
11 years ago by

As some of you have noticed in my videos, I’m crazy about coats. I think I like them even more than bags and shoes. Plus they kind of have a skinnying effect so if your boyfriend jeans are starting to fit you or if you’re not up to date on your Jillian Michaels, get out a nice coat and everything is forgiven. Well don’t go as far as wearing it in bed, but…

Now the thing is that the temperature is going up (it was so hot in New York yesterday!) and I feel kind of naked without my coats on.
But the other thing is that the springtime trend is light coats, oh yeah!

(What? Were all the designers inspired by my videos or something?)(Bahahaha)

So here I am jumping head first into this spring trend.

I totally fell in love with Keisha’s jacket here, a most sublime Zara (So cool that I believe they are out of stock) but anyway, it would be a little too long for me. And here are some others that I’m just dying for….

Yeah, don’t get your hopes up though. This one by Dries Van Noten is pretty much sold out everywhere you check (Unless you know something I don’t?) but I love the other ones as well.

Anyway… Which one do you like best?

Keisha is wearing this Zara coat, and awesome shorts from OAK. The other coats are Rochas, Miu Miu, Jil Sander and Topshop!


Add yours
  • A great idea for these Spring days when sun and rain alternate so much.. :)

  • OMG the shorts are A-MA-ZING! And the lightinng of the photo… Very well done G!
    Paris-NYC Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Facebook Page
    Xoxo Cory

  • she looks faultless. but not uptight and uncomfortable. i like her! :)

  • All of these coats are stunning. I think when you live in a cold climate like New York you have to have a lot of coats because it really becomes such an important part of your wardrobe. It becomes part of your daily outfit. I grew up in Canada and you really need a ton of coats because it is so cold most of the year, I now live in NYC and it’s the same thing.
    I am on the hunt as well for a great spring jacket, maybe one of these will be the one.
    xo Quinn

    Quinn Cooper Style

  • Magnifique photo Garance : je ne sais pas si tu es la styliste mais tu es certainement la photographe de ce fabuleux effet miroir que l’on voit à gauche de l’image, où on distingue tout d’abord le pâle reflet de cette jeune fille puis les voitures…
    Tout un monde et un univers en si peu de choses…
    Que tu es talentueuse Garance !
    Surtout ne changes rien : ni les photos, ni les manteaux !

  • Je m’étais déjà fait cette réflexion sur les designers qui s’inspirent de tes vidéos (Bahahaha)
    Pour ma part je vais déjà essayer de mettre toutes veste d’entre saison, ou plutôt je vais profiter de l’entre saison pour ramener mes vestes à la maison, après les avoir portées tout l’hiver à l’atelier.

  • I like the Jil Sander best as I think it’s the most versatile.

  • I am totally crazy for coats too. I need to pay attention to me not only to buy coats. Let’s go shopping for some light coats. Garance let’s meet at Zara! ;-))

  • Mon préféré c’est celui de la photo :D Sa tenue est géniale, blanc et argenté ça marche vraiment bien!

  • I’m a big fan of coats too and my favourite style is the miu miu coat!!

    DIY on my blog…

  • I like Springtime coats because they give me more time to work out until I can show off my arms :3

  • love the idea of a spring coat and these are beautiful but it is not needed in South Florida :(


  • Miu Miu, but I’m not really sure about this. In spring I prefer to wear light manlike jackets. Blazers are my favorte item in every season, as coats are for you!

  • Garance I am like you, I love coats and I tend to buy two every winter. I also like all the coats on the collage and all the ones you wear. mx

  • The Rochas looks really summery!

  • love this white coat so much! almu

  • Garance, winter in Melbourne, Australia is just coming up and you have inspired me to get into the large coats. At the moment I’m in the search for a red one!
    So your truly my fashion inspiration. x C

  • Photo magnifique ! J ai un manteau d été qui dâte de …. 1940 a peux pres ! En faîte c est un “protege poussiere”! Au Portugal dans les maisons bourgeoises on utilisait des especes de manteaux en lin pour faite le ménage / poussiere. Ils sont magnifiques ! J ai pu en garder un ! Je l adore ! Je le porte encore aujourd hui!

  • can I just say…..your site just makes me so happy.

  • I’m so glad you posted this- I’m looking for a coat and wasn’t sure what style to buy because there are so many looks on the runway.
    I love that the coat in the picture really elevates her whole outfit. What a great photo, too, as always.

