The World of Armani
8 years ago by
Erik Melvin
When you step into the world of Armani, it’s kind of like entering a parallel universe of perfection.
When I arrived, I’d come straight from my JFK – Milano-Malpensa flight, with messy hair and rumpled clothes, so when I set foot in the lobby of the Armani hotel, on the 7th floor with a panoramic view of the rooftops of Milan, something in me changed. I suddenly carried myself a bit straighter. Here, everything was sublime, soft, subtle.
It was still early, and I was starving, so I decided to go have breakfast. I was led to the Armani restaurant, and there again, it was sweet perfection from floor to ceiling. You can see Giorgio Armani’s hand in even the smallest details, from the sugar pressed with the letter A to the floral arrangements done with the immediately recognizable Armani touch.
I admit I was a bit emotionally fatigued that day, so suddenly landing in this world did me a lot of good. The attention given to harmonizing everything immediately made me want to take better care of myself and others. I decided to go for a run to give me a little boost and help me feel less drowsy.

A few hours later, we were at Armani / Silos, a space in central Milan where Mr. Armani’s creations are displayed. The curation of the exhibit fits Armani perfectly. The clothes are organized by theme and by color rather than being displayed in chronological order. You have to get up close to them to see the date they were created, otherwise you’d never be able to guess. It’s completely and incredibly timeless.
Celebrities who have worn the dresses are not even mentioned, except for on the archive floor, where with a swipe of your hand, you can explore the entire history of each dress.
There again, I found something comforting in the obsession with harmony and simplicity. It feels like something solid, which is refreshing at a time when fashion is going a little bit in every direction.

After a brief chat at the café with the director of Silos, I went back to the hotel to work, then ended my day at the spa, where I had a lovely time perched on the top floor of the hotel. But as you might expect, disorganized as I am, I had forgotten my swimming suit, otherwise I would have dove straight into the pool.
There’s something really interesting about this world, a real parallel between fashion and lifestyle, and it’s that instant effect they can have on your mood and change your day for the better. It’s something I believe in more and more – experiencing fashion, experiencing “luxury” – that word we use so often, goes far beyond clothing. Thanks to the time I spent in the world of Armani, I feel like I have a better understanding of the creator, the man, and his message.
And the incredibly peaceful and timeless beauty of his world.
Translated by Andrea Perdue

Armani, pure class..
i agree. and it’s admirable how he stuck to his guns and has always done his thing exclusively! :)
Wow looks like heaven there :)
It’s so amazing. Just look at how every single item drapes beautifully. That’s his signature, after all.
And the setting! I feel calm having just looked at the photos; I can only imagine how you must have felt!
How in the world did you ever decide what to wear? You look adorable, but how did you choose it?
Tout d’abord les photos sont magnifiques et transposent cette sensation de calme et sérénité.
Je dois dire que pour moi le luxe c’est exactement ce que tu décris. Bien plus qu’un objet ou un nom qui “brille” c’est un monde à part qui reflète entièrement l’adn de la marque. Ces dernières années nous avons un peu perdu cette part de rêve. Pourtant c’est l’essence même du luxe.
Amélie – Charles Ray and Coco
Le reportage et les photos sont magnifiques, le monde de Mr Armani fait de “simplicite et d’harmonie” represente le luxe, l’elegance et m’a toujours fascinee.
Je reviens sur les photos qui, au fil des reportages, m’a fait decouvrir un artiste sensible et talentueux. Bravo Erik !
Merci beaucoup Sevan!! :)
what a calm atmosphere… and what lovely perforated sneakers! where dit you get those?
Hi Garance! Great post and beautiful hotel indeed! I love your red pants and the whole outfit! I know you complain about your hair but it looks so messy-cool and is amazing as it is growing out!!!! It is a great “look” in itself! Enjoy Milan!
Beautiful photos. I especially like the one where you are shooting right around the corner to peek in on the suit on display.
What a beautiful article. The photos express the elegance and peacefulness of Armani so well. Amazing piece. xx
Les photos sont magnifiques!
C’est le luxe qui nous fait rêver, loin de la mode à “usage unique” que nous voyons trop souvent… !
Sublimes photos, on voyage et j’ai tout de suite envie d’aller à Milan. L’univers d’Armani est vraiment bluffant, quelle élégance.
So beautiful!
Just reading this post and looking at the amazing images was relaxing and helped me calm down from a very long and stressful week. I can not thank the GD Team enough for being so generous with what you have access to and touching all of us every day. Merci beaucoup!!!
Off topic: I really appreciate you have not given in to the huge brow trend. It is refreshing to see natural eyebrows–also in Armani interiors :)
I like the Armani restaurant (breakfast) details. it is interesting with the marble separators, they did not put in any booth seating, mostly chairs and tables. the chairs remind me of art deco, which I love. also just the classical but modern feel of the floor pattern and materials.
the chaise style seats in the spa are a beautiful shape.
also the details of the tea bags. even to that detail it’s a bit luxurious but fitting his brand. I imagine when you are in this beautiful space with finely thought out details, that it also makes you feel beautiful as an extension of the environment.
J’adore les photos de cet aticle ! En particulier la première!
Cet hotel et cet univers semble sortir tout droit d’un film de David Lynch..
Amazing staff…
so original , thanks !!
Sublimes baskets : Armani ?
Les photos sont superbes!
Hi Garnce…I just have to ask…where can I get those awesome white sneakers in the post??! I.Love.Them. :)
Hope you’re well. Your hair is looking great – don’t worry about it so much…growing it out for your fiance is the most romantic gesture. xxx
J’aime beaucoup cet article. Je me suis envolée dans un rêve…..Merci pour le partage Garance
Amazing <3
Hi G, I know you’re struggling with decisions about your hair, but if this helps, you look much younger with very short hair. No doubt about it. And incredibly more stylish. Gxxx
I totally agree with you… Though Garancé you still look really pretty but short hair were kinda your thing
Much love dear…
you look lovely on the outfit!! white shirt, red pants, greyish blue flowy trench coat on crispy white sneakers and the lilac handbag!! cute yet smart look!!
Oh you’re so lucky experiencing Armani in all its glory. This review was well written, not overdressed and not underdressed, you added the right drop of detail in each sentence – just like Giorgio.
Ce post est-il sponsorisé? Le cas échéant, il serait judicieux et honnête de le mentionner. Superbes photos!
Hi Noon,
Yes, the post was produced in partnership with Armani! We’ve added a feature on the site where you’ll see a sentence that says “In Partnership with X” along with the post credits for any partnership posts! Hopefully this will make it super easy and clear to see what content we’ve done in conjunction with brands. Thanks so much!
x Emily
Je ne connaissais pas trop cette marque-là, juste de nom.
Cette simplicité est agréable à voir, et j’aime tout particulièrement les motifs graphiques noir&blanc de certaines tenues. Ça fait moderne, sans être trop déstructuré (même si j’affectionne beaucoup des lignes folles et innovantes sur de nouvelles créations!)