je trouve aussi que c’est très zen comme ambiance. J’aime beaucoup, ce n’est pas surchargé. Et il y a des détails (les petits détails) qui font toute la différence! C’est minimaliste mais hors du commun.
I’m going out to buy some tulips now! White are my favotire!!
I’m in love with your photography as always Garance. You and Scott have inspired me to be more active in photography so I’m hosting a photography retreat in the South of France. Maybe some of your readers would like to join me? Cheers.
I just visited Puerto Escondido, oaxaca and bumped into this little shack (studio) with exactly the same kind of furniture you are posting(table). Amazing, beautiful, cheap. I cant believe what I saw. They would be worth a lot in the US. Made from a local tree called parota,. Pics on my blog. Tell me if you need info.
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Aussi zen qu’inspiré, son intérieur a tout du minimalisme éclairé.
je trouve aussi que c’est très zen comme ambiance. J’aime beaucoup, ce n’est pas surchargé. Et il y a des détails (les petits détails) qui font toute la différence! C’est minimaliste mais hors du commun.
Le monde des petites
that log table is so primitive and basic. nais! :)
I love the table and the vase of flowers, both combine perfectly with the beautiful carpet!
Oo, that looks like a so nice place and thet table is perfect. Nice inspiration. I hope you have a great weekend.
that wooden side table is magnificent!! I always adore all of your weekend inspiration photos, Garance. Wonderful!
Well that is one fabulous side table! xxx
That’s beaufitul! This small table is perfect!
Fresh tulips, I love it!
Rien de plus joli qu’un bouquet de tulipes blanches. Cet intérieur semble magnifique.
Un intérieur cosy comme je les aime
Le bois apporte une touche de profondeur et d’authenticité, c’est raffiné !
cocooning sunday!
Ces fauteuils! ils sont magnifiques!
I love tulips! And the white ones are my favorite from now on I decided :D Great photo, Garance!
Me encanta ,tan natural ! la alfombra marroqui es de mis favoritas .
Un beso .
Tout est doux, même le cuir des accoudoirs !
Great inspiration!
love the whole vibe
Everything is nice. Love the small piece of room
I’m going out to buy some tulips now! White are my favotire!!
I’m in love with your photography as always Garance. You and Scott have inspired me to be more active in photography so I’m hosting a photography retreat in the South of France. Maybe some of your readers would like to join me? Cheers.
Nice photo, great inspiration!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
I love the wood table, it looks like a piece of the forest in the middle of the living-room: it looks natural, and peaceful :)
New on my blog:
Faux fur: Head Band + Fingerless Gloves
Bisous bisous!!!
lovely pict!
Hello Hello,
I love it !
À bientôt, Laëti
I just visited Puerto Escondido, oaxaca and bumped into this little shack (studio) with exactly the same kind of furniture you are posting(table). Amazing, beautiful, cheap. I cant believe what I saw. They would be worth a lot in the US. Made from a local tree called parota,. Pics on my blog. Tell me if you need info.
Hi – do you still have the contact info for this table? I’ve been searching for this piece and would love to track it down.