  • J’adore les manteux Zara! Et je suis d’accord, ils sont super pour le look ‘slim’ – merveilleux!xx

  • love you…love your site…love the miu miu coat!!! thanks for all the smiles you give so many of us XOXOXO

  • I love the Rochas and the Topshop coats. They’re fun, subtle and springy-colored. I’m the opposite, not a coat girl, but I do enjoy people that wear coats like it’s part of their everyday look.


  • je ne savais pas qu’on pouvait associer Zara à “sublime” ;-)

  • J’adore le Jill Sander ! Très masculin mais classe ! Il doit sûrement donner un effet “habillé” à toutes les tenues, y compris jean/basket

  • J’ai toujours porté des manteaux légers ! Yeapee je suis super à la mode !

  • I’m in love with that cream Zara coat! Impulse eBay purchase, here I come :)

  • Ah, encore un poste télépathique !
    Je suis sceptique quant au port du manteau d’été lorsqu’il commence à faire chaud. Ca fait un peu “cache popotin”. Donc, difficile de se sentir sexy dans ce genre de vêtement une fois les beaux jours installés. Non, franchement, Garance, tu imagines les Cariocas porter un manteau, même d’été ?
    Je crois qu’il faut réserver ce genre de pièce pour quand on est une vieille dame très chic et toujours très fashion (comme Costanza).
    J’ai deux manteaux d’été. Un Prada tout brodé, de l’été 2003. Il est somptueux, mais ne peut être porté que le soir.
    J’en ai un autre, un Marni, en lin, à manches courtes de forme ovoïde. Intemporel. Mais, extrêmement difficile à porter, car très léger. Donc, quand il fait beau, je n’ai pas envie de m’envelopper dans de l’oversized. Et quand il pleut, je grelotte dedans.
    Donc, le manteau d’été, ce n’est pas l’idéal. Sauf à vouloir dissimuler sa silhouette. Mais je reconnais que dans un tel cas, c’est vraiment très élégant.

  • Moi je voulais m’acheter un manteau blanc … mais je viens de lire dans “la femme parfaite est une connasse” que c’était interdit ahah

  • This photograph is BEAUTIFUL. Since my homepage is your blog, it was the first image I saw, today, from the world. I instantly thought, “I could definitely look at that every day.” I love a lot of white in art, with little bits of green or blue, yellow or gold, AND a little bit of pink. That is my formula. I am hard-wired to love that exact formula, however it appears, in art (or the world). Your faded beach photo is another one that I love. And the mood! When stories live in the photo.

  • Coucou.

    Moi j’en ai trouve un l’année dernière sur la redoute.
    J’achète rarement chez eux mais la!!! Il. A avec tout.
    J’ai trouve mon bonheur après de multiples recherches chez Marant, maje etc…
    Il ressemble beaucoup au zara blanc sauf qu’il est plus court et de couleur caramel.
    Je ladoooore.
    À bientôt.

  • Love the coats – but I also wanna know where Keisha’s amazing sandals are from? Anyone know? Thanks a million! X

  • I’m also a big fan of coats and when it’s too hot I replace them with a blazer. My favorite is the Rochas one.

  • Love that long coat in the photo!

  • stephanie April, 18 2013, 12:11 / Reply

    rochas and miumiu – I like the most!!

  • I’m loving the Miu Miu

    If only I could afford it. Any leads on cheaper picks?

  • I get around in a scooter so no spring coats for me.
    The best thing about the coats you showed me is that I prefer the cheap ones!! Zara and Topshop.

  • Jane with the noisy terrier April, 18 2013, 12:28 / Reply

    Oh, do I have a coat you’d just love. Several seasons old Dries, cotton slouchy coat in a neutral tau pry gray, ho hum, but here’s the kicker. The belt and collar are thick with white sequins and beading. It’s one of those forever pieces that I’ll never give up. Hey, that would be a great post! What are your (3? 5? 10?) forever pieces that you’ll always love?

  • Aaah joli brin de fille, et jolie photo, j’aime beaucoup.

    Quand aux manteaux, j’ai un faible pour Rochas :)


  • I want to know about the sandals too!!!!

  • I´d pick the Jil Sander :=) What a lovely coat. xoxo KJ

  • Elle est magnifique cette fille, quelle allure…

  • You interviewed a lovely older Brazilian (?) fashion editor and I remember she said that the key as one got older was to always wear a coat… hers was a light “duster” type. As I am in the “getting older” category I’ve been looking for them… I got a fabulous cashmere duster on sale but I don’t quite know how to wear it yet. More on light coats!!! Gorgeous photo BTW.

