Weekend Inspiration #27
12 years ago by Garance Doré
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Une image qui représente pile mon humeur du jour. Lecture au calme et repos ;)
Merci Garance pour ces petits clins d’oeil du weekend! T’es présente 7j/7j pour notre plus grand plaisir (ouaip je réalise que cette phrase est trés égoiste). Personne t’en voudra si tu décroches un peu pour les vacances! :) xx
It’s what I’m doing ! Reading.
who is packing his/her books now? just love it… much more calm than all the colourful covers the books have.
have a lovely sunday, k
I loved covering my textbooks as a schoolgirl. Why is it that Capote and Nabokov are exposed? Hmm..
Cacher ce livre que je ne saurais lire ? (bizarre)
Love the image! I used to do that to my books all the time, but not so much anymore. I’ve recently started doing a lot of reading again and I loved finding out that my local bookstore was doing clearance on some pretty interesting books.
YEAH, pas d’emballage pour how Proust can change your life !
In the embassy school I used to attend, we always had to cover our books with brown paper. I actually used to love doing that. Thanks for bringing back a nice memory. :)
~Natasha Fatah~
~Natasha Fatah~
the spots of color are absolutely wonderful! i love the pink one.
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/
That used to be so fun when I did it for school! Cover and then bedazzle :)
xoxo Sarah
I think it’s a little strange to be honest. yes, it brings back old school memories, but really it just makes me think they have all these titles they’d be embarassed for people to see. Like, what ARE those books they’re hiding?
In cold blood : Un de mes livres preferes a lire en anglais, of course.
Quant aux livres recouverts, ceci me rappelle ma petite enfance ou nous devions tout recouvrir, y compris les cahiers, de couleurs differentes et apposer une etiquette avec nos coordonnees. Nous avions egalement un uniforme, meme en ecole publique. C’est bien loin……..
thank god, some real books for a change
Recently I struggle to read books umming and ahhing over which one to read from my bookshelf- maybe I should cover them all and pick randomly!
On another note I have some well read books by me all my sisters over the past decade and the covers are terrible & falling apart, I can’t bear to throw away and repurchase new copies.
I should cover those books! Thanks for the inspiration Garance! X
Ben pourquoi couvrir les livres? Il faut les habiller eux aussi? Je les préfère tout nus, ils st plus généreux comme ça (comme les pompiers…..oups ;-)!)
j’aime l’idée de recouvrir de papier, un ça donne une touche deco ecolo à la bibliotheque, et deux on a toujours une surprise quand on prend un bouquin!
Quoi de mieux qu’un bon livre ? On atteint la plénitude sans bouger de chez soi…
Love it!
If you are into book shelfs… you should have a look at the site bookshelfporn.com!!
Oh, this is a true inspiration! In many ways.
Hmm don’t like the brown paper
fashion & lifestyle in BElgium
Esthetiquement c’est chouette mais j’ai l’impression que l’on a cache les couvertures comme si il y avait quelque chose de honteux dessus. Ça me fait un peu mal au coeur pour ces livres, on dirait des femmes en burkha presque.
Excellent taste in reading material from what I can see and that may be the point. The others are not for prying eyes for whatever reason the owner has or maybe just for aesthetic reasons, who know. Cheeky brown covers (dirty material?), I might use more colorful ones.
Voilà qui donne envie de bouquiner :)
I like this picture!!!
C’est la photo d’une bibliothèque dont le propriétaire des livres en prend tellement soin qu’il les recouvre de papier pour les protéger pendant leur transport.
Wow, ça a l’air mystérieux, j’imagine que cette personne n’a plus besoin de voir le titre du livre. Elle sait selon la largeur, l’épaisseur et la hauteur du bouquin emballé de quel titre il s’agit. Est-ce l’âge qui est derrière cette maîtrise ou la passion pour les livres? Ou les deux :)
I love the way this looks, but I think if I did it to my books I would have a hard time finding what I’m looking for!
ah ils semblent intéressants les livres marrons ;-)
I want to know which are the packed ones :))) because from the books that i can see all of them are maybe the best for reading
Two of my favorite authors – Capote and Philip Roth!
Garance is this your biblioteque? I love covered books. I use Trader Joe’s paper bags (inside out) to cover them. Highly durable plus it lends an air of mystery to my library. For splashes of color, once in a blue moon, I treat myself to handmade colorful paper. Incredible the number of people to make a beeline to my bookshelf. Glad to see I am not the only one. Take that electronic readers!
Great bookshelf!
very cool photo Garance. Haven’t done that since high school days;D Stop by and read about the TWO HITCHHIKERS I picked up…yikes! http://lisapetrarca.blogspot.com/2012/07/we-picked-up-two-hitchhikers-last-night.html
This brings back memories for people? How strange… I’ve never seen such a thing!
an interesting idea!
Ha, ha, lorsque j’ai rencontré mon conjoint, j’ai admiré sa bibliothèque, tous les livres y étaient soigneusement recouverts d’un papier écru. C’était il y a douze ans…
Je suis une lectrice compulsive et ça ne me viendrait pas à l’idée de couvrir mes livres !
Le possesseur de cette bibliothèque doit avoir honte de ses goûts ou ne considérer ses livres que comme un objet de déco.
Bref, joli, mais pas pour moi.
Merci Garance pour ces inspirations qui créent le débats…
That is what I should do with all my books from college! So mellow and inviting, just like reading should be. Well, sometimes.
Nice pict!
Almu (Spain)
Ben quels sont les livres couverts ?
I know someone who arranges his books by the colour of the spines, which looks very good but I don’t know how he finds anything. I do mind ugly colours (penguin had a long phase of orange which I disliked and I was shallow enough to replace some favourite books when th new edition was a lovely acqua) and have my bookshelves in the corridor of my flat so the colours of the rooms aren’t compromised. I do still love real tangible books though.
Parfait pour les gens qui n’ont pas besoin de lire leurs livres.
Tant de livres, si peu de temps!
j’adore la photo!
a really good idea to reformat his books anonymously. and so cheap and minimalistic
The look of this bookshelf must be very chic and minimalist, but I think it would be very impractical. You can’t read any of the titles!
mia zia lo faceva nel dopoguerra, nel 1950, copriva i libri con la carta per non rovinarli…ora sembra un vezzo
truman capote love!
This reminds me of a photo I recently saw with all the book spines facing in so the viewer only saw the ends of the books. It created a lovely muted neutral along a bedroom wall. Perhaps best done with those books you don’t need to find in a hurry!
I would hate to have to look for a particular book. These books are merely DECOR, an idea I dislike. If you add the titles and nicer paper, then I would change my mind.
Ha, I bet you left all the Nabokov’s and Capote’s out and wrapped away the E.L. James’ and Stephenie Meyer’s of the shelf. A bit suspicious though that 80% of your shelf is wrapped away ;)
Write the titles on spine.
Lovely! Now I want to cover all my books in white and bleumarin wrapping paper :)
je suis un peu agée. quand j’étais en classe dans les années 60 (au Québec) on nous obligeait a recouvrir ainsi de papier brun tous nos volumes scolaires. et c’était d’une tristesse……