love the swimsuit hanging to dry…..brings u right there……Lisa Marie great designer….for me to much coverage….unless u go topless….and wear the top to leave….Italy is not really into topless like the French!
Now THAT’S a fabric of suit I haven’t seen in a long, long time. I remember when I was little, having a bitty little one piece of similar construction. (Funny how one image can trigger memories of times I haven’t thought about in ages!)
Wow beautiful picture, but what I like in your blog is that you mix street style and still life photography. It’s a very nice evolution! and overall well done and very inspiring!
Wow jolie photo, mais ce que j’aime dans ton blog c’est que tu mélange le street style et le still life. C’est une belle evoultion et surtout bien fait, et c’est tout autant inspirant.
Cette photo me fait penser a un cabanon au bord de la mer, vie simple et en accord parfait avec la nature, les cigales chantent en arriere plan, dans la pinede…..
Je soupire d’aise……
Garance, i am going to share this and i dont know why because i dont know if you will get this message, but, here. My family is from the island of sicily, very much like corsica. So beauTiful, so so beautiful, i live in states a nd travel to sicily when ever possible to see family, my beautiful aunt just pass away and i tried all night to get there from new york! It was so hard to get non stop flight at so little notice, flights were astronomical $$$$$. Process of funeral and burial are very different than US as you must know. She was put to rest in two days, i never made it to see her for last time. You must be thinking , “what is the point?”. I mean to say , go home whenever you have chance and enjoy evry moment possible, even the bad moments because at least those moments are time spent together. The last time i saw my family there was almost two years before , too long. Although we speak on the phone of course you know , not Quite the same. So go home always and enjoy all the time you can with your family and the beautiful island you come from. Now i feel better.
Great picture and absolutely L-O-V-E Lisa Marie’s swimsuits…which I discovered on this very same blog…and I am now the proud owner of an AMAZING Leigh Black 1 piece. I absolutely love it – so thank you for the top ;)
PS- I noticed there is a swimsuit called Garance – would this be you? probably yes ;)
bisous bisous
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Beautiful picture! Either someone is skinny dipping or hasn’t changed yet :)
The White Studio
THOMAS SABO giveaway
love the swimsuit hanging to dry…..brings u right there……Lisa Marie great designer….for me to much coverage….unless u go topless….and wear the top to leave….Italy is not really into topless like the French!
Ah! I wish I was in such a paradisiac place… but it’s 3 weeks more for me at the city. Wishing for the beach, though!
Nice picture ! Very inspiring to remind us to take a breath !
Cute this striped swimsuit “gaufrette”.
Enjoy your naurical weekend Garance!
A dream
x Peter @ http://low–
Superbe Jolie!!
funny! It supplied a photo? Your brevity and brightness are fantastic!
when I’ve seen this picture I thought with Jean Seberg at “bonjour tristesse”
kisses from Barcelona!
lovely sute … very patriotic colours! ahah
The minimalism of this shot is wonderful. There is so little and yet it says so much.
Sous la pluie à Paris alors qu’on est quand même en été … cette photo fait rêver !
Super charming!
~Natasha Fatah~
~Natasha Fatah~
Love it!
Digne d’une carte postale cette jolie photo! :)
Now THAT’S a fabric of suit I haven’t seen in a long, long time. I remember when I was little, having a bitty little one piece of similar construction. (Funny how one image can trigger memories of times I haven’t thought about in ages!)
love it!!
C’est celui-là que je veux!!!
Evocative and fun! There is a mystery to this photo…a story. Lovely.
I’m addicted to your blog. Wonderfull!
Wishes from Italy
Fashion is the new blog
Wow beautiful picture, but what I like in your blog is that you mix street style and still life photography. It’s a very nice evolution! and overall well done and very inspiring!
Wow jolie photo, mais ce que j’aime dans ton blog c’est que tu mélange le street style et le still life. C’est une belle evoultion et surtout bien fait, et c’est tout autant inspirant.
J’adore !
I want to go on holiday right now!!!
Love the swimsuit!
je regarde la pluie par la fenêtre et je me dis que cette photo fait rêver ..
hâte de partir en vacances !!
Cette photo me fait penser a un cabanon au bord de la mer, vie simple et en accord parfait avec la nature, les cigales chantent en arriere plan, dans la pinede…..
Je soupire d’aise……
Beautiful simple shot! Love the top!
There is no place like home! Good for you ,enjoy. Family and home are everything
Garance, i am going to share this and i dont know why because i dont know if you will get this message, but, here. My family is from the island of sicily, very much like corsica. So beauTiful, so so beautiful, i live in states a nd travel to sicily when ever possible to see family, my beautiful aunt just pass away and i tried all night to get there from new york! It was so hard to get non stop flight at so little notice, flights were astronomical $$$$$. Process of funeral and burial are very different than US as you must know. She was put to rest in two days, i never made it to see her for last time. You must be thinking , “what is the point?”. I mean to say , go home whenever you have chance and enjoy evry moment possible, even the bad moments because at least those moments are time spent together. The last time i saw my family there was almost two years before , too long. Although we speak on the phone of course you know , not Quite the same. So go home always and enjoy all the time you can with your family and the beautiful island you come from. Now i feel better.
splendid shot!!! you take the best photographs!!!
I love the sea. Beach, sun and swimming. What could be more wonderful?! ))
J’adore et demain c’est moi qui me glisse dedans!!!! Direction la Tunisie avec mon fils pour des vacances bien méritées!!
C’est une bonne inspiration pour le week-end ! ça fait rêver vu le temps qu’il fait à Paris !!
I love this photo! And look at the colour of that sea! So beautiful. x
Kate {Modette}
on a tous envie de se baigner face a cette photo, surtout moi et sans maillot !
great picture! love this color!
baci from Milan
Great picture and absolutely L-O-V-E Lisa Marie’s swimsuits…which I discovered on this very same blog…and I am now the proud owner of an AMAZING Leigh Black 1 piece. I absolutely love it – so thank you for the top ;)
PS- I noticed there is a swimsuit called Garance – would this be you? probably yes ;)
bisous bisous
great suit! i absolutely love. such wonderful colors :)
Vivement le soleil !!!
Ici, c’est encore vent et pluie…
Gorgeous image! The color is beautiful.
Entre cette jolie photo et les trombes d’eau parisiennes il y a tout un monde!
Passe de belles vacances en Corse Garance!
Thanks god am off to the beach too… otherwise, might have just close my laptop and cry!! Happy weekend everyone!
superbe !
beautiful picture!!
Amazing picture ! Love it !
J’adore la photo!