  • Miumiu !!! il est superbe !

  • Kristen April, 18 2013, 1:22 / Reply

    Please tell me where these shorts are from, they are glorious!

  • Bénédicte April, 18 2013, 1:31 / Reply

    Je viens d’en voir un superbe chez Sessun. Et j’en ai un, adoré, de chez Naja Lauf, une marque danoise (je crois), léger, manches 3/4, parfait.

  • I love a beautiful spring coat but I just can’t get myself to buy that one amazing spring coat. The thing is, I have an old coat I wear during my walk with the dogs but when it comes to a pretty spring coat. I don’t really wear them. I always pick a denim jacket or blazer and at the end of the day I just feel like it’s unnecessary to buy…xx

  • J’ai beau adorer les manteaux, je n’ai pas du tous les mêmes envies quand le beau temps arrive! Je ne rêve que de petite veste ou de ne sortir qu’en t-shirt et short! C’est aussi comme ça que je suis ravie de revoir arriver le froid pour ressortir mes beaux manteaux! Pas vous?


  • Cette photo est magnifique, avec un superbe modèle !

    C’est vrai que le manteau est très beau, j’espère qu’il en restera à Zara.

  • J’adore egalement les manteaux, ca finit bien une silhouette. J’aime beaucoup le Jill Sander mais il est un peu cher…
    Merci pour tous tes posts que je trouve toujours interessant et parfois vraiment drole.
    Carry on.

  • That Jil Sander looks perfect. Have a nice day.

  • J’aime tout ce qui est porte sur la photo : couleurs, proportions et accessoires, tout est parfait.
    Quant a la jeune femme……..Ravissante !

  • ah ouiiiii les sandales s’il vous plaiiiii t!! elles sont top !

  • Garance, is possible you get the info where are this gorgeous flat sandals from? :-)

  • Ton post tombe pile sur ma semaine d’obsession pour les manteaux de printemps ! je n’ai que ça en tête mais je sais pas pour quelle couleur opter, vu que c’est le printemps on voudrait pas retomber dans les noirs, marines, et gris d’hiver… Le blanc il faut oser! why not!

  • Garance,
    Would you pretty please tell us what sandals is Keisha wearing? Oh, I love them.

    By the way, I love your new short hair.

    Warm regards from cold (yes, still) Canada!

  • I just saw your new haircut!!!!
    You look amazing!!!
    Well done for the change…

    PS: Sorry for the late comment-I missed your page for 3 days :((

  • c est vrai que les manteaux d’été , c’est super, je m’en fais un en général tous les ans (celui de cette année ressemble à celui de Dries) mais il y a aussi les manteaux inter saison sans manche qui sont super à porter quand il fait une quinzaine de degré. j’ai aussi craqué sur le manteau Zara et avec l’argenté il est super, surtout peut-être grâce à ton talent de photographe.

  • Ce style est parfait et la fille aussi ! tous les éléments de cette tenue sont topissimes !

  • Quelle élégance nonchalante!! Magnifique!! avec un eje ne sais quoi de triste dans le regard. PHOTO SUBLIME! Merci Garance

  • this look reminded me of Taylor Tomasi Hill’s sleeveless trench:

    (thank goodness your blog is very well indexed and easy to search)

    I like to be an audience to this look but don’t think it would suit me (very petite frame). I like to see it on taller women though. it is an unexpected look and seems a little more spontaneous. have to add, being in Los Angeles, we don’t wear coats very often. even trenches seem a bit heavy.

  • Shade of Red April, 18 2013, 5:19 / Reply

    Great mix of high-end and high-street brands, love it!

  • Un manteau léger, c’est vraiment ce que je cherche en ce mmt! J’aime bien le Zara mais je pense trop long pour moi et j’aime aussi le Rochas à pois!!!Biz

  • I love how you use your illustrator abilities for all you do…

    Your blog is always so nice and clean!

    Yes, i LOVE coats too!! I hate traveling with them though since they are super heavy…

    take care Garance!

  • Such a beautiful photo Garance!

  • Martine April, 18 2013, 7:13 / Reply

    I like it. But the shorts look super weird, like she is pulling them low, the way we used to do about five years ago when low waisted things were all the rage. Its funny!!! OMG! Pull up your shorts!

  • I have the same shorts. They just fit like that. Plus if you pull them up, your lady area looks like a spaceship. Not that I know.

  • Omg! The sandals!..

