’s not “creating” something new but her unique vision (she takes the past into the present with her collections and amuse us like if we were presenting a total brand new thing) gives the world more reasons to love and respect fashion. She’s what Madame Vionnet or Coco Chanel was last century.
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Museum or department store window…? The dramatic lighting adds great drama to each item. Beautiful.
Wandering Minds fashion
Magnifique exposition au MET! Quelle chance d’avoir pu faire des photos…
Joli!! Une expo que tu es allée voir?
I’ve just been there yesterday and crying over how beautiful everything is! Did you have to sign up for a special pass or something to take photographs
i loved the prada/schiaparelli show at the met!
i still absolutely must go to see this show. it looks fantastic.
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/
Beautiful colors, the light makes the shoes look like they’re going to a red carpet event for shoes, who needs a gown when you wear shoes like these?
Those look incredible!
Love the ones with flowers ! They look like Miu Miu’s
I love this picture!!
This is a must see for sure!
this was a gorgeous exhibit – do you think they would have been good friends?
I love this picture. It sounds like a David Lynch’ s’atmosphere: beautiful and intriguing.
Toujours un vrai régal ce blog. Le post d’hier m’a donné des envies je suis allée acheter une chemise ce matin.
Great shoes!
Yes, it is totally inspiring…….shoes that are works or ART! Even though i’ll never wear the ones that resemble a peacock.
For chic casual/athletic wear, exquisite lingerie, 100% mineral makeup/skincare please visit http://www.intrigueimports.com
life & style blog at http://intrigueimports.wordpress.com
Selfridges window? Great colors and shadows.
Cette exposition au MET est une source d’inspiration à elle toute seule.
great show..i mean shoe lol
Ah ! Les indispensables accessoires ! On peut changer n’importe quelle tenue avec des accessoires differents, c’est pour cela qu’il nous faut tant de chaussures, bijoux, echarpes, sacs, etc….
Awesome job, that of yours, you get to photograph what the general public can’t! Great ,Nice shoot.
Le retour de Elsa Schiaparelli, place Vendôme ! LOVE
Really great inspiration!
J’adore celles de gauche!
Gaby Lang,
Aaaaaaah! Je croyais que les photos pour l’expo Prada/Shiparelli n’étaient pas acceptées! Beau shot anyway!
Pareil ! Je me suis fait tancer alors que je photographiais le panneau à l’entrée de l’exposition … J’ai adoré cette exposition, très bien organisée et documentée.
That was such a great exhibition. It goes to show what can be done if fashion is intelligently curated.
Even the shadows are beautiful! Love this!
Beautiful! SO lovely to meet you @ Kate Spade Covent Garden. X
looks incredible
Miuccia Prada is maybe the most influential woman in fashion, maybe she’s not “creating” something new but her unique vision (she takes the past into the present with her collections and amuse us like if we were presenting a total brand new thing) gives the world more reasons to love and respect fashion. She’s what Madame Vionnet or Coco Chanel was last century.
Superbe !
Incroyable, je les veux toutes !!!
Sublime !!
Des Oiseaux de plumes, de tissus et de perles perchés dans une vitrine.
Pure art!
J’ai adoré cette expo au musée du met :-)
Un beau souvenir de mon séjour new yorkais.
Wish I could go!!! J’habite trop loin…
Love those heels!
Hello Garance
J’en rêvais et tu l’a fais , merci pour cette photo. Que j’aimerais voir cette expo……
Chuis un peu accros à le shoes !!!!! Et ouais……..
Mityque Garance! J’ai visite la même expo la semaine dernière et j’ai fait plein de photo en cachette! Super expo, Je suis fière d’être italienne.