  • ….and the winner is ……!!!???? the Zara coat ! Stunning, makes you want to watch their website night and day :P

  • Belinda April, 19 2013, 2:47 / Reply

    My comment is not about the coats, though I love the Dries one, but your photograph. I really like it. I love how Keisha is in focus yet all around her everything is soft and out of focus. But what really makes this shot amazing is her reflection in the glass of the bus stop. Truly wonderful.

  • Je suis complétement pour!! Bravo Garance, ton blog je l’adore!!

  • Stephanie April, 19 2013, 3:40 / Reply

    I really like the one from Jil Sander and the one from Unique!!! I love coats too Garance!!! Can I just say I went to a little consignment shop the other day (on a particularly bad day I was having) and found this mod sort of Italian-chic jacket from KA seven (seven for all mankind?) – and then I just got really really happy. :-)
    its fuzzy but light – perfect for transitional weather, and also more dressy than my basic beige trench. aww, love.

  • J’opte pour la côté strict du Jil Sander!

  • L'épingle April, 19 2013, 5:15 / Reply

    Le manteau d’été, c’est une bonne solution aussi pour les personnes qui habitent dans les pays de fous furieux où il y a de la climatisation partout. Ils permettent d’éviter la chair de poule sur les bras et sur les genoux.
    On les enlève au moment de sortir, en fait.

  • En effet, j’ai toujours eu l’impression diffuse en regardant les photos et/ou vidéos ou tu apparais que tu te caches dans tes grands manteaux. Dommage que tu ressentes ce besoin de te cacher, ça doit pas être toujours gai.

  • Ooooh, I know this girl :)! And yep, I’m crazy about coats too, but I never seem to find the ones that would really suit me. Bleh!


  • Vogue Vintage Patterns (well, the Vogue catalogue in Liberty’s London anyway) has a coat pattern very very like the Miumiu..and denim is not too expensive by the metre…..& this design not too difficult to sew up & doesn’t even need lining….

  • Le Jil Sander est magnifique !!

  • This outfit just got me…. like nothing in a long time. That white coat with silver shorts and those lovely sandals matching with bag. So efortless and well-balanced. Oh,and tone of her skin.. just very nice.

  • Qd je parle à mes amies de “mon manteau d’été” personne ne me comprend…. Maintenant, j’ai la preuve que ce manteau existe!!
    Le basique du basique pr moi c’est un trench (et qd on a pas trop dag= mon cas en ce moment) on se limite aux basiques des basiques!!

  • I have to disagree. The combination of her hairstyle, the fit of her clothes, and this long coat just feels sad to me. Sloppy, not effortless-in-a-good-way. She is lovely and the individual pieces might look better in other outfits, but not like this.

  • I know the main subject of the post is the coat, but… THE SHOES!! Who knows the designer/brand of those sandals?? I could die and go to heaven for them.

  • Salut Garance.
    I really love she shot of Keisha, her Outfit is so stunning and looks so effortless. You know, the thing about Spring coats is that you really have to choose a material, wich isn’t to light. And make sure that it falls nicely on your body when you walk. I got a pastell grey, very minimalistic spring coat from COS and it looks so great, but doesn’t feel so good to wear. I would choose either a coat in a very intense color, like the one from Jil Sander or one with a pattern, cause these are the ones which let you look cool. I recognized pastell and thin huge cloth isn’t going well together when it is abou coolness.
    I am a Garance-addict! Don’t stop being so inspiring and great!

  • I fell in love with her sandals! Do you by any chance know where they come from?

  • J’aime beaucoup le manteau Zara!

  • what a beautiful photo. i echo the request about the sandals!

  • the model is beautiful. keisha lall. from the crest commercials…

  • Mireille April, 26 2013, 5:40 / Reply

    Belle photo…Ah Garance, tu me pousses à la consommation…j’adore les manteaux aussi.
    Ta sélection est alléchante mais convient à des grandes filles, sur moi, avec mon 1m63 ça fera peignoir de bain trop long…:-)…la photo est splendide, avec un côté mystérieux…
    Bref, dans le concret, je viens de faire l’acquisition d’un manteau zippé en coton blanc court, ( sous les fesses) au bas des manches, droit , avec des revers en agneau couleur sable…je l’ a un côté rock aussi, j’adore..bref, si le banquier râle, je dirai que c’est ta faute!!!:-).

    Merci d’être une telle source d’inspiration.

  • Madeleine August, 8 2013, 11:02 / Reply

    Holy moly, I need those sandals in my life! Any ideas, Garance????

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